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Registered: May 2, 2022
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 2:46 PM
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on a smaller scale didnt Knights go like 22-0 on Ascent until stage 1 groups against like C9?

posted about a year ago

For a 3 map series, 79 has to be one of the highest right. ik for a BO5 it’s not, but that’s cuz most of through more than 3 maps.

posted about a year ago

I just dislike most bandwagon fans which sucks cuz i love a lotta these teams. But it’s the reality of esports ppl will bandwagon and shittslk so it’s best to kinda just accept it yk. I love Fnatic and really hope they win it all, but also i want to see other teams kinda reach that level cuz I have having complete dominating teams like OpTiC and PRX and sfuff

posted about a year ago

means he averaged over 25 kills per map sheeesh cryo is insane. hope he plays like this in copenhagen

posted about a year ago

Yooo wait this is kinda big, with Frosty seemingly on the academy roster rn who do we think will fulfill his spot? if knights really do swap him to the academy roster which idk if they will

posted about a year ago

After the 100T match and the stage as a whole I think everyone defaulting to “kick this player” or “switch this one for that one” is so dumb and harmful to the scene. When you have brand new rosters kicking players gives no advantage. Take Will, not the best but if you try to sub him in for someone like say PureR or another duelist main, odds are 100T lose more often because synergy. I mean it’s why they went 1-4 in stage one. I do think sometimes it is necessary though, like when it comes to SEN, their core was together for 1+ years with little to no improvement following Rekyjavic. I think teams just have to be more patient and for that to happen the fan bases gotta stop shitting on every player who performs bad once.

posted about a year ago

I think the ex-LG roster are looking to stick together after their disband but not a bad idea… i still think it’s best they keep the team how it is right now though and hone skills because switching players whenever someone underperforms means no one will ever improve. I mean look at Bang TSM dropped him and now he’s the MVP for 100T in most maps i feel

posted about a year ago

I think he truly does just need time, if he can hone his op this team will make champions.

posted about a year ago

my dude not the SEN flair flaming someone for one bad play… Stellar is an insane IGL and has more than proved himself for this team. Reminder 100T realistically should’ve ever had this game that close, but they did so just accept sometimes you get the wrong read.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Ok maybe i’m dumb and missed something but what the fuck are power-up rounds. they’re seemingly only in EMEA so maybe it’s a sponsor but if so why now? Big confused

posted about a year ago

I think it’s cuz TGRD were such a new underdog team and no one expected anything. and now they’re not giving a ton so it’s a bit expected. Their performance in rekyjavic was not the best and just kinda killed their confidence. With this, I think they could still come back and be strong in LCQ.

posted about a year ago

since M3C beat Navi in their series their h2h even in round differential is in Navi’s favor they can’t quali. but since BIG won against M3C they could still qualify over them.

posted about a year ago

jesus Riku 28-9. this kids going places.

posted about a year ago

even tho i was kinda trolling him he’s really made this team competitive. reminder this is the first time TSM have gotten outta qualifiers since 2021, and i think his Sova is honestly goated. Skye is just…. not for him rn.

posted about a year ago

He self flashed himself more times this map than i’ve maybe seen in all of VCT up to this point. Giving Doma team flash vs SEN in rekyjavic

posted about a year ago

it’s incredibly difficult though… im fairly certain C9 had to win against LG to qualify. they’re now 1-3, and even going 2-3 their h2j is too big of a differential to surpass faze

posted about a year ago

For EMEA i have a strong strong feeling it’s not gonna be M3C. I think it’ll probs be FPX or Guild if they aren’t already guaranteed. After watching them v liquid today i got mad disappointed ngl.

posted about a year ago

i agree with the sentiment but isn’t Boostio the IGL? Regardless I think this is their best form they’ve looked in. Dre seems fine on NYFU anyways

posted about 2 years ago

What did i say >:). they’re utility is legitimately insane

posted about 2 years ago

ur outta ur mind if u aren’t putting Fnatic at #1. They alongside Guild are the two clearly strongest in EMEA no question. M3C is getting there but as of rn fnatic and guild are the best.

posted about 2 years ago

I realize how delirious this sounds, but, out of everyone in Group B i think EG has the highest chance. They’re the “cringe comp” and “nerdy” team like Xerxia, and with how they’ve performed against LG, I think there’s a world where they 2-1. Not saying they would demolish, but a 3rd map OT comeback from them seems not improbable. Honestly just want to see OpTiC struggle a little in NA scene and EG rn are the only ones in their group to be able to. lmk what y’all think.

posted about 2 years ago

it’s great seeing all the teams in NA groups rn kind of be balanced, not like last stage where everyone was either like 5-0 or 0-5. Especially with the teams who went 0-5 like EG dominating other huge teams

posted about 2 years ago

I think OpTiC still go, but the teams in NA are def more competitive. Also if Guild don’t qualify for Copenhagen i will cry they’re looking insane but in my gut i feel like they’re gonna fail in playoffs.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

me when even vlr thought c9 would win that round

posted about 2 years ago

Welp. I feel confident in my heart and brain now. Jesus Alfajer is good.

posted about 2 years ago

HES ONLY 16??? I knew he was young but holy shit.

posted about 2 years ago

So on Liquidpedia it says they’ll face each other the 14th, who do we think wins this out? My brain tells me FPX obviously but with the confirmed additions of Enzo and Alfajer i think FNC could pull some insane stuff off. Alfajer shocked me with how strong of a player he was in VLR so i hope he continues on this streak in the main event (same goes for hype in OGLU v ACEND)

posted about 2 years ago

I’m pretty sure riot said they were gonna try to make an international LAN for Game Changers, if so looking at
the current scene of GC who would take the W? Personally I think X10F or AEC from APAC, G2 Gozen or Guild X from EMEA, and C9W or maybe Shopify Rebellion could be strong contenders, but i’m not familiar with other GC scenes so i’m interested to see your opinions :)

posted about 2 years ago

nevermind i forgot about Ghost and i think they actually have a strong strong chance of upsetting so long as they don’t flop like last time (but that was cuz they like got robbed which is a fair excuse)

posted about 2 years ago

I have them losing in a close series in lower bracket to Ghost

posted about 2 years ago

honestly idrk, I think that the LB5 it’ll be NYFU vs DZ, and that it’d be close 2-1 (could go either way tbh). Then SEN could get upset though i’m not sure, there could even be a world where Akrew 2-1 them in the RO16, but it’s very dependable honestly. I feel confident enoufh about the Gen.G, they looked insane and JcStani and PureR have been performing incredibly. Honestly if SEN qualified i wouldn’t be incredibly surprised but I personally want a new team to qualify to show SEN they need to improve. And for that the way my bracket panned out it was either NYFU or DZ to do so.

posted about 2 years ago



posted about 2 years ago

Ghost/EG/Knights/NYFU (idrc but hoping for ghost gaming)

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah I agree I think if they had done more mickey mouse tourneys and had more prep time they can be even better, but as of right now I’m honestly content with the team just hoping my main man JcStani gets the respect he deserves 😤.

posted about 2 years ago

I’m just glad Kanpeki is finally getting some recognition, i personally think that in order for SEN to be contending for top spots again they need a better smokes player (and IGL). I think if Shahz was switched for someone like idk JcStani who is a good IGL and smokes player that would solve the issue of Sick somewhat underperforming, allow Kanpeki to more easily flex as their agent pool overlapped, and fill in the role of smokes and IGLing. But they could still make it far with this roster if their mentality changes

posted about 2 years ago

I hope they don’t just use these two locations the entirety of Valorants time in competitive, but if it means there’s in person viewings and crowds soon I’m hype! Hoping for a NA international LAN soon !!

posted about 2 years ago

ohhhhh I get it now thank you!! I was so lost but that’s hype ig!

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like I missed something why are teams like BBG.A and NYFU bypassing the first day? Not saying they’re bad or anything I’m honestly hype teams like DarkZero are getting these passes, but I still don’t really see why they get them over other teams? Is it based off of circuit points?

posted about 2 years ago

I agree, but also the core of TSM hasn’t changed for months. Subroza is still IGLing and roles haven’t really been swapped out all that much besides the occasional Omen with gMd or skye with Seven. Whereas with 100T Asuna is on a completely new role, and the rest are all either inexperienced or very young. I think with time this 100T roster could do huge things especially after their matches between Knights and Gen.G. Reminder the only team they lost to the whole quali was TSM

posted about 2 years ago
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