Yoru's problems

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As a Yoru main myself, I always wonder why Yoru, even after 7 months or something after his rework, is still an underplayed agent in pro play. Like c'mon, you can't deny that he provides great value with his ult, flash and even tp. We saw how PRX f0rsakeN made Yoru work really well in pro games, and also saw XERXIA almost winning with foxz on Yoru. It's sad cuz we'll probably never see a lot of Yoru in pro play, and he's gonna be trash till the end of time.


As a Yoru main myself, I always wonder why Yoru, even after 7 months or something after his rework, is still an underplayed agent in pro play. Like c'mon, you can't deny that he provides great value with his ult, flash and even tp. We saw how PRX f0rsakeN made Yoru work really well in pro games, and also saw XERXIA almost winning with foxz on Yoru. It's sad cuz we'll probably never see a lot of Yoru in pro play, and he's gonna be trash till the end of time.


He's pretty good now. I think he's pretty balanced now but idk why he still has a low pick rate. I doubt RIOT will buff him again cuz then he will be OP


He's pretty good now. I think he's pretty balanced now but idk why he still has a low pick rate. I doubt RIOT will buff him again cuz then he will be OP

At this point, only increasing the speed of his tp will make his pick rate in pro play even go past 10% XD

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