Flag: Brazil
Registered: March 1, 2021
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 5:15 PM
Posts: 603
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É o Tastycook1e, não precisa pensar muito.

posted about a year ago

Yes, 1 year on time chamber of DBZ

posted about a year ago

Liquid clears

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

dgzin over heat
jzz over runi

posted about a year ago

Bro, maybe sentinels is not in the classification zone

posted about a year ago

2 brazilian teams world champions? FeelsAmazingMan

posted about a year ago

Furia 15-5 unknown

posted about a year ago

People really get mad with this jokes about "Bagre of the week"? LOL

posted about a year ago

khalil best rating, KD and KAST so far

posted about a year ago

Leukemia is a cancer of the bone marrow responsible for replacing blood cells in the body. What can cause anemia, low immunity, weakness. The good news is that it is possible to have a bone marrow transplant, but the chances of finding a compatible donor outside the family are not very high.

posted about a year ago

imagine when 3 BR/Latam teams goes to tokyo LOL

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Even challengers teams would be placed upper than EG

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I just do pickem in Americas
Top 2.4%

posted about a year ago

qual foi primo kkkkkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

Aspas (Duelist)
Less (Sentinel)
Khalil (Controller)
mwzera (Initiator)
kiNgg (Flex/Igl)

posted about a year ago

I think KRU is a better team than EG and 100T, but as they are the only team still 0-2 I decided to put them last. Probably after today's match update putting them at 8

posted about a year ago

Sim, mas como ainda é o unico time 0-2 resolvi deixar eles em ultimo, mas apresentaram um jogo bem melhor essa semana dando muito trabalho pra mibr, provavelmente depois do jogo eu atualize pra ficar mais bem definido.

posted about a year ago

1 - Furia
2 - Loud
3 - Leviatán
4 - NRG
5 - C9
6 - Mibr
7 - SEN
8 - KRU
9 - 100T
10 - EG

posted about a year ago

next week will be better, keep up manitos.

posted about a year ago

the fraud flag checks out

posted about a year ago

Quanto mais fala mais ele cresce

posted about a year ago

SEN - pancada
MIBR - heat
KRU - Klaus
furia - mwzera/dgzin
LOUD - Less
LEV - nzr
NRG - crashies
100T - Asuna
eg - c0m
c9 - leaf

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

G2 who?

posted about a year ago

How hard is IGLing to play that bad?

posted about a year ago

Yes 1 day per year

posted about a year ago

Sempre fui furista .

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

puto di paris

posted about a year ago

The Schrödinger's cat theory is a thought experiment that was developed by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. It was designed to illustrate the paradoxical nature of quantum mechanics, which is the branch of physics that deals with very small particles, such as atoms and subatomic particles.
The experiment involves placing a cat inside a sealed box along with a vial of poison gas, a radioactive substance, and a Geiger counter. The radioactive substance has a 50% chance of decaying within a certain amount of time, which would trigger the Geiger counter and release the poison gas, killing the cat. However, until the box is opened and the cat is observed, the cat's state is considered to be both alive and dead at the same time, in a state of quantum superposition.
This is because, according to quantum mechanics, particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously until they are observed or measured. This is known as the "observer effect." In the case of the Schrödinger's cat experiment, the act of observing the cat would collapse its wave function, meaning the cat would be in only one state (either alive or dead), and not in a superposition of both.
The purpose of the thought experiment was to highlight the counterintuitive nature of quantum mechanics, where particles can exist in multiple states at the same time, and only collapse into a single state when they are observed. The experiment is not meant to be taken literally, as it is highly unlikely that a cat would actually exist in such a superposition in the real world.

posted about a year ago

Ele é um monstro desde que jogava com o mch e pava la na Falkol, mas em 2022 ele tava muito inconsistente simples assim.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Nos também somos latinos seu zé ruela

posted about a year ago

Is easily to die in a american high school than in a brazilian international event.

posted about a year ago

Mwzera on raze - ACE!
Ardiis on raze: Explode itself

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I only get wrong pickem on C9 x EG match.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Tastycookie hates all latam/br teams except Loud

posted about a year ago

Aspas is mid with raze.
Ardiis is very bad

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

6 rounds in sequence and growing. sheesh

posted about a year ago

Monster Hunter (series) - Proof of a hero

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

mazino clears

posted about a year ago
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