Fixing Yoru Again

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Do yall think Yoru needs more buffs? I think he does because he still isn't viable in pro play. Some thoughts I had would be buffing his TP's:

  1. No timer on the TP's (Chamber doesn't have one so why does Yoru)
  2. Faster TP's (Again Chamber is instant, Reyna dismiss is instant)
  3. Throwable TP's? (Could make for some interesting lineups to get to new unique spots)

bro he is perferctly fine right now, no need to over buff him then have the viper situation all over again

Please, think before you post. This can affect all of us enjoying the game for months




I think yoru's in a very good spot right now. His tps are balanced time and kill wise, his flashes aren't too long, you can easily turn from his clone so the clone flash duration is negligible, and his ult pull out time is now better.

He's one of those agents that has a high skill ceiling and you're rewarded the more time you put into him, which means no one's gonna pick him up to abuse the meta like how people have been picking phoenix up. His kit innately prevents him from being a contender in pro play, unless your team comp is structured around him (like PRX).

For the time being, he's in a good spot and making the character more complex isn't the way to go with him.

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