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Registered: October 19, 2021
Last post: April 11, 2024 at 3:35 AM
Posts: 322
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I would be worried if a girl I was speaking to used this website

posted 11 months ago

Optic didnt win NA back to back and they placed 1st and 2nd internationally bozo

posted 11 months ago

cap, all you need is 60fps, there are good guides online which should push you to that point. i got immortal with 60 fps on a laptop its doable

posted about a year ago

a literal one trick not being as good as t1 players on that agent isnt a good thing

posted about a year ago

yeah he is constantly thinking, i remember looking at a VOD of him and he would always try and get into positions that the enemy is least likely to think of

posted about a year ago

u think so, idk if i was vs mako who constantly frags the f out, i would deffo try anti strat him a bit

posted about a year ago

i have no chance then

posted about a year ago

why do you guys think mako is so good?

posted about a year ago

Would run through the league so easily

posted about a year ago

Any NA franchised team would roll through challengers

posted about a year ago

How is m80 ranked 3rd in NA vlr rankings when they arent franchised? ? ?

posted about a year ago

we will see in tokyo which they should make

posted about a year ago

bro a steam map maker type for valorant would be soooo cool, but riot is really stingy with things like that. they would never do one i think.

they also aren't cool enough for things like a bhop map

posted about a year ago

i feel like light shield would be sooo op then

posted about a year ago

Yeah apex recently made their firing range alot more complicated, I think valorant would do well to add alot more options to custom/range

posted about a year ago

What is one thing you would change or add to the game?

For me its adding a demos system WE NEED IT

posted about a year ago

it very rarely messes up + its not hard to just put it on

posted about a year ago

neon... can.... runnnnnnnnnn. that is the probably the most unique thing in the game other than astra stars. i think you guys are too stupid to understand nvm

posted about a year ago

his util looks cool but its literally copy paste no creativity, this game has 20 agents and are already running out of ideas

posted about a year ago

GeKkO GrEeN haIR
cool bro

posted about a year ago

u really think this character is unique how so?

posted about a year ago

previous releases:
yoru, astra, kayo, chamber, neon, fade, harbour

these last 7 releases have nearly unique kits but lets look at this new release ok:
q fade prowler
w kayo grenade
e pretty cool flash ill give them that
x skye dog + kj ult

awful uncreative release, this champ should of been scrapped or redesigned before release for a better identity. the character model also looks like something out of gta online character creation

posted about a year ago

Leo has always had the lowest deaths in basically every tourny he has been in. At Copenhagen he literally had one of the best kds with very little kills.

posted about a year ago

t1 dominated season (year) 3, 5 and 6. Valorant is 2 years old. U have to be 13

posted about a year ago

forsaken or jing?

posted about a year ago

upvotes im assuming

posted about a year ago

i was a native for life but 1600x1024 is goated.

stretched res does nothing tho its just mental.

posted about a year ago

ive seen schizo, manic and stressed. sick is clearly in control of his actions. but yeah lets drop this till we have time to see how this all ends

posted about a year ago

i didnt say he was fine, he is stressed and clearly going through a shit situation but you said "This guy has completely lost it, he is off the rails" and "everything has fucked him up severely and he needs immediate therapy/help".

you are talking like he is having a schizo episode and isn't just very stressed.

posted about a year ago

you dont know sick irl, he went through a tough couple days and maybe he is just stressed. saying someone needs help because they are acting different to what you usually see on his stream is crazy

posted about a year ago

i think there is a line between good trash talk and being toxic, and alot of people in this community dont understand where that line is

posted about a year ago

ok relax about better than zekken or tenz (and dephh is an igl) but I do agree he is easily a franchised level player and was sen best performer 50% of the time when he was playing.

posted about a year ago

hazed was the best player on this team so not a W tbh. age must of limited the team bond

posted about a year ago

i was meant to reply to another post lmao

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

whats the context of this joke lmao

posted about a year ago

we will see today

posted about a year ago

Navi wins every major tournament this year

posted about a year ago

His uncle must own the team or he is a scrim demon

posted about a year ago

RIOT please I beg

posted about a year ago

Aim isnt flick, aim is a complex thing. Yay is a world class aimer and his crosshair placement is usually so great it doesnt require flicks

posted about a year ago

yay isnt russian

posted about a year ago

BUT I DONT GET IT, skinline team must have 40x the amount of people of every other department

posted about a year ago

how does a supposed competitive game not have a replay system nearly 3 years after release?

I just want to watch first person demos of pro players playing the game, riot is a joke


posted about a year ago

what does EU SOU MUITO BOM VIADO mean

google trans says it means "im very nice" which doesn't sound toxic

posted about a year ago

ty alot guys

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

im glad you got over the ranked anxiety. ranked game modes are my fav part of most games I play, im happy that you can play them now

posted about a year ago

idk, i also used to think that but I know alot of people who struggle with ranked anxiety its deffo a real thing holding people back

posted about a year ago
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