I had a conversation with cNed today and he told me that he will play for a turkish team next year
You're welcome!
-Supernova The King of Valorant
qwertyiop [#11]as acend will not get into franchising,
new BBL roster 2023:
Aslan is bedge, he needs to learn how to stop ego peeking.
NG1nS [#14]cNed my love i betrayed ur trust, i was acend no1 fan but i'm cned no1 fan from now on
pls tell me what flair should i use to support u?
vro came back 💀
Shownu [#13]Aslan is bedge, he needs to learn how to stop ego peeking.
Once he gets humbled by cned, he will stop peeking
qwertyiop [#11]as acend will not get into franchising,
new BBL roster 2023:
-turko +lauress
-paura +Brave
-botmashadow +sterben/+ATA KAPTAN
and it will be better than old smb
turko so washed can't even take free kill anymore
paura also washed 0.4kd criminal
Aslan 0 brain, one of the most braindead players in the region needs to stick to ranked
lauress needs tier 1 he's better/same level as alfajer
supernova [#31]You mf don't act like i didn't say this 3 hundred years ago
Thank you
-Supernova The King of Valorant
ummm, nobody acted that way....