I swear everyone was saying super vk super vivo keyd, rgl and rhz do not seem like super not even average i don't get it
VK is dead
only Heat and Mwzera are decent players, but only decent in term of aim. Others are lack of both aim and brain
With everyone you mean trembolonaRage, for sure.
Only RGL is good but to make VK into a superteam they needed a good coach/staff from the start. They have good players but that's it.
murizzz bad igl, bad strategy and lacky of fundamentals. Mw has to do a miracle in this team
At least VK could still beat Acend, assuming Riot doesnt fix the match for the script again
the people saying super vk and shit were lunatics, you should never listen to them
only trembolona believes in this team
VK is a team with good aim with 0 strats. "Let's rush all together let's goo" F
Thats NIP, not VK
NIP at least have a good exec VIK seems to throw all skills randomly
nobody thought RHZ would be a good addition, and now it's clear he drags the team down worse than Jhow did, and at least Jhow had good calls and strats