XSET Role Fix

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BcJ showed he was a really good omen this tourney(top 3 in acs with the best of the best on the agent, alongside really good supportive numbers) but failed to live up to his ability as an initiator player. Ayrin on the other hand looked really poor on smokes but showed he could flex well. XSET should move BcJ over to a mostly omen/astra focused role and have Ayrin play the Skye and Fade(which they haven't used at all despite her being the best initator by play and winrate this tourney). Ayrin has played many different roles in the past and used to play the second duelist (raze/phoenix) role for the team that for most players ended up developing into the initiator role.

They could have a lineup where BcJ plays sova(by far his best initator) on IB and Breeze with Ayrin playing Viper(his best agent) and then having ayrin play skye on bind, fade on ascent/haven and sage/fade on split and fracture, leaving BcJ to pick up Brim/Astra/Omen on every other map.



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