Flag: Norway
Registered: February 1, 2022
Last post: June 3, 2024 at 6:43 AM
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sacy just got his visa, if the coaches enforce soon practice and scrimming they are top 3 in NA

posted about a year ago

are u the actual YT commend? also SEN are the strongest roster currently, tenz, zekken, sacy, pancada don't miss

posted about a year ago

losing to mocking while he is trolling is another level, t2 mickey meow tournament and mocking is beating you with a viper harbour no duelist ascent comp...

posted about a year ago

stop instalocking reyna because they want you to...

posted about a year ago

skuba is top 5 controller in NA nothing will change my mind

posted about a year ago

naturE was like the worst player on genG and hazed was like the worse layer on NRG but ig TSM wanted to move into the aged care business rather than esports

posted about a year ago

smokes player? wippie?

posted about a year ago

NRG / SEN (sen have better roster and raw talent just depends how long it takes to become a synced team


posted about a year ago

c9 is ass

rest of NA is garbage

posted about a year ago

less typing more watching, your god is getting railed

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i saw a twitch comment saying obese9 lmfao

posted about a year ago

50 minutes late bro, i woke up at 3am for this shit just to watch hide and seek

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

c9 has played like 3 bind games? and yay plays chamber every map im sure that is super viable practice for next year!

posted about a year ago

bo5 hopefully c9 doesn't do something cringe and play bind or breeze just ban them please, idk why they are spamming maps and agents that won't be played next year its crazy how much they want to win this tournament lol

posted about a year ago

nrg has 4 / 6 optic members
sen has 2 / 8 LOUD members

posted about a year ago

100T 3-2 C9 i wanna see some good maps

if c9 keep picking bind / breeze and playing chamber that is just sad

posted about a year ago

double duelists kekw its triple initiator meta

posted about a year ago

roster is better than expected, cender bone molsi twist good destrian could be upgraded but we will see how brazil goes

posted about a year ago

cryo has been learning raze and neon from before the chamber nerfs
ardiis can kayo cypher which is chill
yay can jett yoru and like sage its pretty poor
derke is fine

posted about a year ago

s0m is iron compared to marved, ardiis is not yay. 100T wipe these frauds

posted about a year ago

loud downgraded sen upgraded

posted about a year ago

observers have missed like every fight every bro

posted about a year ago

yay 200 billion contract = no gc roster

posted about a year ago

and c9 lost to fokus while 100t beat liquid and heretics

c9 won bc they played yay on chamber, apparently prac is less important than winning this small tournament

posted about a year ago

nrg and navi too high, fnc and lev replace

posted about a year ago

never seen a worse structured team in my life

posted about a year ago

crying over pixels too easily man, i didn't say stellar was better at igling, im just comparing the 2 rosters as they are very similar. ardiis would and will get wiped by cryo and bang is nearly as good as marved when it comes to aim idk why simple statements like that can trigger you

posted about a year ago

100T are optic 2.0
asuna is close to victor is skill
bang is close to marved in skill
derrek is maybe even better than crashies
cryo is close to yay in skill, maybe more agents like raze and neon
stellar is the same as FNS just needs more time igl'ing

  • good coaching staff
posted about a year ago

xand finally playing duelist idk why they had their best player playing fade thats so braindead

posted about a year ago

wdym might even win ascension they are franchised lol

posted about a year ago

yay is a good yoru, yoru is viable chamber replacement on this map

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

t1 india is so bad they had to import from every other region just to compete with c tier franchised teams

posted about a year ago

ong like this could've been flyquest, ssg, toast, g2 etc but no, detonate

posted about a year ago

tenz can jett fine, yoru good as well but im excited tgo see him on kayo / skye or similar agents. both tenz and yay have good flex teamates who can raze neon easily so it depends who is better and filling that initiator role

posted about a year ago

who else can he play aside from jett, raze? nope. flashes? i'd hate to have to witness that.

posted about a year ago

every other partnered team practically have 4 world class players and then a good igl who is a little worse at aiming. 100t, c9, sen, fnc navi etc
2 is not enough

posted about a year ago

fracture and icebox are worse maps but bind and breeze need reworks to change meta so it makes sense, the first two have had changes are are still bad so hopefully rito doesn't cuck my 2 fav maps

posted about a year ago

1 - 100T - they were top 3 in NA and both 1st and 2nd disbanded so with only one upgrade they have the most time together.
2 - TL - its gambit and liquid with a good chamber so ez
3 - C9 - not enough time together, over hyped they are not better than 100T in any role but their awper but the margin of difference isn't big enough to make up for the other 4 players being better in each respective role.
4 - Heretics - zeek, mixwell and keloq make a nasty trio and they are very very good
5 - KRU - xand.
6 - Vitality - for a partnered team they really were stingey with spending money their roster is dog
7 - fut - bad
8 - fokus - bad

posted about a year ago

zekken isn't a better jett so he will play jett and chamber and on maps neither are viable then he can kayo or initiator and then dephh can play sentinel

posted about a year ago

stax leo can't aim like sacy, crashies can't frag like sacy, shao is good at aiming but isn't a better sova

posted about a year ago

shao maybe leo u are tripping major ballsack

posted about a year ago

aim + agents + utility usage

posted about a year ago

nAts 1 mill
zeek 500k
sacy 1 mill
pANcada 1 mill
yay - 7.5 mill

posted about a year ago

jett/chamber - yay
flex - zeek
initiator - sacy
sentinel - nAts
smokes - pANcada

posted about a year ago

tex, marved, valyn, trent, shahzam, dapr, wippie, penny, neT, zander, babybay, dicey, zombs better alternatives

posted about a year ago

that is good but kinda just an academy, i get having 5-6 so like ethan is on for all skye maps but reformed, apoth and c0m need to go they are not going to carry EG to anything in sao paulo

bcj good
boostio good
jawgemo amazing
ethan is decent

even if you had those 4 on all the time you are just going to get shit on so hard, peek this angle C9 yay kills you, dash onto site Nats was waiting for you, jump peek that angle, pANcada flick one taps you like there is just such an obvious skill gap between the players why not buy better players

posted about a year ago
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