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Registered: October 28, 2021
Last post: May 2, 2024 at 1:33 PM
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he usually is very good, that's why his decision making lately seem so weird to me.

sure, he likes to troll, but it seems like trolling has been more important than winning. trying to knife boaster, for exemple. braindead

posted about 2 years ago

they were losing 4-8 and he threw the pistol. seems like he ain't thinking straight

posted about 2 years ago

yeah. I was thinking the same. he's looking so undisciplined, whiffing. he's been playing weirdly

posted about 2 years ago

I know. he should learn how to op, then.

maybe, with chamber, he doesn't need to, jamppi can op with chamber (if the comp allows)

posted about 2 years ago

Chronicle, derke, nukkye

posted about 2 years ago

I honestly thought loud would 13-0 vks on both maps, so one could say that vks manage to exceed the expectations

posted about 2 years ago

he is pretty flex and he is good when his mind is on the game, but when he's off, like today, it's sad to watch

posted about 2 years ago

jamppi is really off today, really

posted about 2 years ago

maybe he should learn to extract value from other duelists. his Jett is pretty average, he can only impact with reyna

posted about 2 years ago

I never thought a team with scream would have problems on attack because their duelist has no impact and gets no frags. maybe the answer is to move scream back to duelist.

TL threw some rounds when they had the advantage, jamppi entry was extremely poor on ascent, he wasn't great on defense as chamber on haven too.

idk, they seem lost

posted about 2 years ago

I don't know. I think this new meta favours EU play style

posted about 2 years ago

great analysis.

I would drop chase, tbh

nyang showed an inconsistent performance, yes, but he's very smart and hard working. I think there was something going on with his personal life or like mentally, he usually plays better than he did on GL's first matches. he did step up and I feel like this was very important for him, to rebuild his confidence.

although dgzin is great, i do find him undisciplined and anxious, he picks when he doesn't need to, specially on postplant. sometimes he flat out throw (the round or advantage) by doing that.

I like fuzari, he's very ratty, but I think that he is, in 2022, above his own 2021's performance. I expect more from him.

v1nny, although not great, is the IGL, so I wouldn't change it in the middle of this split.

chase has been a let down, i can't recall one decisive moment from him this year. I feel like he also over picks, but while dgzin hits (most of) his shots, this isn't always true with chase. I haven't been liking him on kay0. he seems weird, like he's uncomfortable.

let's see what GL has to offer. I do hope they qualify.

posted about 2 years ago

yeah, i do think this is gonna be a big issue too

this sucks, Reykjavik without them is gonna feel so bland. I love to watch them

posted about 2 years ago

no, he's not

posted about 2 years ago

sharks and viking are not good rn. best BR team this year is loud by far

posted about 2 years ago

both VCT BR groups are kinda of messy rn, this weekend will be filled with adrenaline as we find out which teams classifies

posted about 2 years ago

I hope GL and Liberty manage to classify

posted about 2 years ago

I think the biggest problem would be visas, because of sanctions against Russia, but idk

posted about 2 years ago

agreed. tuyz is above TBK's average

posted about 2 years ago

team vikings

posted about 2 years ago

1- scouting 2- they want immediate results and dont give the team time to build synergy

ETA: basically, the problem is managment

posted about 2 years ago

Vivo Keyd on their current form is suffering to beat ingaming. I don't think they would (loud would)

posted about 2 years ago

mine is the best

posted about 2 years ago

yay and friends

posted about 2 years ago

veroneze e o pior do time

posted about 2 years ago

o pepa é muito bom, o swag parece promissor

posted about 2 years ago

heat is better, but he is more experienced. aspas has the raw talent and he's playing with sacy and saadhak, he'll evolve a lot

posted about 2 years ago

maybe because the other maps are even worse?

posted about 2 years ago

champions karambit and katana rgx

posted about 2 years ago

derke, heat and yay
not in order

posted about 2 years ago

although FURIA only need to win one out of two games, i don't think it's gonna be a piece of cake since neither sharks not Vivo Keyd can lose the next one. VK needs it and I think sharks really want to avoid the embarrassment.

I don't like this NIP roster, i think jonn has a great aim but doesn't seem to bother to play smarter or to get the most out of the agents he plays with (for example, he's been playing Jett, although he ain't a Oper. he over picks without dismiss on reyna etc), i do think Xand is good, a better Jett than Jonn (but Xand also is more flex, when jonn just isn't, so they have a role problem). NIP's support is pretty great, cauazin is a strong sova, bezn is getting a lot of value as sentinel, he has a strong anchor and is also a clutch master, and bnj is good with his utilities and win duels. this team has a lot of aim, but I see them as a pug team, imo, sometimes lacks strategy. they might be winning out of their aim on VCT BR, but it won't hold on masters. this is the reason why I don't want them to go much further. anyway, I hope VK and FURIA classifies in group B.

posted about 2 years ago

it's the edit option

if you pull or stun heaven, agents in hell won't be affected

posted about 2 years ago

they killed my baby

posted about 2 years ago

yes, you are correct. he needs to start thinking like a sova. he can think like a raze. it's totally about being main

posted about 2 years ago

I think yes, they had a lot of mistakes and there's a lot of ground for improvement, but loud is way more disciplined and tactical than KS

saadhak is a smart igl and is having even more impact on the game as flex. pancada is a monster, he win duels, he is great with his utility, he awes me. less is a rat, he is disgusting playing (this is a compliment), sacy is sacy, i don't have to say anything. aspas is mechanically amazing. he lacked disciplined, but he is learning fast. sometimes he does position himself badly and throws the round, tho. I see margin for even more improvement, but being led by sacy and saadhak, he'll be the best aspas he can be.

they all are great individually, but they don't have a guy with hero complex that feels like he have to out aim enemy teams, like mw usually does. loud is strategically and individually better rn imo.

although compared to heat, aspas does need to improve, as a team, loud is simply better.

posted about 2 years ago

don't you think Liberty is tier one?

I mean, they sure ain't the best individually, but, IMO, they are the most disciplined, they have a incredible team play and they are great strategically. I think they are a strong team and that they are strong contender to get a spot for masters

posted about 2 years ago

I agree with your analysis. I thought v1xen and jhow have improved individually, but jhow isn't super clutch and doesn't bring rounds (like bezn1 did for NIP yesterday, for example). it lacks. I think they respect him since he was the one that assembled the line, but it's time to go if they want to grow.

mw needs to stop trying to resolve everything with his aim and start to think like a sova. yesterday I had a deja vu when he lost a clutch where he had his recon dart and simply didn't use it. you are not a duelist anymore, mw. use your utility pls

I like murizz and I do think he is good at supportive roles, but man, split's comp was troll. they had no flashes, they had a really hard time entering spike sites and gathering info. that round were jonn killed three with a judge wouldn't have happened if they had a skye using trailblaze or her flashes on mail/mid.

I'm very sad that they lost, I don't like NIP and it's a shame to see supposedly one of the best two brazilian teams losing to them.

KS need discipline asap, they were over peaking and
losing rounds were they had an advantage, there were moments were it seemed they were flat out throwing

posted about 2 years ago

rusians probably won't get visas to Masters, due to sanctions against Russia. I believe any EMEA team that classifies for masters will have to play with completes. besides Gambit (all 5 being Russians), fpx (2) and Navi, there's fnatic with bravef and there's also wippie in V1 (NA). I don't recall any others Russians in T1 Val teams, but my memory is shitty.

posted about 2 years ago

humiliated is a strech

posted about 2 years ago

poor management. totally unfair with the players

posted about 2 years ago

honestly, i do. bzka was a hot fix, a last minute patch when things went wrong with onur

posted about 2 years ago

loud lost a lot when they lost onur. bzka is not that type of coach, he is not lead the team strategic, saadhak said on a interview that he is there to educate and control less and aspas. imo, loud should bring a strategic strong coach from EMEA

posted about 2 years ago

yeah it will be hot and awesome

posted about 2 years ago

first of all, great quality content, as ever.

I agree with you power rank. I really want to see what sharks has to show after their bootcamp, since the last time they did a bootcamp they flopped hard. and I don't know the Portuguese players, so I'm curious. but gaabx, prozin and frz are a great base.

I'm rooting for VKS and I do hope they surprise, but this new line is underdogs in VCB, after VKS dominated 2021.

I’m curious about Furia too, although they kept 4 players, I feel that their gameplay will be drastically new, with QCK as duelist, ableJ being new on valorant and all

we'll find out soon

posted about 2 years ago

yeah, it's shocking

posted about 2 years ago

I haven't received although I checked to be able to get emails from riot :(
I don't think they forgot as in someone manually does this and sends. it's an automatic job that has been performed and, for some reason, we lost the chance

posted about 2 years ago

mw is a better rifler, but sacy is a more experienced sova, better with utility and almost godlike with sova's ult. but mw will get there

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
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