New roster for franchising 2024 s1mple switch to val pick up asuna nats chronicle Redgar Igl = Major Win
meyournightmare [#2]stopped reading at asuna
Asuna can speak Russian, he is Ukrainian. He is EMEA pride
valulrantefanboy [#3]Asuna can speak Russian, he is Ukrainian. He is EMEA pride
why import from NA ? CIS region has lot of players who are better than him
meyournightmare [#4]why import from NA ? CIS region has lot of players who are better than him
Asuna is from Ukraine tho
meyournightmare [#2]stopped reading at asuna
this is a troll as s1mple obv wouldnt make the switch and nadeshot would sell his kidney to keep asuna btw why are you upfragging yourself?
Benefit [#6]this is a troll as s1mple obv wouldnt make the switch and nadeshot would sell his kidney to keep asuna btw why are you upfragging yourself?
i did not upfrag myself