Personally: black.
nutab1e [#2]I drink soda in the morning. I also want to die.
You’re killing yourself, knock that off
babysasuke [#4]You’re killing yourself, knock that off
I know :( I'll do better so I can be ur sakura
I drink it black without sugar and milk, i like to enjoy the true aroma of coffee. Last week i drink one of the best coffee in the world on a special barista they use a method which only 2 places know in the World rn. It was very amazing.
But at home everyday 1 little cup black without sugar and milk. I dont like coffee, my aim is so jittery and i am talking so much if i drink coffee.
NG1nS [#5]i don't drink caffeine at all
If you don't like caffeine you should try Postum, it is a drink made from roasted wheat which is very tasty. I'm not sure if they have it in Europe though
nutab1e [#11]If you don't like caffeine you should try Postum, it is a drink made from roasted wheat which is very tasty. I'm not sure if they have it in Europe though
good boy!
RonaldMcDonald [#15]75% sugar 24% gasoline 1% coffee
aka the american way
u forgot the milk obv fakeflagger
Azzlack [#6]I drink it black without sugar and milk, i like to enjoy the true aroma of coffee. Last week i drink one of the best coffee in the world on a special barista they use a method which only 2 places know in the World rn. It was very amazing.
But at home everyday 1 little cup black without sugar and milk. I dont like coffee, my aim is so jittery and i am talking so much if i drink coffee.
What coffee? what brand?
BREQKERRRRRRR [#20]What coffee? what brand?
It was coffee from Guatemala, the place had more special ones but i wanted to try the Guatemala because i felt it was smthn like 0815 and i didnt wanted to try something "different"