Yeah you can check my flair it's been that from the beginning so it comes from an unbiased fan who's been loyal.
This team has the potential to be the absolute best with the amount of Firepower they have. But a GOOD AMOUNT of rounds they play, "it's so frustrating to watch Liquid play" as TMV himself said.
The fact that any player can pop off and clutch unwinnable rounds has become a weakness of liquid too. Their cohesion, taking duels together, peaking together, it just is so off at times, it's honestly frustrating.
So much firepower wasted on overheating. Game sense wise Liquid is arguably one of the weakest teams I've seen in the teamwork cohesion.
FPX, on the other hand is a prime example of fragging players with good cohesion, double peaking angles etc.
Even the 4 rounds they won back to back, SoulCas and scream won them a round, Dima won them one single handedly, the other was a well executed round and one being a typical eco killer.
Man, and trust me in LCQ I've seen them take duels together, not overheat. They looked much more disciplined, but then hey they didn't play much of Haven and idk what their plan was against LEV.
TLDR : Man, just sort your team play and you're the best team in the world.