Flag: Uruguay
Registered: April 1, 2023
Last post: April 6, 2024 at 8:02 PM
Posts: 152
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4 years is too much for esports, maybe once in 2 years

posted 11 months ago

yes they are

posted 11 months ago

possible copypasta material

posted 11 months ago

all 6 teams at americas playoffs are better then liquid. Better be 1 team region then 0 team region

posted 11 months ago

that 2v5 ace clutch holyyy

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

tuguinha entrou na mente dos muricanos kkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

bro they literally lost to mibr playing with their assistant coach lmao

posted about a year ago

just like shitmea, 1 team region

posted about a year ago

nrg with ardis cannot kiss fnatic shoes

posted about a year ago

s1mple fake goat, always choking.

posted about a year ago

the only day vitality didnt played crowd was half empty

posted about a year ago

bro he has a world championship winner coach and he still doesn't listen to him

posted about a year ago

the arrogance is back in NA comunity

posted about a year ago

loud is 7-0 rightnow, only nrg can do the 7-1

posted about a year ago

that made me laugh

posted about a year ago

the number is so high that it has yet to be discovered by science

posted about a year ago

dependem de atuação individual, igual a furia. Não possuem um jogo estruturado taticamente. Quem sabe o bazuka mude isso no mibr com o tempo

posted about a year ago

I didnt mean the players, I mean the fanbase. "How can brazilians cheer for a region of fans who call them sub humans". Did you get it now?

posted about a year ago

what i meant is that there is a hate relashionship between north and south america, you cannot deny that. Your opinion is reasonable, but the thing is: it's hard to have empathy for someone who doesn't have for you. Do you think brazilians can cheer for who call then sub humans? Kinda hard isnt it?

posted about a year ago

bro, brazil doesnt like NA, NA doesnt like brazil, everybody knows that, no need to this fake sense of union between regions.

posted about a year ago

se jogar com a bunda entregando round igual foi contra a eg vao perder. Se jogarem certinho vao amassar

posted about a year ago

what do you mean with almost, loud was clearly better than sen in heaven/ascent, even with +1 round as courtesy of mama riot sen still lost.

posted about a year ago

seila. meio que foda-se.
Da pra perceber que os gringo nao tao nem aí se eles estão certos em reclamar, se a gente ta realmente no nosso direito ou nao, so querem tacar hate na gente. Nao da pra ter empatia, simplesmente nao da

posted about a year ago

mama riot, 1 round is too little, we need more, we are so bad, we cant win fairly

posted about a year ago

below sea level IQ tierlist

posted about a year ago

aspas last dagger blind hs on marved

posted about a year ago

water does not mix with oil, just as south-americans dont mix with north-americans

posted about a year ago

NA is a joke all over the world, europe, brazil, apac, latam, everyone makes fun of them kkkkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

Water does not mix with oil
nor south americans with north americans

posted about a year ago

sadhak the real igl goat
sadhak owns f(raud)ns

posted about a year ago

even with better life quality and structure NA still lose kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk washed region

posted about a year ago

yeah, their president has racist lines, their journalistic media has racist headlines... if you visit any argentinean twitter page you'll see them spiting racial slurs... i dont know, it is way too often to be just a generalization

posted about a year ago

I will show you my perspective as a Brazilian on nationalism/patriotism. First, the two terms are different. According to wikipedia: Nationalism considers other nations and peoples inferior to the nationalist. Now, being a patriot implies loving your nation. I see, in the case of Brazil, that we are patriots. We love our people, who are warriors and, even against the shitty situation we live in, we try to make out of life something good and, even though life is more difficult than people in developed countries (for a lot of reasons) we still manage to fight head-on when it comes to sports and e-sports. We love our land, which is blessed by nature, our people, culture, everything, but we know that we are not perfect, that we are poor, that our politicians are corrupt and all that. Many Brazilians dream of moving to another country, either to study or work. But even with all that, we still love each other. Now, put yourself in our situation: imagine that someone, who doesn't know anything about you (foreigners have no idea what really goes on in our country and know nothing about our culture), speaks ill of something you love , I don't know, speak ill of your mother, your family, your pet, you'll go crazy, right? You will say "shut up asshole". You know your mother isn't perfect, your family has problems, your pet isn't perfect either and maybe the person who complained about them is right, but you love them, you can't stand someone, other than yourself, complaining about them. It's exactly like that with us Brazilians. We speak ill of ourselves, we have many internal intrigues, but when someone from the outside speaks ill of us, we go crazy.
About the US, I believe it is nationalism. I could be wrong, obviously, I'm not from there, but from the outside it seems to me that they simply feel superior, either because of economy, structure, historic questions, for whatever reason, but I feel a superiority complex coming from them. But I could be wrong obviously

posted about a year ago

yes, but the difference is that, in brazil, while there is racism there are also people who know it is wrong and try to fight it, there are more people aware of it. In Argentina they don't have that, the majority are either racist or people who think racism is normal, no big deal. Racist terms like monkey are even used in the headlines of major newspapers in Argentina, as in the case of the newspaper "Olé" in Argentina, which at the time of the Olympics (1996), with Argentina already qualified for the football final and waiting for the definition of the another finalist between brazil and nigeria, posted a headline with the title "Que vengan los macacos" (let the monkeys come). If it were in Brazil, there would be a hell of a fuss, of course there would be people who don't think it's a big deal, people who even agree, but there are also people who know it's fucking wrong, something that doesn't exist in Argentina

posted about a year ago

lil bro, argentina is the most racist country in the planet, dont say they are cool. Whenever there is a football match in argentina with some brazilian team, the argentineans use negro/macaco(monkey) as insults to the brazilian people that goes to watch there, and its not just brazilians, they hate colombians bolivians, peruvians, mexicans, basically every other country "above" them. Even their president has some bad lines
Uruguay is whatever, seems nice actually

posted about a year ago

I agree with you, it was ugly for the stream, but its was not like it hasnt a plausible reason. But there is people that cant understand those reasons, or just dont want to understand idk, and still hate brazil as country, culture and people. When this discussion was the #1 topic all comments were saying that it was an act of disrespect, but it was just us putting our safety in first place.
What make us think that it is xenophobia is because there is an unwillingness to understand our side and than just throw out hate comments, making it clear that the important thing is to have any reason, it doesn't matter what reason, whether it's right or wrong, but to have any reason just to throw hate at us
I hope I made my point clear, Im not good at english

posted about a year ago

cause at the end it still 3 different regions. I can say for every brazilian that we do not feel represented by any NA teams, and I bet that NA people do not feel represented by latam teams. Its not riot that decides who we are going to feel represented by. And there is a obvious hate relationship between those 3 regions, no one likes eachother

posted about a year ago

but they leave when the latam game started, they were as disrespectful as brazil, if its not home teams game, arena will be empty, americans just cheer for their teams. So, as brazil do not deserve to host international lans, US doesnt deserve to.

posted about a year ago

ese es el problema, para NA, dos equipos ramdons de latam son irrelevantes, así como los equipos ramdons de NA son irrelevantes para nosotros. Pero cuando no llenamos un estadio entero con equipos que no nos importan, dicen que no fuimos respetuosos, pero cuando no llenan 200 asientos , no es problema, son los equipos poco interesante, tienen no hay obligación de llenar 200 asientos etc etc. Pura hipocresía
usé el traductor, espero haber sido claro

posted about a year ago

saturnday night and all you did in the day was hateposting + than 10 brazillian comentaries and acting like a kid on the internet. I really expect you to be a kid, cause if youre a grown adult acting like that you must be unployed at least

posted about a year ago

its 3 regions united in one league, you can argue that its both domestic and international.
Im saying thats 3 regions because in ascension the old fromat of br/latam/na is still the same, and the americas league is a league that gathers teams from those 3 regions, but they still represents the region that they came from.
Did I make myself clear? my english is not that good

posted about a year ago

its so fucking funny this hypocrisy of NA fans

posted about a year ago

but it is a international lan

posted about a year ago
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