Why 2-3 slots for kr
They don't give high viewership
And their teams in the current apac lcq aren't competitive enough
Why no slots then for hk/tw,Sa
Riot doesn't look at a team's achievement, they look at the org,and kr has a lot of big orgs, there is even a rumor that an org that has 0 to do with valo is gonna get franchise(pretty sadge
Nollihd [#11]But why
LoL is huge in KR maybe that's why . Also they have already invested too much money in KR infrastructure. They dont want to accept their failure for VAL in KR . Building infra and so in other countries will require money and as we all know RITO is an Indie company.
Nollihd [#7]No slot for them
they don't have high viewership, nor strong enough to be top 5 SEA in power