Flag: United States
Registered: March 11, 2021
Last post: October 12, 2023 at 3:54 PM
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derrek is the best player on that team tho, and bang has higher peaks than asuna when he gets going

posted about a year ago

there's no way ur not trolling LMAO, tac fps aim is nothing compared to arena shooters and longer ttk games

posted about a year ago

ya that's why i was clarifying, good to know that we agree

posted about a year ago

in cs/val history maybe, definitely not in fps lmao. quake, apex, and ow pros clear him

posted about a year ago

ur actually a dweeb white knight jfc, all he did was call her hot

posted about a year ago

why are NA games ALWAYS late man. this one is only 9 mins late so far but the matches are never on time it's so cringe

posted about a year ago

derrek and bang are insane wdym

posted about a year ago

yeah but rifling jetts are not needed in this meta, AND in 100t since they already have asuna as a great rifling duelist player. if asuna is playing flex then they need a great oper alongside him

posted about a year ago

i agree with ur first statement. i think a better solution is to bring in a designated oper into the team (i know they were trying to get wardell)

posted about a year ago

mada too

posted about a year ago

casual take

posted about a year ago

i mean shao clearly had worse numbers than yay, not to mention that he was significantly worse in emea vct as well. an example i would give is that tarik won boston major mvp, but nobody considered him the best player (or even close) at the time. same thing with zeek in champs. i think prolonged success puts yay clearly above shao

all subjecive tho, i can see why some people would say shao after that monster performance

posted about a year ago

he's not pulling the same numbers, did u not read what i posted above?

posted about a year ago

why would you put ur best player on a weaker role?

posted about a year ago

that's fair to say, i just don't think it was zeek

posted about a year ago

ah yes prx DEFINITELY honeymoon run bro!!!! for sure!!!

posted about a year ago

top rated player in playoffs, 2nd most kills per round in playoffs (jingg 4th), 2nd highest ADR (jingg 3rd), highest K/D out of all the players in the convo for top player (jingg, forsaken, all the fpx players)

how exactly is he 4th/5th again

posted about a year ago

nats was still the best in champs lol, and i'd say yay is still the best (debatable tho) and jingg and suygetsu are right behind him

posted about a year ago

it's pretty clearly yay ngl

suygetsu, jingg, and shao are up in the top5 also i'd say

posted about a year ago

they are joking man

posted about a year ago

i wouldn't put tex up there or ban lmao

also u named 7 additional players and asked how they're not top5

posted about a year ago

saying you'd take someone's girl is psychopathic behavior 💀

posted about a year ago

just the truth dawg, don't let an esports player get u in ur feelings 💀

posted about a year ago

u gotta be delusional LMAO, it's really not that deep. ya it was hella weird that he said that but anyone who says he's a "terrible person" for something he said 2 years ago is a moron. not to mention that if u think people can't change in two YEARS, then u are simply delusional and this argument will be useless.

(also ur analogy is dogshit never try to make one again)

edit: it wasn't even "exactly one year" ago, people were reporting on it in november 2020

posted about a year ago

so after that was said almost 2 yrs ago, he's still a terrible person no matter what? ur acting like he actually did something LMAO

posted about a year ago

paying $10 to aimtrain LMAO

posted about a year ago

SEN and tsm prolly

posted about a year ago

accidentally said wireless haha, pulled an allnighter mb

posted about a year ago

best wireless mouse u can get, although if u have noticeably small hands u might prefer something else

i'd say it's a top3 most reliable mouse rn and very good for it's value\

edit: meant to type wired haha

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

you can respect other players and still call them trash lmao, it's called trash talk for a reason

posted about a year ago

nah i'd say yay is like kevin durant ngl, he doesn't have as many "flashy" shots as other players. i'd say one of the brazilian jetts are like steph curry

posted about a year ago

NA: faze cus babybay is a lanimal
EMEA: m3c because i think they will be insane with their new entry player

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

still doesn't work regarding the situation, but that's fine. you just don't understand. we all struggle in certain things, it's cool

posted about a year ago

analogies rely entirely on semantics what are you talking about? ange1 saying 'drx got lucky we didn't prepare" is implying that if fpx prepared then drx would have lost. now compare that to your shit analogy where it's literally you saying "sentinels are washed". the initial analogy is a hypothetical cause and effect scenario, where yours is simply just a subjective statement from someone with no conditional statement

posted about a year ago

ah yes, using an analogy with no conditional statement is the same as an analogy with an actual conditional statement!

posted about a year ago

this is the worst analogy ever LMAO holy shit

posted about a year ago

is there a good zero xsoft clone?

posted about a year ago

actual true statement with good logic

posted about a year ago

insane game, loud looked so scary ngl

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

he's definitely not gonna get picked still

posted about a year ago

" -Supernova The King of Valorant " is the funniest shit ever i'm sorry

posted about a year ago

true but it's NA u never know how well they can choke

posted about a year ago

did u not see when he said "anymore"

posted about a year ago

u still have a good chance ngl, NA are historically bad on split (especially in elim matches)

posted about a year ago

ngl br fans used to be cringe asf esp last event + champs, but they're hella chill now and actually less annoying than the NA fans. keep up the good work

posted about a year ago

drx always succumbs to the pressure unfortunately, it's just part of their identity

posted about a year ago

only problem was that they were 6-6 on defense which fucked their momentum. they threw at least 2-3 rounds on defense

posted about a year ago
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