Flag: India
Registered: November 24, 2021
Last post: June 3, 2024 at 3:39 AM
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one clutch doesnt make you a good player, check his stats in vlr itslef he doesnt have a kd over 1 with any agent, he has been consistently bottom fragging every SINGLE match,yes rossi has good kd as he is duelist but even the sentinel players have decent kd so dont come up with that excuse

posted about 2 years ago

marzil hate was from kids who got bullied in his chat while he streams (marzil shows no respect when people ask stupid qstns in his chat and that has trigerred some of those kids) thats why they hated on marzil imo

posted about 2 years ago

do NOT disregard GE in any way man, they are a great team and have done really good internationally as well but I know this isnt their peak, they can acheive so much more if they replace kappa with a much more mechanically skilled player, Im not hating on kappa either but he is just too old, its time he step down to a coaching position which I am sure he will do good at as he has many years of experience in the fps genre

posted about 2 years ago

except the kpop girls comment I didnt find anything really offensive, even that comment was less offensive than the rest of the shit you find on the internet so I felt like the streamer was kinda exaggerating there

posted about 2 years ago

you are dumb af, there are many young Indian players who can replace him, they are right now in orgs with lesser salaries but if an org like GE can pick them up and groom them a bit then they can perform really well, a good sova player I've seen myself is kohlii from FS but there are many others too who can potentially replace kappa

posted about 2 years ago

yes vent out your anger and chill

posted about 2 years ago

I didnt really understand what he meant? I didnt see many bad comments on the thread? or do I have to scroll down deep to find them?

posted about 2 years ago

since the competiton is comparitively less lower ranks players might also qualify for tournaments sometimes but none of them makes it to the top, all the "pro" female teams are made of immortal/radiant players

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I dont go around stating facts hoping they will have sex with me, in fact I wasnt praising them either, I called them worse than men yes but its the truth, but not like you golds can go around shit talking them, they are trying their best and are overcoming the challenges they face and they definitely deserve praise for that, cringe kids like you who go around the internet calling people simps etc simply for supporting women are truly hopeless

posted about 2 years ago

there are many good kdramas and although I have not seen too many bollywood movies, there are some good ones, but yea most of the movies released nowadays are just trash, basically no story just few dance scenes with the actress for fanboy views

posted about 2 years ago

you guys really shittin on them by calling them plats but in reality they are basically low immortals, Im a low immortal myself (8k-10k ranks) and I have played against professional teams (ofc all radiants) in some open qualifiers and have been destroyed so yes some of you might think there isnt a huge difference between immortal and radiant but there is, most game changer players are in fact immortal players, yes some are radiant but they also seem to have low immortal skillset plus its really hard for these guys, their playtime in fps games are usually less than their male counterparts plus not many top tier teams are ready to scrim/practice with female teams so they lack experience too, they keep playing against other female teams who have similar or even worse skillset and thats why even random 5stacks of radiant players (or high immortals even) can beat most game changers teams, it doest mean they are bad, they just have to face waay more challenges than us so stop spreading hate to them, they are receiving salaries playing the game they love meanwhile all of us are here in a website talking about them so yea they are better than us anyway

posted about 2 years ago

who knows, they havent played against each other, we will see soon anyways

posted about 2 years ago

brazillian cant understand jokes?

posted about 2 years ago

spanish fanbois ☠️

posted about 2 years ago

I really hope valor wins so that GE open their eyes and make roster changes, kappa cant win aim duels against Indian players what is he gonna do at APAC against SEA teams? call me keyboard warrior or whatever you want but im tired of seeing good talents like rossi,lightningfast and skillz being dragged down because of this team

posted about 2 years ago

there are many young talents in the t2 orgs in India who can be easily groomed to the t1 level but nope Ge doesnt give a fuck

posted about 2 years ago

brazil should get one direct slot plus one direct slot for latam plus one slot in lcq for br+latam

posted about 2 years ago

why would OCE get a direct slot

posted about 2 years ago

if Indian fans stop crying in yt chat and send death threats instead maybe India will also get a direct slot to champions KEKW

posted about 2 years ago

korea, japan and brozeel getting more slots meanwhile no new slots for NA or EU
wtf is rito thinking

posted about 2 years ago

suspy SA last hope lost? no way

posted about 2 years ago

tell me how generalising an entire country for one toxic kid related to topic u racist shit?

posted about 2 years ago

meanwhile england: introduced football and cricket>proceeds to win no major trophies

posted about 2 years ago

how do japanese teams have so much money to pay as salaries tho? plus even their t2-t3 tournaments have huge prizepools

posted about 2 years ago

trigerred valorant victor

posted about 2 years ago

this aint cheating bruh, this is pretty normal

posted about 2 years ago

ah yes thanks for the info

posted about 2 years ago

google translate moment

posted about 2 years ago


  1. s0mple
    The most accurate list you can find out there not even trollin
posted about 2 years ago

ok tbh I have no idea about the new X10 roster but I saw some peeps in leaderboards with the X10 tag, They are babytz and garnetS, I also think fluky and pedio might join them? No clue about the 5th man either

posted about 2 years ago

well first of all if India needs even a small chance of doing well internationally, we will have to make a superteam of sorts combining star players which are scatterred across different teams now, 2nd-some of these old csgo pros need to step down/become coaches and give the younger players a chance,they had their chance in cs and valorant and has probably reached the peak of what they can, plus im pretty sure after 2-3 years the Indian scene would be much bigger than any of the other Asian countries, mainly cuz the playerbase is just toooo huge. Indian pc gaming community was very small compared to other countries but after the release of valorant its been getting larger and larger, all those paBuji mobile kids have switched to valorant and are grinding their asses off, some even reached immortal just within an year, so yea give some time and all these "new" players are gonna step up, and if it continues like this India could become as big a region as CIS just because of this huge playerbase. I know theres a bit of copium and hopium here and there but overall the Indian playerbase is definitely gonna be much larger than the rest and the overall skill level of the region will also increase

posted about 2 years ago

lammy is the star player for this team, he's always soo consistent and puts up decent numbers even when he is not the duelist

posted about 2 years ago

enigma 2-0 fallen5

posted about 2 years ago

demn exploit won a map, gl to both teams for 3rd map

posted about 2 years ago

flashbacks to vlt 2-0 bleed.ok

posted about 2 years ago

its not GE and VLT that makes the excuses, sorry but i didnt mean the teams , i meant the fanbois, just making it clear

posted about 2 years ago

they have the covid excuse now kekw, vlt so smart everytime they lose they have one or two excuses ready up their sleeves meanwhile all GE has is the kappa excuse

posted about 2 years ago

imagine if EG wins this

posted about 2 years ago

its kinda obv hes not indian since all he does is make ppl hate on indians

posted about 2 years ago

prx defeated 100t in scrims during berlin masters

posted about 2 years ago

FS 2-0 #IndiaPride

posted about 2 years ago

another delusional fanboi

posted about 2 years ago

its not dumb, they just have a very small population compared to other large countries where national service isnt compulsory

posted about 2 years ago

adding a chennai server will fix most of the problems for India and SEA but yea as of now there really isnt an ideal place for a server that can help nepal,myanmar etc

posted about 2 years ago

its sad to see such a hugee difference between India's top 3 teams and the rest...

posted about 2 years ago

I love this dude, just hope you wont end up putting tenz #1

posted about 2 years ago

well they are 2 most important regions within SEA among SG/MY and thailand

posted about 2 years ago
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