Flag: Serbia
Registered: April 19, 2023
Last post: June 4, 2024 at 4:52 AM
Posts: 2082
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they will get their shit together and reset and also easily qualify for champs and might even make playoffs there
i dont even hate sen much, but acting like they are the best team in the world is crazy

posted 2 weeks ago

we're washed* is what you meant to say

posted 2 weeks ago

i just said something so racist but edited it

posted 2 weeks ago

why is marved here

posted 2 weeks ago

clannad and higurashi are aight

posted 2 weeks ago

ergo proxy

posted 2 weeks ago

some of these are very well thought out, good shit

posted 2 weeks ago

i think they said theyd do something thatd reduce her efficacy in ranked while increasing it in teamplay
so defo not 4 overheals/dismiss

posted 2 weeks ago

its like im talking to a fucking wall
how fucking repetitive and redundant can you get?
even when i provide the fucking meaning of what i was saying, you still wont fucking believe me and keep rambling on about what you THINK i said instead of what I MEANT

come discord and speak like a fucking real person if you have balls or shut the fuck up and keep typing forever because im actually fucking done with this

braindead fcking ruski
if your countrymen are like you i can see why youre losing

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

the entire convo was about the org and not the players because anyone who has spent more than a day on this site knows how annoyingly you support the fpx core especially shao and suy

you are imagining things because you felt hurt that someone could call out your open support for the players, and i did not do that. you still say i tried to discredit the support but before i said team, i said NAVI. the NAVI team, the NAVI org. it is not my fault you misunderstood

again bro, you called me a disgusting rando and inbred long before i called you anything at all - you were clearly acting aggressive out of spite. you can still re-read the convo to see i called you only a femboy before this, only because everyone else already was. i know now you feel irked by this so i wont do it as i have said before

anyone else who read the conversation knows that and can understand and comprehend. also you telling me my english is broken is beyond ironical and comical

i do not need to prove anything to you, my time was good enough for my own contentment. the last thing i will do is reply to the beck and call of a 18 year old ruski

i know youre weak so maybe youre going to reserves but if youre not lying about enlistment, good on you regardless of all the bullshit youve spewed. it shows you are at least willing to stand up.

but if you are lying about it, know that it is one of the most pathetic things you could do and internally solidify to yourself that you will never do anything remarkable.

all you have done this past hour is get mad over something so little trivial and inconsequential that its actually unbelievable , pleae learn to chill and assume less things about people you dont know

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

some of these sound expensive as fuck

posted 2 weeks ago

damn you really went all in on this +1+1

posted 2 weeks ago

he is contextualizing it to make it it fit his narrative
i live in srbija, but my birth and origin country would demolish his within a few weeks (and it has in the past.)

many people dont even know srbija exists, but 90% people know france for being bad people and surrender monkeys
rather the former than the latter thank you!

posted 2 weeks ago

mods are banning both him and i if they find out what we're talking about
this isnt interesting/for this forum and we should resolve things like these on discord/pm but kirya will just refuse to do this

some people just want to shill for brownie points from onliners and its fucked up
pls stop bumping though thanks!

posted 2 weeks ago

theres always another thing you have to add which you either didnt say before or just hid for no reason

you just turned 18 two days ago and are going to the "military center" (god knows what that is) this friday. there is no way i can confirm this but i will choose t believe you for your word since lying abut something like this is pathetic and irresponsible

do good for your country, and try to assume less things about people.

posted 2 weeks ago
  1. They are assumptions, my first two messages were "NAVI was never your 'fav' team" and "what do you not understand about this?". I never called into question how long youve supported the core or how well youve supported the core. you talked about the org so I called it into question. READ my fucking messages before typing stuff because you look clueless.

  2. I do not really care about your insults, my messages contain your insults to call out hypocrisy (you were being soft and calling me soft) but you again didn't read or comprehend them as you are a child and you, as others can and will confirm for you, are irked irritated and distressed as fuck over this.

  3. inconsequential

  4. i have still not discredited you or tried to to do so for being a fan of the core. i still backup the statment that you were never a FAN of the NAVI banner and used the flair for bait among other things.

  5. you have changed flairs several times, while this does not mean you are a fakeflair, it also means you are not using the flair of the team you claim you like most. so i takeback the fakeflair

  6. you are old enough. do not lie to the internet. first contracts for the russian forces (and other formal republic states) start as soon as you are 18. admit to being a weakling.

  7. it literally doesnt, because my second reply says that whatever i said in the fist is self explanatory and doesnt require you barking at me the way you did INSTANTANOUESLY.

  8. admitting to not reading messages properly and then getting pissed off about them, well done kid.
    dont care about you being hated, youre not the first, not the last.

  9. go fuck yourself. you assumed i didnt serve, you assumed i didnt know anything about russia, you assumed i didnt know anything about navi. i have served with men with ten times the worth of yours. you are nothing but a bloodsucker and weak person who will only make excuses and justifications. pathetic little kid.

posted 2 weeks ago

why are you still reading this it has literally nothing to do with anything on this website

posted 2 weeks ago

conscription is a 12 month draft for anyone from 18-30 and this is true for all former republic states
dont talk nonsense to me kid i have served and know more than you do

posted 2 weeks ago

you ARE a fakeflagger? you ARE a fakeflair monkey?
nobody is crying but you, you are being a child, and from what you've said on the other thread, you ARE an actual child too!

i do not really give credence to your "reasonable insults" because they are not the point of discussion. you yourself said that you got mad because "i dont like stupid people"

all youve done is make assumptions about me "you havent served" "you dont know the situation" "you dont know NAVI is hated and why it is"

youre a petulant child who is a weakling and refuses to fight because all a weakling does is spew venom online.

posted 2 weeks ago

the fact that im willing to speak to you in the language should say more than enough.

stop being a fucking online pussy and do something about the situation you are in.

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

and now you have to go back to colloquialisms because you literally dont have anything of substance to say? it wasn't written poorly, and judging by general reaction literally everyone except you seems to have understood it?

can you not admit fault? you misinterpreted and misrepresented, it is not that big of a deal
i called you a femboy, wont do it again because you take it personally for no reason?

posted 2 weeks ago

wow, so youre a маленькая сучка несёт всякую ерунду, когда я буквально летал на ВДВ в Сирии!!! все, что ты когда-либо будешь, это маленькая сучка, которая не умеет драться и может только говорить. такие слабаки, как вы, вот почему Родина проигрывает.

posted 2 weeks ago

out of the two of us youre still the one whos actively irked and irritated by this convo
you cant go on calling me soft when youre literally dropping justification after justification as to why youre mad

you clearly did not understand what I was saying about NAVI and you, I understood you clear the entire team and you decided to make a political rant about it even after you understood what I said about you not being a NAVI fan was entirely right

posted 2 weeks ago

im not complaining about you insulting me i dont take offence to shit like this, something which is clearly not common between the two of us and also что, чёрт возьми, ты знаешь о России? Как долго вы жили там? ты служил в армии? ты издеваешься над невежественным ублюдком. стыдись себя.

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

youre calling me soft when you got so worked up by misinterpreting what i said about you and navi?
i literally didnt even call you anything other than a femboy up until you literally exploded

posted 2 weeks ago

i just wont call him a femboy again, its clear he doesnt like it and takes it personally especially when 70% of the people saying it are likely internet randoms
i cant believe he is slavic

posted 2 weeks ago

theres no way people like you exist in real life kirya
grow the fuck up

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

cheese eating surrender monkey

posted 2 weeks ago

this always made sense to me but nothing i was saying made sense to you
all you did was call me weird names, inbred and a disgusting rando for no good reason

posted 2 weeks ago

ALSO goes to show how weird youre fucking being by letting your political leaning get in the way of who you like and who you dont
"i cant stand the fact that they play for a russophobic org like NAVI" holy fucking shit shut the fuck up you dont know anything about anything you absolute fucking moron

talking adhominem to me this little fucking femboy twink bitch
прави Словени се не понашају као кучка као ти

posted 2 weeks ago

hes acting like a bitch for no reason

posted 2 weeks ago

are you incapable of comprehension
you said you cant stand the fact that the core you like plays for NAVI

to which I said NAVI was never your favourite team and to stop pretending like you support the org regardless
can you not see the players and the organization are mutually exclusive?

education issues north of croatland?

posted 2 weeks ago

navi was never your "fav" team<

what part of this is wrong? youre just going to misinterpret and misrepresent what I said and act like a lil bitch about it on an online forum

posted 2 weeks ago

those are some hard hitting words for a femboy shill
legit all ive ever seen you do on this forum is change flags and flairs

posted 2 weeks ago

navi was never your "fav" team you just baited and farmed upvotes by being a navi twink on vlr kirya

posted 2 weeks ago

surrender monkey talking

posted 2 weeks ago

someone once said if you dont get the joke its likely you are the joke

posted 2 weeks ago

SEN will win champs.

posted 2 weeks ago

so much confidence in TS damn

posted 2 weeks ago

SEN will win champs.

posted 2 weeks ago

reported for politics

posted 2 weeks ago

people change...
and so did the roles tbh
and he said old versions of teams pission

posted 2 weeks ago

FPX and GAMBIT are the only answers

posted 2 weeks ago
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