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Registered: October 28, 2021
Last post: May 2, 2024 at 1:33 PM
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common mortadelo w

i love chronicle

posted about a year ago

agree. i am indecisive and i hate to rate things in order, specially when it's that close. to me, they are all the best we have and doesn't really matter the order

posted about a year ago

Mary better awper
bstrdd better entry and rifler

florescent is a beast and i love to watch her play but she has yet to be tested on international stage. it's easier to shine and farm stats on regional tournaments

posted about a year ago

Mary and it's not even close

ETA: I'll never get over this

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

idk, i don't think so, i never played/watched competitive FF, but i think FF, LOL and (mainly) content creation are the "origin" of loud, no?
maybe this is the problem, now that FF is dead, they came to val

posted about a year ago

gf's boyfriend? sick, is that you?

no judgements, tho, i've been in open relationships and they can be cool if people communicate well enough. i had a hard time managing 2 serious relationships at once, tho. no time. i was in dates all the time and felt exhausted and missing having time for myself

posted about a year ago

i think I'll pass. animations and noises are cool but the skin is kinda ugly.
my duo is buying so I'll ask him to drop for a few days until i decide if it's worth it

posted about a year ago

they really don't. see #22

i honestly wish they were right lol. although i really like loud as a team, i dislike a lot the fanbase and the community would be way nicer without kids from FF that came because of loud as an org

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i wish you were right.
not even brazialians can stand how delusional some loud fans are

on this forum it's true, most of us are supporting all brazilian teams, but outside of here things are pretty different. its a war out there.

loud fans are the most loyal in Brazil.

valorant brazilian fans usually support individual players, but loud fanbase is very mixed. some were fans of sacy+saadhak, others are aspas fans, but the biggest part was already loud fans that came from FF and lol, that support the org no matter what

posted about a year ago

not defending them because i actually disagree with them, but i think you got it wrong. loud fanbase now hate sacy and pancada because they left, not the other way around.
loud fans didn't leave the org because two players left.
"loudetes" are annoying af, not even us Brazilians can really stand them, but they are very loyal, too much loyal actually
(not all loud supporters are loudetes btw)

posted about a year ago

i read the title like 'aspas out marved in', since aspas means quotes and it made me very confused

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

true. but still. loud for exemple has frod (iirc), as their 6th player. frod is 36
karmine corp is fucked because newzera quitted and they also don't have a good option.

i hope the teams value more having a good 6th player for next year

posted about a year ago

de ser uma piada você entende né

posted about a year ago

valurantefanboy but there are great contenders cited above

posted about a year ago

mathematically, can NRG classify to playoffs? its weird to think they can be out of masters and champions

posted about a year ago

i was thinking about this too. the teams that didn't take seriously having a good 6th player did a high risk gamble

posted about a year ago

sem falar que as vezes parece que ele não entende o que tá acontecendo. tipo algumas situações de ninja defuse ou que alguém mata o time todo mas não consegue defusar, volta e meia outra pessoa tem que explicar pra ele o que rolou. é muito vergonhoso. a Belle realmente entende o que tá acontecendo e faz comentários interessantes

posted about a year ago

this comment seems to be really inocuous tbh idk if it's an irony because i agree, some loud fans are really weird

posted about a year ago

até onde eu sei ela narrava no wr, mas não acompanho então posso estar errada

posted about a year ago

my bait was 1 word, the other reply wasn't it. i have always been prolific.

i still think they are equally goated and this whole discussion is childish and idiotic so i really don't care. bye

posted about a year ago

chet knew they wouldn't win the decider with ardiis on duelists and did the right thing: victor back to where he should have never left

posted about a year ago

it's easy to inverse your argument: optic had a great year and is performing badly with ardiis.
i agree navi has great support players, but NRG also does...

i feel like they are having role troubles because of ardiis performance, tbh

posted about a year ago

i hope so too. Asuna is really good at flex, but his impact when he is on duelists is huge

posted about a year ago

and optic/nrg downgraded

posted about a year ago

the truth is Shao, zyppan and suy are the unreplaceable pieces (in terms of gameplay, not tatics. angel is a great IGL) to fpx/navi. they have a great support and any good duelist/oper would thrive in the team. NAVI upgraded from ardiis with cned. i wouldn't doubt fox/navi wanting to drop him having cned available (on a team not on franchise)

posted about a year ago

talking shit on his live

posted about a year ago

i though you were talking h2h. but no, you are throwing stats unrelated to the topic.

having more kills overall on the game means nothing on derke x aspas. he farmed on other unrelated to the topic loud players, not on aspas. i appreciate you mentioning that loud lost, because i think it only proves my point. even losing, even having less kills overall, aspas was still superior h2h.

ACS on the tournament again means nothing since they faced different oponentes and fnatic hadn't loose a map before facing loud

still, h2h aspas won. and i think actually he being only +1 point how close they are.

that being said... i don't think stats from one match proves shit, i was just baiting you. so easy to bait emea fans lol.
this whole discussion is idiotic and both of them are the GOATs

posted about a year ago

Victor needs to go back do duelists asap

posted about a year ago

dgzin x keznit probably

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i won't, but you have to understand the world is not bound to your views. some people watched Sacy's streams everyday for years, some people feel like he, through his lives, made them company when they were lonely or sad. he is the favorite player of some since 2021. for some, it's just a non-issue he left to make more money (good for him)

you can be ashamed all you want, your "morals" don't change people's heart

people will support who else calls to their heart the most and that's always ok

posted about a year ago

shooting bodies and teabagging is a non-issue in brazil, i doubt DG would mind some bs

posted about a year ago


yay is the nicest

posted about a year ago

this person is delusional.
clearly he jerks off to loud the guy is obsessed

posted about a year ago

when loud entered valorant Asuna was playing for 100t for over a year...

posted about a year ago

khalil and qck are in furia since forever, idk if longer than Asuna and s0m, tho

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

taco is inconsistent, unfortunately. when he is on, he is a beast. but on some games he just doesn't click

posted about a year ago

he usually is good on raze

posted about a year ago

Shao is the exception. he is a nice guy, very very likable. zyppan is alright too. suy is the goat but very unlikable.

the only one of navi who owns us is cned. when navi become a world champion then they'll be able to say something

posted about a year ago

most likable
(old gambit was the most likable team ever)

  1. DRX
  2. LOUD
  3. FNC
    honorable mentions: zeta, 100t

least likable

  1. NAVI (old FPX was more, tho)

i don't feel like any other franchise teams are dislikable, but from Challengers: The union (sorry Rafa, guh and havoc)

(i am disregarding the fanbases, only considering the roster, or else LOUD and FNC wouldn't have made it)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Most say that this was gossip that everyone already knew, but no one had the courage to post.

true, i've known for months. i find a little disgusting how he did it, but i understand him going to a NA team. the money is good.

posted about a year ago

o lance do mazin foi ridículo. o less vive chamando os rivais de ruim e levam na esportiva. obviamente é o calor do momento, o mazin sempre foi mto respeitoso com a loud e sempre disse que eles são bons. pô, eles são a referência pro Brasil inteiro, óbvio que o mazin respeita mto os caras

posted about a year ago

amo o roster de valorant da loud e torço por eles na maioria dos jogos, mas loudete = cancer

posted about a year ago
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