Flag: Germany
Registered: June 6, 2022
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 7:24 AM
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well pakistan bangladesh and sri lanka are very similar to indians, and I think other sports are way more relevant in australia.
Which basically leaves the few people living in the west indies and the english.
doesn't change too much tbh

posted about a year ago

true, but still nobody outside of these few countries cares about it, so it doesn't change anything about his statement

posted about a year ago

but nobody else outside of these few countries actually cares about cricket

posted about a year ago

still doesn't change anything about his statement

posted about a year ago

Just because he used to be better doesn't mean he is now, valorant is a fast changing e-sport.
Besides the guy is just 17, of course he's gonna get better over time.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

SugarZ3ro is their 2nd best player after Laz, and imo one of the top 3 apac controllers (with mindfreak and mako),
replacing him would be a big mistake.

But yeah I'm looking forward to seeing ZETA next year.

posted about a year ago

Jujutsu Kaisen

posted about a year ago

it sets your life almost everywhere, apart from some expensive big cities

posted about a year ago

I agree, GE's problem is not the org, but the fact that SA Valorant is still kinda underdeveloped, which hopefully they will change.
Would be cool to see an even more diversified game.

posted about a year ago

aren't they keeping s0m and putting him back on smokes?

posted about a year ago

I mean they might put will as the 6th

posted about a year ago

saadhak is argentinian, no?

posted about a year ago

Fr if ph takes away indo and th slots everyone will hate on them.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
  1. 2 agents
  2. if that one agent is so good that it literally can be played on every map I don't see the problem here

And why wouldn't the arguably best player of the world bring in views?

posted about a year ago

I'm not saying "don't hurt the fans", but I just don't get why you would "call out" someone for just being fan of an org???
Like smh as long as they're enjoying the game idc.
And don't tell me that the quality of the tournament scene will suffer. I think that the tournaments we will have next year will be amazing and probably even better than the ones we had so far.
Sure it's heartbreaking for some teams like optic that didn't get in, but franchising ensures a longtime viability for valorant as an esport.
It's not only sellout, it's also being sustainable.

posted about a year ago

But he didn‘t call out riot but people who become fans of orgs instead of players.
So why not just let these people be fans of who they want to be?

posted about a year ago

Bro, you are one tournament late.

posted about a year ago

Did you watch the copenhagen final?

posted about a year ago

Nah shao > bcj

posted about a year ago

A repeat winner would be very boring tbh, so loud i guess.

posted about a year ago

what a weird argument, why should someone keep a flair of a team that can‘t win anymore.
ofc people are gonna set drx as their flair as that is the team they want to win the most out of the remaining ones

posted about a year ago

That‘s literally the case for every country

posted about a year ago

Not in the list you just called s-tier

posted about a year ago

Nah two wasted slots on sa and hk/tw that could go to the likes of onslayers and northeption is not an S tier list

posted about a year ago

Apac is mostly not australian, except for tier 3 team order.
So apac would be a weird choice, also I personally prefer minor regions winning bc it makes it more interesting. So i‘d say korea

posted about a year ago

they didn't even win lcq??

posted about a year ago

playoffs won't be boring anyways, we have very exciting teams like leviatan and drx (if they are in form)
it'll be also interesting to see how xset will perform

posted about a year ago

they lost the lcq

posted about a year ago

so you are saying if faze was at masters as well, NA would haven done better?
NA is kinda a 1 team region atm ngl

posted about a year ago

fpx might if their form is as good as in masters

posted about a year ago

I said nothing lmao, I can see why you would mix up us both, but that was the other german guy supporting another team with a black logo

posted about a year ago

There is franchising and no franchising

posted about a year ago

fair enough, i‘m not too knowledgeable on the region, just they aren‘t tier 1

posted about a year ago

Oceania, lmao

Order are tier 2

posted about a year ago

I agree, she does well on her current job and probably would be worse off being a caster

posted about a year ago

Imagine loosing an argument and then just completely switching to another point lmao

posted about a year ago

Because they looked really good against acend and navi, still I have to agree, this matchup might be closer than a lot of g2 fans want to admit

posted about a year ago

Why would you want bleed to represent apac?
They might as well play in emea.

posted about a year ago

The only not cis emea team to ever win a trophy was acend, and they had two poles and a ukrainian.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Xerxia almost beat fpx, was a coinflip game.
They beat optic last masters who eventually won the whole event. That‘s like saying NA is a one team region atm, because xset is not better than xerxia.

posted about a year ago

So are jing and forsaken (and mindfreak)

posted about a year ago

No one expected kru to get out of groups, winning against loud was outperforming expectations

posted about a year ago

ngl I was not too impressed by optic‘s bind, but xset were just throwing hard, seems like they have to get used to lan, I don‘t see them winning against leviatan though.

posted about a year ago

PRX hopium

posted about a year ago
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