

My name is Kacper and i switch from CSGO to Valorant and have expierience from CS many lans and tournaments online. I am playing since 1 mothn valorant now i am Immortal close to radiant but i dont tryhard this too much more DM and Aimlab for practic and watches some "tips" for playing any champ from PRO.

I am looking for good team on very high level with expierience. I can speak Polish or fluent english its not problem for me so i looking for Polish or International team.
I am playing Omen/Brimstone/Breach but can play other its not problem for me.

If you are interesting you can add me/write me on:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hs_dll
Discord: HSDLL#3086
Valorant: HSDLL#1337

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