Flag: International
Registered: March 15, 2022
Last post: October 13, 2022 at 6:59 PM
Posts: 112
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it was riot's decision not xset's

posted about a year ago

nats clears

posted about a year ago

the only controller stellar has played is viper and on maps where she fits more into the sentinel role rather than a controller

posted about a year ago

why are people rating alfajer and derke over ardiis and zyppan still lmao

posted about a year ago

dephh has played controllers, initiators, and sentinels

how is stellar more flexible

posted about a year ago

theres no way u said this w fnatic as ur flair bro

posted about a year ago

probably wouldve done as well as liquid upto this point

posted about a year ago

"gold 3 - diamond 1" bro that is like a very big difference

posted about a year ago

sheydos has switched roles like 10 times in the past year lol

posted about a year ago

agreed KRU is gonna farm XSET if they play the same way they did vs xerxia

posted about a year ago

he's probably the richest pro wym homeless lol

posted about a year ago

why are people acting like yay's only good niche is oping

how did people forget how insane his rifling and crosshair placement were when he played jett lmao

posted about a year ago

FPX and XSET could go 3 maps since some of the FPX guys are probably not gonna be feeling the best

posted about a year ago

why did u stay up all night to watch a stomp

posted about a year ago

100t 12-7 vs emea

posted about a year ago

fnc is doing light shield only

posted about a year ago

speak american im done

posted about a year ago

looks like their mental improved a lot
hopefully it'll stay like that throughout the event

posted about a year ago

they dont look like finalists material this event

LEV are playing very well, but prx doesnt look as refined

forsaken and jinggg arent having the same impact they used to have

posted about a year ago

bro atleast u had an argument w loud why did u downgrade

posted about a year ago

pretty sure their goal is to win rather than show you a guy's potential

posted about a year ago

bro saw loud win 1 series and decided to call every other team flukers

posted about a year ago

"not in champions"

posted about a year ago

why would duelist be SA over NA? TenZ, yay, leaf, cryo, asuna, victor, zellsis, mada, bdog, xeppaa, sayaplayer, babybay, and many others are all insane duelist players even if some transitioned to the OP role. there's way more duelist/fragging talent in NA than SA lol

posted about a year ago

hes been fragging like crazy recently

posted about a year ago

how did we go from how good a player is to how entertaining a player is

posted about a year ago

this guy fr typed this and thought to himself "tenz cant hold angles and yay cant kill w/o holding angles"

most kills from holding angles = good, doesnt mean thats all he can do bro


posted about a year ago

whos their igl

posted about a year ago

i would say asuna/zellsis and derrek/dapr r closer to equal but alr

posted about a year ago

how do they have more firepower than NRG or 100T? arguably SEN rn as well with shahz and dapr in form. the guard's players are also looking way better individually

dicey literally didnt perform to the standard he set last challengers

posted about a year ago

how do you think eg vs faze relates to NRG? 100T are most likely the best team in this LCQ and they had an extremely close series with NRG as well

i dont understand how you decided rankings cause 1 game was close when literally every game so far has been

posted about a year ago

so how did you decide that faze > literally nearly every team on that list

babybay carried their ascent w individual plays alone, dicey wasnt even fragging like he did last challengers

they had a tough time vs EG's ascent even though EG couldn't retake for shit cause of the phoenix pick

posted about a year ago

this is their last time in vct since they got denied for franchising

posted about a year ago

the whole optic team has a break rn

posted about a year ago

why would he only stay for LCQ hes signed

posted about a year ago

why does the org relate to a player deciding to be racist lmao what

posted about a year ago

zeek was only outstanding for champions and then just went back to average performance after that

posted about a year ago

if theyre playing at their top form yes

if they played like today, they'd get stomped

posted about a year ago

FPX is prob taking fnatic out since fnatics performance dropped alot on lan compared to emea challengers

posted about a year ago

i cant get over the -10x instead of /10x

posted about a year ago

sentinels are first dont insult our god shroud

posted about a year ago

whos 2nd

posted about a year ago

they are literally on the #1 NA team rn

could be #2 after this match but yeah who else would they join lmao

posted about a year ago

we're talking about the current best players not the best players from 2021 lmao

doesn't matter anyways its all subjective

posted about a year ago

yay isnt the best player in his own team + marved performed just as good if not better last masters

fnatic still has to play if u wanna put alfajer in top 5 as well, we've not seen him play on lan yet

posted about a year ago

sushi did it more

posted about a year ago

xerxias not playing that well especially with how fpx's sub seems to swing through astra walls into 5 people with 0 utility to support

posted about a year ago

why will you barely use an op during the game lmao

you'd have to be throwing a lot for that to happen + oping in DM is ineffective anyways you'd just get backstabbed 70 times a minute

posted about a year ago

yes crosshair placement of rifles relates to the MAPS since your goal is to one tap someone asap by using the least amount of bullets and hitting the head

the op is different you dont need any vertical crosshair placement for that + people don't play the game properly for you to practice any positioning with an op. you'd literally just see people running around and get free kills that wouldn't translate into actual games at all

practicing having your crosshair at head level is very different from practicing where to be at the right time/float oping or which angles to pre aim (can't do that in dm cause people don't hold obviously)

posted about a year ago

how is it a waste of 40 mins? you're literally not playing the same game comparing DM to ranked and nearly nothing would translate unless, as i said before, ure literally unable to hit easy shots. your goal from improving would be climbing up the ladder anyways + how does oping people running around mindlessly usually with no sound help you improve as opposed to reading your opponent's positioning/preaiming the correct angles based on info you get throughout the rounds? and your goal isnt to out op someone sitting at spawn in deathmatch lol

posted about a year ago
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