50 kills in episode 2 act 2 in an unrated, and 19-3 in episode 1 act 2 comp in silver, I fell off i guess
BoF7ooM [#2] 50 kills in episode 2 act 2 in an unrated, and 19-3 in episode 1 act 2 comp in silver, I fell off i guess
unlucky i guess
(from unrated with a few friends who were new to the game)
44 kills in unrated ep 4 act 1 w/ chamber
16 kills lul, i'm bad as fuck
item [#4] (from unrated with a few friends who were new to the game)
wtf :skull:
i remember getting a 39/17 or smth with viper
did you just say stat- STATS?
49kills - silver (?) episode 1 47 kills - gold 3 episode 2 44 kills - plat 1 episode 2 42 kills - plat(?) episode 3 37 kills - dia(?) episode 4
going down in terms of kills :/ All ranked.
55 kills with jett gold - plat elo
but i think my coolest stat is 21 kills 0 deaths with brim silver elo
Whenever I read the word STATS, there is only one thing that comes to my mind...
45 kills with omen in ranked i fkin solo carried while my duelists had 14 kills
40k unrated 40k rank (DRAW 15 : 15)
4 kills and 26 deaths (I am zombs)