Flag: Sierra Leone
Registered: November 5, 2022
Last post: April 7, 2024 at 7:21 PM
Posts: 427
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posted 9 months ago

hello widepeepofrosty from fns chat

posted 9 months ago

"yeah bro this is the guy he has an asian flag on his vlr"

posted 9 months ago

yeah, probably your isp trying out different routes

posted 9 months ago

whats your best server and how much ping?

posted 9 months ago

thats how mine is, i live closer to illi than texas by about 500 miles but my texas ping is lower cus my connection goes to europe and comes back to kansas city

posted 9 months ago

please bro

posted 9 months ago

anyone else have the shittiest routing from their isp? other isps in my area can get most players down to 20 ping and a reasonable route but my shit gets sent across seas and back. sometimes vpn helps but i think im gonna call them about it

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

i would say most of the time its just im looking at minimap too much trying to play with teammates too much for ranked and my crosshair placement suffers because of that

posted 9 months ago

isnt he like gc in rocket league?

posted 9 months ago

bro stfu we dont care if it was you first you aint getting credit anyways

posted 9 months ago

maybe cus i fill and play the role correctly

posted 9 months ago

it was for premier dumbass

posted 9 months ago

i was just jokin around bro good shit

posted 9 months ago

jk bro keep it up

posted 9 months ago

dawg im filling every game playing with ex radiants when my peak is 100rr

posted 9 months ago

bro expects me to believe thats him

posted 9 months ago

W phoenix

posted 9 months ago

i mean yeah but they would be paying two rosters at least league minimum at once at once, only a prestigious org like g2 could afford that and it doesnt seem like something a big org would do considering the backlash they'd get

posted 9 months ago

wdym every time yay igl's its a masterclass

posted 9 months ago

sorry i just need interactions

posted 9 months ago

Title: Farewell to Legends: LESS and ASPAS Depart from LØUD Ahead of 2024 VCT Season

Date: August 31, 2023

In a surprising turn of events, LØUD, one of the most prominent esports organizations in the world of competitive Valorant, has bid a bittersweet farewell to two of its legendary players, LESS and ASPAS, as they step down from the roster in preparation for the upcoming 2024 Valorant Champions Tour (VCT) season. The departure of these players marks the end of an era and leaves fans reflecting on their incredible contributions to the team's success.

A Legacy of Excellence

LESS and ASPAS have been at the forefront of LØUD's journey in the competitive Valorant scene since its inception. Their incredible skill, dedication, and sportsmanship have earned them the respect and admiration of fans and fellow players alike. The duo's ability to make game-changing plays and their consistent high-level performance have been instrumental in LØUD's victories and memorable moments.

A New Chapter Beckons

As the esports landscape evolves, so do the needs of competitive teams. The decision for LESS and ASPAS to step down was made in consultation with both players, the organization, and their desire to explore new opportunities and challenges. This move, while undoubtedly difficult, opens up possibilities for fresh talent to join the LØUD roster and for the departing players to pursue exciting new ventures in their careers.

Tributes Pour In

The departure of LESS and ASPAS has triggered an outpouring of support and gratitude from the Valorant community. Fans, fellow players, and esports professionals have taken to social media to express their appreciation for the incredible moments and indelible impact these players have had on the scene.

LØUD's CEO shared, "LESS and ASPAS have been instrumental in shaping the identity of LØUD in the Valorant scene. Their contributions have been immeasurable, and while they will be missed on the roster, we fully support their decisions and are excited to see what the future holds for them."

Looking Ahead

As LØUD embarks on a new chapter without LESS and ASPAS on the active roster, eyes are now turning toward the upcoming 2024 VCT season. The organization is expected to announce new additions to the team in the coming weeks, setting the stage for another season of intense competition and thrilling matches.

While it's a somber moment for fans of LØUD, it's also a time to celebrate the legacy that LESS and ASPAS have built within the esports community. Their departure leaves a void, but the impact they've made will resonate for years to come. As we bid farewell to these legends, we eagerly anticipate the excitement and fresh perspectives that the future will bring to both the players and the organization.

posted 9 months ago

Title: Fnatic Announces Roster Changes: Parting Ways with VCT Lineup for 2024 Season


In a surprising turn of events that has sent shockwaves through the esports community, Fnatic has officially announced the departure of their Valorant Champions Tour (VCT) roster for the upcoming 2024 season. The team, which consisted of notable players Chronicle, Boaster, Derke, Leo, and Alfajer, along with coach Mini, has been a fixture in the competitive Valorant scene. Fnatic's decision to drop the roster marks a significant shift in their approach and future aspirations.

A Farewell to a Promising Lineup

The decision to part ways with the VCT roster, which had shown moments of brilliance and earned a dedicated fan base, comes as a surprise to many. Chronicle, Boaster, Derke, Leo, and Alfajer have collectively contributed to Fnatic's journey in Valorant and have competed on some of the biggest stages in the game. Their departure marks the end of an era and opens up possibilities for both the organization and the players to explore new directions.

A New Chapter for Fnatic

Fnatic, a name synonymous with esports excellence, has always held high standards for its rosters across various titles. The decision to revamp their VCT lineup demonstrates the organization's commitment to staying competitive and exploring new avenues for success. As the esports landscape continues to evolve, Fnatic's choice to rebuild their roster could be seen as a strategic move aimed at keeping pace with the ever-changing nature of competitive gaming.

Acknowledging Achievements and Looking Ahead

During their time together, the Fnatic VCT roster achieved several milestones, showcasing moments of individual brilliance and collective teamwork. From thrilling victories to hard-fought battles, the lineup left an indelible mark on the fans and the competitive scene. As they go their separate ways, esports enthusiasts are left to reflect on the memories and achievements that this roster brought to the Fnatic legacy.

Potential for Growth

While the news of the roster departure might come as a disappointment to fans, it also brings forth an opportunity for the players to explore new avenues and challenges. The talent and experience that Chronicle, Boaster, Derke, Leo, and Alfajer possess could make them sought-after additions to other teams looking to bolster their rosters for the upcoming season. Similarly, the move allows Fnatic to reshape their approach and build a lineup that aligns with their strategic vision for the future.


As Fnatic bids farewell to their VCT roster for the 2024 season, the esports community is left to ponder the implications of this decision. The departure of Chronicle, Boaster, Derke, Leo, and Alfajer, along with coach Mini, signals the end of a chapter in Fnatic's Valorant journey and opens the door to new possibilities for all parties involved. As the organization embarks on a new path, fans, players, and analysts alike eagerly await the unveiling of Fnatic's plans for the upcoming competitive season.

posted 9 months ago


In a groundbreaking move that has ignited excitement across the esports community, seasoned professional gamer FNS (Pujan Mehta) has officially announced his participation with Global Esports for the highly anticipated 2024 Valorant Champions Tour (VCT) season. FNS, known for his strategic prowess and leadership skills, brings a wealth of experience to the team, making this collaboration a significant development in the competitive Valorant landscape.

FNS: A Strategic Maestro

Pujan "FNS" Mehta has long been celebrated for his tactical acumen and remarkable leadership abilities. With a career spanning multiple titles including Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) and Valorant, FNS has consistently demonstrated his capability to elevate teams through his strategic insights. His addition to Global Esports is poised to bring a new dimension to the team's gameplay, potentially unlocking innovative strategies and gameplay styles that could make them a formidable force in the VCT.

Global Esports' Pursuit of Excellence

Global Esports, a rising star in the competitive Valorant scene, has made a resounding statement of intent by enlisting FNS. The team has exhibited its dedication to refining its roster and performance, and FNS' entry solidifies this commitment. With the 2024 VCT season on the horizon, Global Esports is set to capitalize on FNS' knowledge and experience to propel themselves to new heights on the international stage.

Strategic Synergy

The partnership between FNS and Global Esports seems poised for success due to their shared emphasis on strategy and teamwork. FNS' reputation as a mastermind behind meticulously planned plays complements the team's ethos and sets the stage for a seamless integration. The potential for synergy between FNS' strategic insight and the team's exceptional individual skills could be the formula for a championship-winning combination.

Impact on the VCT Landscape

The announcement of FNS' collaboration with Global Esports has sent ripples of anticipation throughout the esports community. Analysts and fans alike are eager to witness how this new alliance will impact the broader VCT landscape. With FNS' impressive track record of shaping competitive teams and Global Esports' rising prominence, their participation in the 2024 season could potentially shake up established hierarchies and introduce fresh dynamics to the competition.


The stage is set for an exhilarating 2024 VCT season with the entry of FNS into the Global Esports fold. The marriage of FNS' strategic brilliance and Global Esports' determination is a compelling narrative that has already captured the imagination of esports enthusiasts. As the new season approaches, all eyes will be on this collaboration, waiting to see whether it will mark a turning point in the journey of both FNS and Global Esports towards championship glory.

posted 9 months ago

Title: Rising CS:GO Star "yay" Joins Team Liquid for Exciting Upcoming VCT Season


In a move that has sent shockwaves through the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) community, Team Liquid has announced the acquisition of the incredibly talented player, Jaccob "yay" Whiteaker. With the Valorant Champions Tour (VCT) season just around the corner, this addition has sparked immense excitement among fans and industry experts alike.

A Rising Star

Jaccob "yay" Whiteaker has quickly risen through the ranks as one of the most promising talents in the competitive CS:GO scene. Known for his exceptional aim, versatility, and deep understanding of the game, yay has consistently impressed both teammates and opponents. His arrival at Team Liquid marks a significant step forward in his career, providing him with a platform to further showcase his skills on a global stage.

Team Liquid's Strategic Move

The decision to bring yay on board aligns seamlessly with Team Liquid's commitment to assembling a roster that embodies both raw skill and strategic prowess. With yay's track record of delivering standout performances in high-stakes situations, the team aims to fortify its competitive edge and vie for supremacy in the upcoming VCT season.

yay's Perspective

Expressing his enthusiasm about joining Team Liquid, yay stated, "I'm thrilled to be a part of such a prestigious organization. Team Liquid has a history of nurturing talent and achieving greatness, and I'm eager to contribute to that legacy. The upcoming VCT season holds immense promise, and I can't wait to collaborate with my new teammates to make our mark in the CS:GO world."

Team Liquid's High Hopes

Team Liquid's management is equally enthusiastic about welcoming yay to the fold. Steve Arhancet, Co-CEO of Team Liquid, shared his thoughts on the acquisition: "We're thrilled to have yay join our CS:GO roster. His skillset and dedication align perfectly with our team's values. We believe that with yay on board, we're well-equipped to face the challenges of the upcoming VCT season and continue our pursuit of excellence."


As the VCT season approaches, the CS:GO community eagerly awaits the synergy that yay will bring to Team Liquid. With his raw talent, dedication, and Team Liquid's proven track record, the stage is set for an exhilarating journey filled with unforgettable moments. The combination of yay's prowess and Team Liquid's legacy is poised to redefine the landscape of competitive CS:GO.

posted 9 months ago

Title: Rising CS:GO Star "yay" Joins Team Liquid for Exciting Upcoming VCT Season


In a move that has sent shockwaves through the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) community, Team Liquid has announced the acquisition of the incredibly talented player, Jaccob "yay" Whiteaker. With the Valorant Champions Tour (VCT) season just around the corner, this addition has sparked immense excitement among fans and industry experts alike.

A Rising Star

Jaccob "yay" Whiteaker has quickly risen through the ranks as one of the most promising talents in the competitive CS:GO scene. Known for his exceptional aim, versatility, and deep understanding of the game, yay has consistently impressed both teammates and opponents. His arrival at Team Liquid marks a significant step forward in his career, providing him with a platform to further showcase his skills on a global stage.

Team Liquid's Strategic Move

The decision to bring yay on board aligns seamlessly with Team Liquid's commitment to assembling a roster that embodies both raw skill and strategic prowess. With yay's track record of delivering standout performances in high-stakes situations, the team aims to fortify its competitive edge and vie for supremacy in the upcoming VCT season.

yay's Perspective

Expressing his enthusiasm about joining Team Liquid, yay stated, "I'm thrilled to be a part of such a prestigious organization. Team Liquid has a history of nurturing talent and achieving greatness, and I'm eager to contribute to that legacy. The upcoming VCT season holds immense promise, and I can't wait to collaborate with my new teammates to make our mark in the CS:GO world."

Team Liquid's High Hopes

Team Liquid's management is equally enthusiastic about welcoming yay to the fold. Steve Arhancet, Co-CEO of Team Liquid, shared his thoughts on the acquisition: "We're thrilled to have yay join our CS:GO roster. His skillset and dedication align perfectly with our team's values. We believe that with yay on board, we're well-equipped to face the challenges of the upcoming VCT season and continue our pursuit of excellence."


As the VCT season approaches, the CS:GO community eagerly awaits the synergy that yay will bring to Team Liquid. With his raw talent, dedication, and Team Liquid's proven track record, the stage is set for an exhilarating journey filled with unforgettable moments. The combination of yay's prowess and Team Liquid's legacy is poised to redefine the landscape of competitive CS:GO.

posted 9 months ago

cus aint no way cryo getting cut

posted 9 months ago

i mean at this point only really possible team is 100t and that would require at least stellar and bang to leave and yay to play sentinel

posted 9 months ago

no its yay

posted 9 months ago

only right answer

posted 9 months ago

the champs 21 song has to be the best one we'll ever get right? the most recent two weren't bad but nothing will ever beat die for you surely

posted 9 months ago

*asian americans against eg

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

cus LA is like the most asian city in America?

posted 9 months ago

???? how does a coach know they have an op
Edit: how do they know where it is?

posted 9 months ago

ignore reply, saving for later

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

ill post one real quick
LOUD 12-9 V1 GC

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

sir i claim them all the time i even had them winning in my pickems!

posted 9 months ago

yeah but fns impact comes from his igl'ing not his stats...

posted 9 months ago

his cypher and viper was fine his kj tho...

posted 9 months ago

eh they still got split and new map

posted 9 months ago

please dont pull a looksmaxxing on me :(

posted 9 months ago

yeah, its called https://www.over.gg

posted 9 months ago

james_ff thread (daily scrimbux)

posted 9 months ago

ty goat🙏🙏🙏

posted 9 months ago

james_ff can you confirm?

posted 9 months ago
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