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2.yes war with a single creator,whereas t series is not run by a single person.
Tbh that is now even a war.


Wont change the fact that t series were the first to cross 100m and that content creater was the most popular in the world whole world vs SA and ffs know the meaning of delusional dumbass its called being optimistic not delusional why tf you using it in your every post


Bruh just see the views of bmps(bgmi tourney happening rn) and come to a conclusion


Thats what I am saying you are comparing things right now fr everyone knows pubg and bgmi but most dont watch esports is there too much iq needed to understand this? Same goes with valorant people knows about it (mostly who own computer) but still they dont watch esports that much also most people dont play valorant that much


Just so u realize a lot of I Indians listen to music, BUT A LOT OF INDIANS(comparably) DONT PLAY VALORANT MY DUMB FRIEND, I have a lot of friends who know abt valorant but like 70% of them don't play , while in the other 30% only 2 or 3 even follow valorant esports , alot of Indians are super casual players who don't give a shit abt the game they play , they play valo cause that's the only FPS their garbage PC's will run , indian esports needs better marketing (remember a lot of the ppl who play valo are atleast upper middle class who are like 5%of the country, me included obviously, so I don't think the t series success will translate well)


Thats what I am saying you just pointed that I compared music to esports and said I am dumb, I used it as a point to say dont underestimate indians, than you went on saying the exact same thing which I am saying alot of people dont even watch esports wtf you smoking or blind or have iq in negative?

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