Flag: United States
Registered: October 11, 2022
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 9:32 AM
Posts: 277
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They only did it once. Saadhak on stax but their friends so~

posted 9 months ago

Don't hate it but why is it only the Americas teams doing it? EG, Loud, and now Kru

posted 9 months ago

How long till people realize ZETA is never gonna import a player? They brand themselves as a Japanese team and has always been. If they wanted to import they would have done so long ago when other JPN teams were signing KR/RUS players.

posted 9 months ago

And which country in Asia should they pick from? And what are you gonna do about the language barrier? Korea has the most talent out of all the countries in Asia. What are you even talking about?

posted 10 months ago

Thats the thing. It hasn't been a year yet. 4 months ago he was pounding at Lock//In. Your take only make sense if he continues slipping for another 2 events

posted 10 months ago

Why do people talk like MaKo played terribly at Tokyo? It was below his average but people talk like he's a terrible player. Dude was saving DRX in that EG game while the entire team was flopping.

s0m will only overtake MaKo if he continues playing this well consistently for like 1 1/2 years. MaKo has been insane for almost 2 years, his consistency is unmatched

posted 10 months ago

The site says no one is streaming. But FPX BerLIN is currently streaming.

posted 10 months ago

DRX’s performance does not correlate to MaKo playing badly. Also you’re making no sense because Redgar should not be last if you rank based on performance.

posted 10 months ago

Unless s0m keeps it up for an entire year and DRX continues slumping, MaKo should be No. 1.
Tuyz way too high
Haodong is underrated considering he IGLs and has decent fragging

posted 10 months ago

I hope the China league has the same set of rules as the other 3 leagues. If the other leagues only allow 1 import, so should China

posted 10 months ago

T1 will do better than DRX at Champs. You heard it here first

posted 10 months ago

Don't get me wrong. I'm not blaming SG. I'm just a Pacific fan and want Pacific to win a trophy. I just hope every country in Pacific gets better representation

posted 10 months ago

How come no country in SEA can build a good team of 5 from one country? PRX has to use SG/MY/IDN/RUS in order to do well. Compared to Korea and Japan who can use their own regions players to build at least one good team.

posted 10 months ago

This isn't really toxic though. Its just a meme cause of the Plat Chat incident. Even the Japanese casters are clowning themselves cause they predicted Team Secret to win LCQ.


posted 10 months ago

Nah crow has a life game like once every 2 months. You can definitely find a player that can frag better and have the same utility impact. ZETA can actually contend for top 3 Pacific with a few changes. Like in playoffs, the games they lost to TS and T1 were super close

posted 10 months ago

I don't think they deserve it either. I say Gen.G because I wanna see all 3 teams make changes next year. All 3 can actually contend for top 3 Pacific with a few changes

posted 10 months ago

I wanna see Gen.G make it because I feel like if ZETA or TS make it they'll be satisfied with the result and not make any changes. Gen.G seems a lot more brutal seeing how they cut players after 1 game at Lock//In

posted 10 months ago

EDG always loses these seeding finals tho. They were the second seed at both Lock In & Tokyo cause they lost to FPX/ASE

posted 10 months ago

FPX can actually contend with EDG if they get a better duelist. Maybe acquire NTER's Spring?

posted 10 months ago

The GE and TS players have talked about getting destroyed by whzy in scrims. The game will be close but I think they can win

posted 10 months ago

if you're gonna bait apac, at least do it during their timezone

posted 11 months ago

honestly, both teams were throwing. dk and bleed could have won way earlier

posted 11 months ago

He's been grinding Sentinel in rank ever since Tokyo. Perhaps he's gonna change his role?

posted 11 months ago

Would you elaborate on Laz? He carried Japan before Chamber came out, then he carried during the Chamber meta. And now he took up IGL-ing when no one else on the team wanted to do it. His stats definitely tanked this season but thats more cause he started IGL-ing

posted about a year ago
  • F4Q Disbanded
  • Nuturn Disbanded
  • On Slayers never got a map off DRX again
  • ZETA fell off
  • TS bombed out of playoffs
  • PRX ???
posted about a year ago

He has his highs and low. But can you blame him when he gets wrecked on the entry everytime because ZETA plays so poorly on the attack? They play so slow and don't take map control. Dep is bound to get destroyed on the entry.

posted about a year ago

Probably cause they event is held in Korea? And its cheaper to get Koreans cuz they don't need to spend money on travel and accomodations.

posted about a year ago

Isn't the contract period just for show? Previously Gen.G had Secret signed till 2026 as well but he was let go straight after Lock//In. I don't think the duration matters.

posted about a year ago
  • Bench eKo fulltime
  • Swap Sylvan & TS roles. TS has way too many first deaths as a smokes player
  • Stop with the no Sentinel comps on Fracture & Pearl
  • Pray Meteor wakes up
posted about a year ago

oops my bad

posted about a year ago

He was born in Korea, he just moved to the States young

posted about a year ago

Saya said on stream that they were comming in Korean but someone gave an English callout, then everyone started to comm in English. SInce him, Ban and Xeta are all used to English comms it just happened.

posted about a year ago

You don't think so? I feel he's mechanically talented enough to not get out aimed. His agent pool just sucks

posted about a year ago

Both Japanese teams just have terrible management. Xdll and Hiroron who recently won Challengers were with ZETA last year but they decided to stick with the same roster. JoxJo was literally a free agent in the off season but DFM chose to have Reita IGL the team. They also picked up 2 coaches who have no achievements whatsoever.

Unironically, the OG Absolute Jupiter in kinda destroying the Japanese scene. The entire team has been picked up for franchised when only Laz and takej can really hang with the best. They only thing most of them have is experience but its not like that shows in the gamplay.

posted about a year ago

You keep saying Team Secret 3-0ed Gen.G in scrims. Can you provide an actual link to the source? What is “look in their page”? Look at what page??

posted about a year ago

MSI is just a cooler way of saying playoffs. Each region has their own round robin stage followed by main event. The NA teams also don't face the Brazil/Latam teams till Ascension.

posted about a year ago

Not sure. Probably carpe or ban? I doubt the get rid of Saya and Xeta

posted about a year ago

Looks like they're adding iNTRO (ex. Gen.G) to the team


posted about a year ago

its seoldam

posted about a year ago

10th March according to one of the Korean casters

posted about a year ago

Singapore and South Korea has different military systems. Koreans can delay their service for longer

posted about a year ago

Agree to disagree. I think BuZz played his role as entry duelist well.

posted about a year ago

Who do you suggest they get? There isn't any IGL better than stax in Korea. IGLing is different from scouting a cracked aimer. Every region lacks top tier IGLs cause its an extremely rare skill.

posted about a year ago

They did intend to have him on the main roster. They were splitting practice time with Foxy9 but ended up playing with the original 5 because the coach felt he wasn't ready.

They don't need to drop anyone because there is no one to get. There is no better Korean IGL than stax. Unless glow comes out of retirement, stax just needs continue to grow as an IGL. Players like FNS has been IGL-ing for many years. stax just needs time.

Also BuZz is definitely not the worst player on DRX.

posted about a year ago

This is why I don't think Foxy9 will be the solution for DRX. Yes, he is mechanically skilled and will be better than Zest aim wise. But Foxy9 is going to run into the same problems as BuZz when he tries to entry.

Stax just need more time to grow as an IGL. If he gets better at mid-rounding or adapting mid game, like FNS or saadhak, DRX will improve a lot more

posted about a year ago

What does winning Split 1 get you? Is it just prize money?

posted about a year ago

He was always good at Raze since he played on Nuturn

posted about a year ago

DRX dominates Pacific. What are you on??

posted about a year ago
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