Flag: South Korea
Registered: July 27, 2021
Last post: June 10, 2024 at 3:28 AM
Posts: 255
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I don't know man suygetsu looking like the 2nd coming of jesus in this LAN. Fpx might take this

posted about a year ago

Do not care about this team and their clown owner who seem to have the mentality that EU/NA players are better and refuse to sign talents in he's own region when there's so many.

posted about a year ago

Grand finals is kinda full house

posted about a year ago

Got my tickets for grand finals. Can't wait to see OPTIC vs DRX Grand finals!!

posted about a year ago

DRX always a strong first map and then everything goes to s**t

posted about a year ago

Bruh pls

posted about a year ago

I've queued against zekken and taco in my games and got destroyed. Alot of players are unhappy that these pros are basically smurfing right now...

posted about a year ago

Like dude shootings has mainly been an NA thing no offence and suddenly now there's one in Copenhagen like holy cow the coincidence is crazy. I hope VCT goes on smoothly

posted about a year ago

Out of the whole freaking world, a shooting happened in Copenhagen like wow! Condolences to those who lost their lives but this is really weird.

posted about a year ago

Bruh they do not see enemy.

posted about a year ago

I thought the general consensus is that valorant is a random game where any team can win at any given day.

posted about a year ago

it all depends if Stax starts tilting or not. It's over when you see Stax starting to show he's tilted side.

posted about a year ago

I enjoy DRX alot and am a big fan. Yes DRX can be one of the best in the world. BUT.. their members tilt so easily especially Stax. Once that happens it's choke city.

posted about a year ago

really hope a team from the minor regions wins this time..

posted about a year ago

Where is liquid

posted about a year ago

Guy brought the statistics

posted about a year ago

Wardell jinx optic saying that he doesn't think xset is that good.. Now xset wins NA

posted about a year ago

Is this LCQ really necessary? Oh well good luck to both teams.

posted about a year ago

I'm trying to play with other egirls

posted about a year ago

What mountain do they have to climb to add an option to simply appear offline? They already have an away feature..
Have they ever address it?? I've seen people requesting thiss since beta... Is there a reason it can't be implemented?? Encourages toxic behaviour??
Please enlighten me.

posted about a year ago

I'm not a wardell fan but actually the best oper NA

posted about a year ago

Like McDonald's

posted about a year ago

Valorant esports is 80% teamwork and coordination, 20% individual skill.

posted about a year ago

What have happened to this team that everyone thought could be the team to finally victory over DRagonX???
Is the Korean ministry involved?? Unbelieve...

posted about a year ago

I knew TS lost the moment I saw the icebox comp. Lol

posted about a year ago

This week Japan will host its VCT finals with a crowd.. Expect it to break some records.

posted about 2 years ago

China just confirmed for champions lol. 2023 valorant esports about to break multimillion viewership.

posted about 2 years ago

There's literally no good content for awhile now. I really hope they have something for us tmr. Please!!

posted about 2 years ago

You can but you won't last 2 days. If you do, your accounts you used in that computer will join the ban wave at the end of every act anyways regardless If you cheat with that account or not.

posted about 2 years ago

Is it tuely the team with APAC best players? Or what are they doing different from every other org? Other teams fight hard against each other and it's almost always a close battle. but when it comes to fighting PRX, teams get rolled.

posted about 2 years ago

The post on reddit got deleted by mod. Wow I'm speechless. They are trying hard to cover everything up!

posted about 2 years ago

I don't care how they do it. They said since beta they are working on it and now saying "there are no plans" is just crazy to me.

I don't even want to log on now. There is literally nothing to look forward to. That's literally what the entire dev post is telling us, they have no plans to give us anything we've been asking.

posted about 2 years ago

Dude.. 99.9% of us here are consumers, I don't know what your first sentence is trying to imply. We can voice our concerns and complaints. I'm making this thread because I obviously care.

Yeah I understand all that but them telling us since beta that they are working on a replay system and now saying "no plans for a replay system" is crazy and I don't know how anyone can defend that.

And 2 years for a new major feature is ridiculous

posted about 2 years ago

Coming from LOL alot of us really thought this will be the next biggest game,thus the willingness to spend. Too much hopium I guess. And I'm convinced valorant is run by a small project team of no more then 15 staff.

posted about 2 years ago

As this point they have made enough money to end world wide hunger. Catering to both casual and competitive players is NOT A HUGE ASK.

posted about 2 years ago

Their latest "ask riot" dev post basically destroyed all hopes for everything the community has been asking. The way they put it is as if they did not work on it in the first place.

The way they put it it looks like they are focused on stuff that makes them money

posted about 2 years ago

Seriously how small is the team at work with these things? Team of 5?? 10?? I'm not one to complain but are they going to make us wait years for 1 feature at a time?? A new feature every 2 years is their target???? Holyyyy

posted about 2 years ago

I've spent alot of money on this game. More then I want to admit. always defending it against nay sayers. Had so much copium thinking it'll be the biggest esport in the near future. But after reading that dev post everything changed. I'm heartbroken.

I understand the need to generate money but it seems that's all they truly cared about.

The whole community waited 2 years for a replay system to now be told that there were never plans. And basically everything else we asked for and promised was actually never planned.

Great job riot. Your L team will kill your game.

posted about 2 years ago

KR wins 1 map - "is val gonna become like league?" "NA is finished"
FNS whiffs some shots - "optic needs to cut FNS"
Liquid losing to Loud - "they really shouldn't be here"

Please wait till the of the whole tournament or end of a series at least before making a thread about how bad or great a team or player is.

posted about 2 years ago

Unlucky they might not even have much time to do VOD reviews. Riot is crazy

posted about 2 years ago

Derke got radiant on the 3rd day he landed in Iceland.

posted about 2 years ago

Valorant is so fun to watch because of things like this.

posted about 2 years ago

Guys, chet has all the winning comps in he's mind but won't use them to win matches cause they are too "cringe" for him. We have to understand that.

P.s just watch the highlights and xerxia aimed diff everyone from optic except maybe yay.

posted about 2 years ago

Isn't it he's job to find a comp that wins games? If a comp works but is "cringe" to him, he wouldn't use it?? Someone get this joker out rn.

posted about 2 years ago

Does chet thinks he's cool for talking down on valorant or what? He does It almost every interview.

posted about 2 years ago

Even if what he says is somewhat true, he needs to shut up.

posted about 2 years ago

PRX grandfinals confirmed. JING and Foreskin godly duo destroys everyone

posted about 2 years ago

Isolated stage room

posted about 2 years ago

Ah, the duo most essential to IGL Benkai's top 3 strats, " jj go kill", "Jason go kill" and not forgetting "jj and Jason go kill"

posted about 2 years ago
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