they're back: optic
still winning: fnatic
stomps: drx, fpx, prx
washed: loud
sadge L cuz format: guild
wtf: xshit
irrelevant: xia, nth, levi, kru
roasted chicken: bcj
farts [#2]guild is trash dont kid yourself
i literally had guild being a fluke as an emea fan. they showed they werent a fluke tho, they had a chance to get top 6 if they didnt have to go against gods fpx
alitmanus [#10]Levi and KRU aren't unlucky
that's what they always been
keznit stuff and levi fake comeback against gods drx
minte [#6]we beat your #1 team
optic lose every first match its well known at this point, same thing happened with xerxia. humble yourself
Aegis1808 [#9]true. guild and xset same tier this tourney
Guild > xset but theyll place the same in the tourney if thas what u meant
virtz [#16]Optic isn't a back tier when the script is just an iceland script.
id say they are cuz they lose first (you can say thas a script), then they have a close match against loud, but now they are dominating so basically they just went down for a bit
VALoka [#21]Bye kid enjoy the L ur out couldn’t win a match LUL
we won our group Bren Esports fan
farts [#14]optic lose every first match its well known at this point, same thing happened with xerxia. humble yourself
Doesn't matter, did they lose? Yes, so stfu
VALoka [#21]Bye kid enjoy the L ur out couldn’t win a match LUL
L format for eu and na. u cant really say anything if it was emea vs emea and na vs na. we need an actual na vs eu match in uppers
PicKaRuu [#24]Doesn't matter, did they lose? Yes, so stfu
yea it doesn't matter, especially when optic win masters again
NG1nS [#25]fucking LOUD man, if they didn't chocke like that we would have a great LAN
true, but they lost to kru which meant they were gonna go out so kinda washed
minte [#23]we won our group Bren Esports fan
Yea won ur group to instaly bomb out ik Ur sad It’s ok watch daddy na handle kt from here
TheHardStuckImmortal [#27]EG hasnt even gone to one bozo. Take this L + RATIO
only reason TL even makes masters is cause they are a low skill region with the most slots lmaoooo
farts [#31]only reason TL even makes masters is cause they are a low skill region with the most slots lmaoooo
stfu troll
VALoka [#30]Yea won ur group to instaly bomb out ik Ur sad It’s ok watch daddy na handle kt from here
dude they lost to prx and fpx
which honestly are like top 4 teams
guild had a high chance to be top 6 if not for this l format for both eu and na
sentinelmain377 [#15]NO WTF
Guild > xset but theyll place the same in the tourney if thas what u meant
Dude the biggest achievement of both teams is that they have beaten I put them in same tier...guild just tends to get a lot of love because of eu and xset gets a lot of hate coz bcj
Aegis1808 [#34]Dude the biggest achievement of both teams is that they have beaten I put them in same tier...guild just tends to get a lot of love because of eu and xset gets a lot of hate coz bcj
optic had covid vs xset
Aegis1808 [#34]Dude the biggest achievement of both teams is that they have beaten I put them in same tier...guild just tends to get a lot of love because of eu and xset gets a lot of hate coz bcj
dude are u brainded. did u watch xset yesterday yes or no? also optic had covid. and have u watched guild's players
farts [#14]optic lose every first match its well known at this point, same thing happened with xerxia. humble yourself