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Registered: July 3, 2023
Last post: October 8, 2023 at 7:04 PM
Posts: 482
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read my other replies, we are vehemently against ALL whether it be cam girls, OF, amateur, hentai, and all the in-between. anything that is a poison on the human mind is a threat. protect yourself.

posted 10 months ago

man you really are deflecting and dismissing SO MUCH huh. are you denying evidence from a Harvard qualified psychiatrist?. this stuff is prevalent for the current generation, over 50% of kids aged 12 are exposed to this degenerate content. it fries their dopamine receptors, and you can probably what kind of effect that has on a child, who just discovered the next sugar high. 41% of kids watch it at school!! think about that. it is a 97 BILLION DOLLAR industry, that is no small achievement, and unfortunately, this issue will only become more prevalent with how society progresses, it seeps into mental health, and it will become much harder to avoid anyone who is innocent, and was never exposed to porn, which, in this day and age, is a crazy thought. this effects society as a whole and is a MUCH bigger problem than those you mentioned, since everyone has a phone and a private space nowadays, which is all you need.

have you even seen the horrific content that Hentai produces? let alone the industry as a whole? peoples limits are further being challenged becoming more and more depraved, women who do not want nothing to do with such kinks are being peer pressured since its so normalised, because the industry promotes such extreme stuff that men and women can't even think about intimacy without pornographic acts. its become numbing, pushing boundaries to terrible limits.

posted 10 months ago

nah I figured most people here are guys and would also watch porn so I posted it here.

posted 10 months ago

you're actually crazy to blame your perceived problems and then justify watching exploited teenage girls, as "looking at butts on their phone". can't have a hint of empathy for people who were literally raped, imagine if it was your sister or mother! read the horrors of this post fully, and realise what you're dealing with. your pride is not above this blaring problem.

I know we're all against misoginy here so just take a look at these women experiences against it:

every time you watch it, I want you to think about one of your female family membesr in the same situation that these women go through.

you can't and you won't, because its absolutely disgusting. lower your ego and your desires. be better.

posted 10 months ago

you can go ahead and clearly dismiss my argument simply for the fact that you are apparently much more smarter than I am. you still have not answered an ample part of my argument,

sure I may not have studied psychology, but it won't change the evidence; it does effect your brain in a negative way.

5:06: he is literally a medical and Harvard professional.
he said "porn addiction is the closest to substance abuse"

  • Pornography addiction is a targeted way to activate the brain.
  • Downstream from porn use, sexual dysfunction is observed due to physical, neuroscientific, and psychological aspects.

I don't care if you're right and im wrong, the fact of the matter is, its a thing and its not due to "obsessive behaviour" and its very easy to get addicted.

and btw, there are no benefits to porn use, all "research" you mentioned was probably funded by porn companies to hide the blaringly abundant evidence there was against it. please stop spreading misinformation. just ask real people instead.

here are further evidences:

just think about who is the loser if porn gets abolished. its a 97 billion dollar industry.

posted 10 months ago

unironically yes. porn is a disease, and even non porn watchers are affected by it. These harms manifest in multiple ways, from shifting societal norms to impacting intimate relationships. im sorry you don't see the nuane in my argument, but try and look at it from a different perspective.

It sets unrealistic expectations and standards, fuels harmful attitudes towards sexuality and consent, and can contribute to a culture that normalizes exploitation, abuse and degeneracy.. These effects are similar to the 'second-hand' impacts of a virus, impacting individuals who are not directly involved. oral sex has become widespread, more wild and disgusting kinks and deprave acts have also become widespread because it takes a whole lot to get turned on now, the normal stuff doesn't cut it for them. cheating has also become normalised, men get insecure, women aren't satisfied as they were used to, men become unsatisfied because they want their women to become like pornstars leading to cheating. all of this affects society, and the way we view things subconsciously, sex is on peoples mind more, more degenerates hide in sheep's clothing. huge reform is needed. this is why I compare it to a disease, white blood cells are needed.

not to mention that cocaine addicts and porn consumers' brains have the same patterns if not worse; what kind of effect does that have on society if they are all dirty minded and dopamine fuelled? why kind of horrors do people like your sister and mother have to go through?

women are speaking up against it:

posted 10 months ago

to this I say, care about your brain at least, there is no difference between a coke addict and porn consumers:

posted 10 months ago

the fact that you're praising vanilla in the midst of the most degenerate content that this stuff has, just shows you how depraved this whole industry is.
its like the standard has a become so low nowadays, and its getting lower and lower.

pedophillia and incest is becoming normalised, people are reading more and more weird mangas, making memes, detaching themselves from the horrifying situations that these innocents have to go through.

its not just western and Japanese content, its everyone who contributes, its needs removal, and people need reformation, its not an excuse.

please, wake up for your own sake, I tell everyone reading this from the most vulnerable part of my heart.

posted 10 months ago

also, im not replying to you now, im just using your response as a scapegoat rn dw:

On another note, consider the reaction to the announcement of the European Super League. Many people, including some who weren't directly stakeholders, rallied vehemently against it. They viewed it as a threat to the sport they love - a form of entertainment - and voiced their concerns loudly. Media personalities, fans, and even people who weren't typically invested in football joined the chorus of opposition.

Yet when it comes to the porn industry - a sector often designed to exploit individuals and involving real, significant harm - there's often a chilling silence or a dismissive 'not my problem' attitude. This stark contrast highlights a concerning inconsistency in our societal response. We need the same energy that was directed against the Super League to be used in confronting all forms of exploitation, including those happening behind the scenes of the content we consume.

posted 10 months ago

Imagine if someone you cared about, like a friend or sibling, were deceived and abused in the way these women were and others dismissed it with 'not my problem, so who cares.' Even if you personally are not affected, concern for others are what hold us together as a society and allow us to tackle injustices.

consider this: imagine you're in a new city and you lose your wallet. You're alone, without any means of getting back home or even buying food. It's not the responsibility of the people around you to help you out – after all, it's 'not their problem.' But wouldn't you hope that someone, recognizing your distress, would step in to assist or at least express concern? Similarly, just because the exploitation and harm happening in the porn industry doesn't affect us directly, it doesn't mean we should dismiss or ignore it. Our silent acceptance and indifference is also a direct consequence.

posted 10 months ago

bro, just because you consume it with your eyes, doesn't mean it isn't going in. its poison/drugs, in the form of visual content.

this is a porn consumer's brain on porn, vs a literal drug addicts brain on drugs:

posted 10 months ago

I just thought of this

"this is like saying, just because covid didn't kill everyone, doesn't mean we should take the vaccine" 🔥🔥🔥

this is an exact metaphor, because, covid is porn, and it is being influenced everywhere, whether you watch it or not, and some people contract the disease, and some people don't. (like covid)
I am spitting fr

posted 10 months ago

btw I can't tell if this is satire, it reads like it hahaha

posted 10 months ago

I would love for you to take a look at this buddy, and they are justified in their thinking, albeit, emotionally hurt. and rightly so, it ruins everyone around the person. it destroys everything it touches. its a poison, just because you consume it with your eyes, doesn't mean it isn't going in.

posted 10 months ago

"not everyone"

just because tons of other companies in this shady industry didn't get caught, it doesn't mean that it isn't a possibility, at the same time. its just irresponsible to just carry on as if nothing happened, its a thing and it should be one of the reasons people stop, as well as a copious amount of harms and terrors this habit entails.

posted 10 months ago




posted 10 months ago

ai generated. what does AI know about the exploitative industry, and whose information, is funded AND favours it? it just regurgitates what they feed it. And there's plenty of misinformation about porn on the internet.

personally, im more concerned that you're defending this degeneracy.

Fight The New Drug.

posted 10 months ago

The porn industry is full of sex trafficking and child porn. GirlsDoPorn was a pornography company active from 2009 to 2020 and sex trafficked many girls. Some were tricked and then forced to be in pornography under the guise of doing a photo shoot. Other girls were already porn stars who agreed to do some things then were forced to do things they didn't consent to when they got to the set.

The content of these video was pretty much as brutal as it gets in terms in mainstream porn. The cameraman is behind many other companies. He likes to degrade the women a lot and has a very distinct voice. In my research I've realised he is the same guy behind Facial Abuse and MyKinkyGFs as well as others. If anyone knows his name please let me know.

The girls on GirlsDoPorn (GDP) were always young, 18-22. They were for the most part women who had never done pornography and this was because these women are easier to manipulate and control. GDP had fake modelling websites such as BeginModeling, ModelingGigs, ModelingWork, and Bubblegum Casting. GDP would post advertisements for these sites on craiglists in small towns and college towns. It's important to note that these advertisements were for clothed and nude modelling but either way, these girls were not applying for pornography.

The men at the company would use fake names whilst contacting the girls. Once the girls had applied there were two ways things could go. Here's the first way. They would inform the girl that this shoot was actually for sex on camera and that the girl would be paid $4000 - $6000 and said that these videos would only be sold on dvds that would be purchased by private clients and only sold in countries outside the US. The other way thing could go is GDP would offer women the chance to partake in pornography as well as their modelling shoot. When the women would only want to do the modelling shoot they got to San Diego only to be forced into doing pornography out of fear.

The girls when offered the chance to do porn were refereed to "reference girls". Women who were hired to lie to these girls about their experience with GDP to reassure the girls into doing scenes. Many girls recieved constant contact from the company until they agreed.

GDP employees had to sign NDAs and were forbidden from mentioning the name 'Girls Do Porn' to the girls were instead told to call the company Plus One Media and would also deny that the videos would be published online. The girls were hurried to sign contracts that also excluded the name 'Girls Do Porn'. Once at the shoot the girls would do pornography shoots that lasted hours, despite being told that it would be a 30 minute shoot (if they were told that they were going to do a porn movie at all). The sex was violent and many of the women experienced vaginal bleeding, vaginal tearing, bleeding and vomiting. If the girls looked not into it they were forced to do it over and over again. When the women would try to withdraw they were told it was too late. Many were blackmailed and told that they would tell their family about the video if they refused to continue. The door exit was often blocked by men so the woman couldn't leave.

One victim said the male model, Garcia, forced a paint sponge into her vagina and forced to film after she said she couldn't film due to menstruation.

The girls then weren't paid, with the men using excuses such as the girls not looking as good as they did in the pictures they sent or looking too old.

Co-creator Matthew Wolfe was on the FBI's Most Wanted List.

I'll leave with this:

That video is one of the victims detailing her experience. How it destroyed her relationships with her family, how she is unable to enjoy sex now, how it has trumatised her. Her and the other Jan Does who made a case against GDP now have the rights to their videos but have to keep taking videos down.

The saddest thing is GPD is not an exception. Porn is full of this stuff. So many porn videos feature underage girls, coerced girls, girls being raped on camera forced to pretend they enjoy it. And I can promise you that at some point you have contribute to this. These things cannot exist without consumers. Stop consuming porn.

Edit: extra information and things I forgot to mention. Also, typos.

The men involved in this were: Michael Pratt (co-owner), Matthew Wolfe (co-owner), Ruben Andre Garcia (performer/producer), Theodore Wilfred Gyi (camerman), Valorie Moser (bookkeeper).

Michael Pratt became a fugitive in 2019 and was placed on the FBI's most wanted list. He was found in Spain in December 2022 and is awaiting trial. Matthew Wolfe has plead guilty to conspiracy to commit sex trafficking by force, fraud and coercion but denies other charges. I couldn't find information on what his sentencing is. Ruben Andre Garcia has ben found guilty and sentenced to twenty years in prison. Theodore Gyi and Valorie Moser have been found guilty but their sentencing keeps being delayed.

taken from this

if you're addicted, you will know, stop lying to yourself, no one can stop your decisions except yourself. you have free will. use it.

posted 10 months ago

looks like BL sorry (is it BL?)

posted 10 months ago

title was too short : any anime that includes: romance + anime that don't focus on romance but include it in the overall story, like steins gate ( literally better than all romance anime combined) + (you could argue FMAB)

also: any anime that has a beta loser protagonist is immediately a no (like rent a gf)

posted 10 months ago

im so lonely I feel like curling up into a ball and feeding my self love like trying to preserve heat during a cold weather.

posted 10 months ago

does it have romance in it tho

posted 10 months ago

I watched s1, does it get better in s2?

posted 10 months ago

you're not wrong but im just feeling like anime is better than outside rn

posted 10 months ago

like steins gate

also; where the protag isn't a loser insecure pos dumb dumb who can't even stand up for himself. it just feels unrealistic, no woman would go for that kind of guy in real life no?

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

you are quaking in your boots lil bro

posted 10 months ago

the emojis look weird if you're on a Mac, It looks like windows emojis, rather than apple emojis.

posted 10 months ago

im sure there are some Japanese people who oppose anime !

posted 10 months ago

too many

posted 10 months ago

yea im waffling but its an educated waffle, I don't know if its true but its a speculation

posted 10 months ago

this sounds cope till it isn't. they want you to keep "improving" so that you feel like you have accomplished something, and keep playing, thinking that you will eventually reach radiant.

posted 10 months ago



posted 10 months ago

every time I open up I feel like a vulnerable part of me has been exposed, and there's nothing left of me. I can't trust anyone or they might use it against me. it's why I just stay surface level with everyone, I don't think I can.

posted 11 months ago
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