Flag: United States
Registered: July 31, 2021
Last post: May 9, 2024 at 9:13 PM
Posts: 296
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Nah let the game pass
Both teams are complete shit

posted about a year ago

pro - infinity money
con - 1 tap by phantom/splash damage kill

posted about a year ago

NA is doomed

posted about a year ago

looks terrible or is it just me?

posted about a year ago

Optic have the easist matchup
but its optic...

BOOM 2-1

posted about a year ago

If you want people to read these long posts at least format it, in a more appealing manner

posted about a year ago

V1 were by far the best in NA in terms of utlity usage but now NA teams are just meh.

posted about a year ago

NA stats

Reykjavik 2021 NA 3-1 EMEA
Champions NA 0-4 EMEA
REYKJAVIK 2022 0-0
Copenhagen NA 0-1 EMEA

So its 6-8

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

potential group of death?


posted about a year ago

at least they're trying to create a storyline instead of "everyone being humble with 0 shit talk"
I think I would prefer the former because at least it would be interesting to see if they can
rly back up their shit

posted about a year ago

Sykko - Coach
saying PRX would be a easy matchup

Ayrin - Controller
Thinks Mako is overrated

BCJ - Initiator
Claims him and Crashies are best initiators in the world by far

I think XSET is going to go out like TGRD, but at least they have the guts to be confident and arrogant compared to every other team who are too scared to shit talk

posted about a year ago

We will only truly know when LAN comes and I hope XSET dosent go out like TGRD

posted about a year ago

Im pretty sure FNC and OPTC both get directed into playoff considering both are prob gonna be 1st seed

posted about a year ago

I don't think NA#2 seed matters because XSET and Faze are just not good enough to even make it out of groups.
Prime C9 and TGRD would easily beat these teams 3-0 each but NA is just in a mess and our overall level has
decreased with all the shitty roster changes and teams just losing confidence so optic in we trust.

posted about a year ago

Wow! A team is winning because of their star player! Im suprised!

posted about a year ago

Tbh I think were almost a 1 team region at that point.
Like sentinel fell off, TGRD fell off, C9 roster switch, 100t roster switch
Like all the best NA teams just fell down so we don't have that many good
teams anymore. Either way I hope the other team team isnt OPTC does well from NA.

posted about a year ago

NA - 3
EMEA - 3
APAC - 3
EA - 3
SA - 4?????

What did Latam and BR do to deserve 4 slots that should have either went to NA/EMEA?

posted about a year ago

DRX 3-0 dosen't matter

posted about a year ago

Way to early to say all of the time, but they currently they are the strongest duo besides F0rsaken and Jinggg

posted about a year ago

As a NA player EMEA looks a bit stronger but i would not trash talk rn.
If we win copenhagen then we can shit on EMEA all we want but until then I rather keep my mouth quiet.

posted about a year ago

El diablo for me

posted about a year ago

I think Optic will qualify but if they underestimate the NA teams they won't make it to Copenhagen

posted about 2 years ago

Canada -


posted about 2 years ago

y r u asking advice on VLR people who have never talked to girls in their life beside their mom

posted about 2 years ago

half shield vs GG
and Neon on Bind?

Like trying to come up with new strats is fresh and nice
but this is not working at all

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

You were right.

posted about 2 years ago

NA 2 spots
EMEA 3 spots

posted about 2 years ago

I didn't know BR was APAC ty for educating me about this!

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Reason y I put C9 over OG is cause OG is a tournament team
OG are pretty much G2 and that they do medicore in regular split but insane when playoffs come

posted about 2 years ago

Group A

  1. TGRD

Group B

posted about 2 years ago

You guys think XSET will finally be able to beat a T1 team?
Like they are literally a T1 gatekeeper team
consistently beating T2 teams
but also consistently always losing to T1 teams
Like they can always take a map off of C9 or OG but they can just never win the serie so I hope they finally start beating these T1 teams for groups I hope

posted about 2 years ago

u are on weed if u think C9w beats DZ

posted about 2 years ago

well beyond banter EMEA is better then NA but the difference is only by a slight margin as the NA scene is doing now in the early development in Valorant. Also champion is more important then Masters but teams still try at masters as much as they would in champions so the effort is still there in terms of national matches qualities cause its not like teams can even hide strats for Champions cause of how fast the meta changes.

TLDR:EMEA>NA by a short margin well for now

posted about 2 years ago

XSET and C9 were the top of NA 5 months ago?
Whats your point?

posted about 2 years ago
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