Map 1: split
Guild played this map insane like their antistrats were insane and had set plays that took liquid off balance. Liquid managed to adapt to it by taking main control but it was too late and the score was too far gone. Guild simply outsmarted liquid making them lose 2v4s and more.
Map 2: Icebox
same thing but this time liquid was much more confident and knowledgeable in playing this site. The crossfire setups on B site pretty much denied any plant attempts from liquid. as for A site their retake strat pretty much antistrated guild. Liquid looked much more confident going to this with good reads on the map and retakes that made postplant difficult for guild
Map 3: kinda slept on fracture so idk too mcuh
Well it was a disaster for liquid. 2 rounds in a row they lost a 4v2 and were pretty much lost pushing off site and playing passive when they have the advantage. they shouldve held site together but instead decided to retreat to dish and ropes. simple mistakes cost liquid alot in this game. ghuild once again made alot of prep for fracture so just like split , thou the scorline wasnt as close guild pretty muich dominated