Flag: North Korea
Registered: July 16, 2022
Last post: August 12, 2022 at 8:27 AM
Posts: 176
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still just a single country, maybe JP 3 spots, but for korea 2 spots are already a lot until they prove that their teams are good enough other than drx or their scene is big enough. Otherwise, it's just unfair and gonna kill SEA. I wasnt even counting HK/TW as well since I thought they gonna be with China. Edit : and ye Vietnam havent show much but their first seed did beat seed 2 thailand this vct

posted about a year ago

It's not like KR and JP have bigger scene or play at a higher level... Only 3 slots for SEA when there are malay, indo, thai, sing, pinoy, viet ( they gonna become good soon when looking at every other esport games ). If riot don't provide some solution, some countries scene will die when they get no representative.

posted about a year ago

against smb is a totally different team, shiba permanent bottom fragger vs jinggg top 5 duelist world

posted about a year ago

probably not, 6 full kr and jp roster when thai, malay, sing, indo, pinoy, with same level players can fight among themselves for 3 slots ( viet as well when they actually have a scene ). Hopefully, theres a way for unfranchised teams from countries to get out there, if not then that country's scene just gonna die.

posted about a year ago

probably true but kinda unfair for other sea countries, since all the kr and jp orgs just gonna have players from their own country. It's not like kr and japan are playing on a higher level. SEA players have high level players on average but now they have all have to share between multiple countries for slots.

posted about a year ago

pussy mindset, just treat rank same as unrated

posted about a year ago

Who care, riot probably just testing this one out, only crowd for the top 4 and theres little to none PR at all. Champion at turkey and after franchise next year, it will be much better in term of location, PR and overall production for sure.

posted about a year ago

if its like south korea, u gonna go to jail when u try to come back if im not mistaken and people shame you and ur family

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

hes shit now so he has to play with prod

posted about a year ago

i will bust my left nut if phoenix get played, agent still dog shit after buff

posted about a year ago

its not easy, jing and forsaken are special, u dont find players of their caliber often anywhere in the world

posted about a year ago

i upvote u babe

posted about a year ago

i thought you are better than that babysasuke, so dissapointed

posted about a year ago

dont downvote me and upvote urself bronzil

posted about a year ago

wtf is this l take, faze is good but dont compare them to prx lmao

posted about a year ago

cuz they all speak spanish

posted about a year ago

every cs threads have these cs frogs, and this is a valorant forum, u dont see it the other way around. Riot must be doing something right if they are this obsessed with an "inferior" game.

posted about a year ago

I'm telling you, Jingg is as cracked as he is jacked. I saw him at a 7-11 the other day and he was buying cases of Redbull and adult diapers. I asked him what the diapers were for and he said, "they help contain my full power so I don't completely shit on these kids" and then he satcheled out.

posted about a year ago

aint no way sk gaming owner is that stupid, gotta be a troll

posted about a year ago

cs frogs have the most fragile ego i have ever seen, just look at how many of them frequent a valorant forum to trash talk, you dont see it the other way around. Just showing how valorant is doing something right 💀

posted about a year ago

they arent winning shit anyway so might as well get those bootcamping content stream for the money, feel bad for tenz

posted about a year ago

Do you kids even watch the event? Chad Jing give no respect to any of those kids and win most of his duels in the open, only bad map is fracture but was on sage.

posted about a year ago

I'm telling you, Jingg is as cracked as he is jacked. I saw him at a 7-11 the other day and he was buying cases of Redbull and adult diapers. I asked him what the diapers were for and he said, "they help contain my full power so I don't completely shit on these kids" and then he satcheled out.

posted about a year ago

shit f0rsaken replace Will look scary

posted about a year ago

sad but its probably 99% though

posted about a year ago

since jing gonna do military service and f0rsaken most likely join NA when franchise come for money, what roster do you think would be good for him?

posted about a year ago

I guess so, we are becoming real sport nowadays

posted about a year ago

whats the point? is this NBA wannabe or something? Why do you have to go to college to play video games nowaday KEKW

posted about a year ago

only pussy think so, mindfread is not a pussy just faking humble to get those follows

posted about a year ago

i already talked to riot, they gonna give prx the trophy no need play save time since we all know god f0rsaken will shit on everyone anyway

posted about a year ago

thats fucked up bro

posted about a year ago

it's embarassing if getting 3 spots and not even making top 4, 2 times in a row lmao. Your 1st seed almost going home 0 2 by latam and apac. Get ready to be shat on with crowd.

posted about a year ago

it's not the same, your region overhyped fnatic so much like they gonna win the fucking event undefeated and almost going home 0 2 by latam and apac LOL. it's not the same as optic.

posted about a year ago

its true though, no need to be that defensive for drx, you are vietnamese bruh

posted about a year ago

gg drx can't hit a single shot to save their life right now LUL

posted about a year ago

nah its funny triggering small eu brain 💀

posted about a year ago

werent u so mad i keep bumping lucky fnashit thread, now you are bumping this? expected from hypocrite EU brain KEKW

posted about a year ago

go touch some grass

posted about a year ago

russ is an ai

posted about a year ago

korea don't lack cracked duelist

posted about a year ago

tip: not main stream is one of the first choice for fake flagger like mine

posted about a year ago

hes obviously a fake flagger bru, get used to vlr.

posted about a year ago

true, good for watching experience but bad for competitive gameplay. Like split lucky 1 round on attack and gg, this is like football with golden goal

posted about a year ago

true but stop making cs thread cuz nobody giving a shit

posted about a year ago

bro you used to be nice vlr changed you

posted about a year ago

why are you so mad, im speaking facts

posted about a year ago
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