Title. Liquid is basically putting dreamas on perma breach, which is fine, but they aren't playing around the fact that breach has supportive utility. Liquid's comp on bind specifically NEEDS breach in order to succeed on the attack, but they just have him concuss one area then back off. Dreamas is sat way too far back in order to support an execute with utility. Another thing I noticed is that the power of breach isn't being utilized at all on defense. On b site, they put him in hookah. Hookah is a one and done 50/50, so they have an extremely high chance of losing out on utility for the rest of the round. Contrasting that, dreamas was able to truly shine with the amazing shower setup because of soulcas's push to the orb. If liquid are able to utilize defensive setups most if not every round, dreamas would be able to do a lot more.