Flag: International
Registered: August 15, 2021
Last post: May 14, 2024 at 10:56 AM
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i think the only time 100t ever beat sen was first strike finals and after that 100t lost all their finals and seeding matched to sen

posted about 2 years ago

sen is just becoming tenz and friends 2 but tenz isnt even on his prime, the execs are just tenz go in we will stay out of site and flash for u once in a while and sova dart sometimes as well and tenz is in site fighting ww53. timing for sen is awful it takes them so much time to cover for tenz afyer he enters especially in haven that most of the times tenz just gets traded after entrying, back in c9 tenz could carry harder but not anymore coz most people can aim now

posted about 2 years ago

the whole narrative of sen not praccing and only streaming is bs imo because they prolly have a work schedule and they wont use thattime for anything else and in their off times they do stuff that they like (for ex shahz and tenz enjoy streaming alot so they do that and other players from other teams do other random stuff like babybay parties a shit ton while other players do other things they like) but people say "OmG StReAmTiNeLs" even tho the entire team was streaming the same back when they were dominant too

posted about 2 years ago

Thanks for the info mate! i really thought they were tryna become an international team with that comp on split

posted about 2 years ago

tenz on raze definitely isnt bad (but i will say he needs to work on his satchels more) but dapr on chamber? like the most viable agent in split has got to be either viper or breach or skye and SEN didnt run any of them? this is definitely a troll comp because most teams especially ZETA showed why viper is an agent that u NEED if u wanna get map control in split and an agent like breach or skye is required for ur duelist to get some support. wr saw what tenz could do with raze if he got set up properly in the match against v1 in fracture but u cant expect tenz to just satchel onto site and create space without any support from his tmmates

posted about 2 years ago

they lost lower brackets as well

posted about 2 years ago

i saw some people saying they were the new guard and stuff

posted about 2 years ago

people were calling them "the new tgrd" and i was really excited to see what they would do

posted about 2 years ago

yikes, wasnt leaf saying smthng about him quitting pro if ghost dont make it out? or was that a diff team?

posted about 2 years ago

i didnt watch their matches but i kept seeing all these hype threads about ghost gaming and they got double rounded? what went wrong?

posted about 2 years ago

that split comp is defo troll, if it isnt and it turns out its their actual comp then its ggs for sen

posted about 2 years ago

we need a voting system to kick people out of vlr just for ballsaax

posted about 2 years ago

ibaigordoseboso be prepared to take on this ratio

posted about 2 years ago

no pros in ranked make actually good plays 90% of the time (have u even watched yay play ranked, he takes every single duel even if he knows he cant win it) coz most of them are trolling and running around coz for them ranked is the place to cool off

posted about 2 years ago

"MHA is childish" bro wait for the next season, the so called "childish" factor will go away soon enough

posted about 2 years ago

what does this mean for the countries listed? is this like a big deal coz i dont get how these things work

posted about 2 years ago

the funny thing is the thing that actually happened and the thing that is being spread online are so different that it doesnt even stay true to what happened originally and its a load of bs, i can get why people would change the story up a little bit (coz they hate shahz) but they literally changed every aspect of it and its really fucking weird but u cant really do anything about it, even if shahz brings up all the evidence the haters will still hate and thats about it

posted about 2 years ago

it actually has the prime karambit animation (not the second level), pretty fucking good for a bp skin and its almost as good as ruin

posted about 2 years ago

it has the prime karambit animation

posted about 2 years ago

thats fax coz tenz is still one of the best players in the game even if he had a bad tournament and people who follow tenz knows he is a choker on lan im not using this as an excuse but like we all know he is better at online tourneys than international ones coz he loses his confidence pretty quickly and starts throwing (as in not intentionally) and im pretty sure he is gonna dominate in the upcoming vct 2022 season until a lan event shows up, if tenz is able to get around his nervousness in close matches then sen can pretty much dominate but thats a big if coz there are vids of tenz literally shaking due to sheer pressure

posted about 2 years ago

lmaooo, you cant be more delusional than this guy

posted about 2 years ago

oh i didnt know that

posted about 2 years ago

"watch a game and then come argue" wait thats what im supposed to say, omfg you are so stupid.. i watch all regions except for sea and i can clearly see you are actually fkin retarded lmfao and you are the person who said "stats dont meant shit" thats the dumbest fkin shit ive heard like stats mean everything in a game like val, why do i even to explain this youa re so fkin dumb like it fking hurts

posted about 2 years ago

lmfao you are so fkin delusional, you do know that sen have a 2 duelist comp instead of one right? they dont set him up for fkin plays, shahz made that clear in so many interviews he said that tenz just does things on his own lmfao you are so fking retarded like hollllyyyy, asuna is the only duelist in 100t comp (there are exceptions) so they can completely set asuna up since he is the only suelist whereas in sen tenz is a part of two duelist and they wont set him up for plays, it has been made clear by shahz so many fkin times that shahz rarely gives tenz permission to go aggressive and make those twitch clip plays, mean while 100t depend on asuna to get entry frags, if asuna struggles to get a pick its a wrap for 100t but sen have either shahzam or sick on duelist

posted about 2 years ago

i dont understand why people call out shahz for telling the truth, ik he was toxic back in the day but i dont see anything wrong in shahz proving that other pros were match fixing in fact its better for shahz to do that instead of knowing it and being quiet about it

posted about 2 years ago

same thing, if you look at stats tenz has better acs and stuff but leave that all aside, tenz doesnt have a team who sets him up for plays but he still frags out due to his sheer aim whereas 100t set asuna up for those crazy plays most of the time and asuna gets frags due to that, you will understand if u watched the matches very closely or just look at boasters analysis of 100t vs sen.. tenz is just slightly better at asuna at reyna its just facts (also you said stats dont mean shit, so i guess
tenZ is the worst player in the game then and 100t steel is the best)

posted about 2 years ago

biggest cned fan boy right here, if cned did "carry" his team why tf didnt they qualify for iceland in the first place? did his fking back break from all the carrying? so much cap like hollyyyyy, u have to understand that NOBODY can 1v5 a pro team that too on the level of g2 or any tier 1 or 2 eu or any region teams like thats bs if he is carrying then why doesnt the org drop the other players and let cned handle everyone? you are probably the guy who sees the scoreboard and says cned is the best just ocz he topfragged most games, cned is a fkin duelist/entry fragger he is supposed to get kills so its no wonder he would be top fragging like how tf are u this stupid buddy get your 1head ass outta here lmfao

posted about 2 years ago

yeah its true, asuna's reyna is insane but tenz is just better with reyna statistically and ifu watch the games you will see the difference in playstyle that makes tenz slightly better than asuna, sure asua got 48 kills but saying he is the best reyna just coz he popped off one game doesnt mean shit

posted about 2 years ago
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