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Registered: December 19, 2021
Last post: April 14, 2024 at 2:35 AM
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I wonder how he would compare to trent and ethan. he's used to be way better than crashies/bcj. don't think he ever played trent/ethan.

posted about a year ago

Well, he may have switched teams along the way and gotten stuck in contract jail, or dropped off for a few months if he kept playing pro. So you can't say for sureeeee. Just like ppl thought Wardell would be T1 a few years ago. But yeh, he exceeded my expectations especially on a PUG team, playing well. I'm not gonna go into allegation and personal opinion shit.

posted about a year ago

the world wants a stream :) keep it on UB and TN all night

edit: ayyyyyyyyyy lets go, it'll be on Knights Arena A. I assume UB will get the main stream this time around.

posted about a year ago

stewie was jump jiggling an angle and fired a headshot that hit while he was mid air. like axile's shot in the cs major.

posted about a year ago

rossy is nasty damn. so flexible, too.

posted about a year ago

wardell 8-3 first bloods on raze and most of those are rifling / utility. he's going in first, too, and getting entries even if they aren't the first kills of the round.

posted about a year ago

assuming soniqs win, this could be a fun game. haven't seen purer in a while.

posted about a year ago

eh. they've needed 3 maps for ro128, 64, and 32 iirc. so not looking the best. can't count out a team with multiple world champs tho...

posted about a year ago

Map one off stream, map 2 will be broadcast

posted about a year ago

nah i’m done with god, but i’d love to see em win!

posted about a year ago

nevermind, rescheduled to 6:30. probably a client issue. or WARDELL SLEPT IN AGAIN?

posted about a year ago

Because Rossy was being a little BITCH, of course

posted about a year ago

yeh rossy was just impression farming like a little BITCH

posted about a year ago

100t win probably the easiest 2-0 opening match up

posted about a year ago

wow i’m a loser 😤😢

posted about a year ago

wow my whole comment got featured, not just a link 🤯🫡

posted about a year ago

ok but i’ll give him credit for that last tweet. u should treat a woman right if you want a serious relationship with her lol. it’s not “simping” if you both treat each other well.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

he got SOOO mad over that and WHY? by reacting he made it 10x worse, literally every kid/young adult knows this. just let it die on its own. instead this guy starts banning hundreds of word combinations 😂

posted about a year ago

Welp guys looks like vlr really gets triggered over my lineups, time to go make some more!
BTW this is that toxic positivity RIGHT HERE
It’s much more than that Jonas. Not surprised he didn’t understand/accept that.

posted about a year ago

baaaa baaaa i’m a wittle blue pilled sheep 🐑🐑🐑😛

posted about a year ago

i could make the best team for free with wardell tigg rossy brax stewie (they would never choke! 😵‍💫)

posted about a year ago

roza is a gambler now, L

posted about a year ago

grim is honestly dogshit too, wouldn’t be shit without his sage walls

posted about a year ago

every valorant tournament someone says “na bad, expect eu vs drx (drx lmfaooo)” and it never happens 🤷‍♂️

posted about a year ago

lothar screamed himself into semi-relevance. what even was he on? i swear he claimed you had to jump and ads at the same time or some shit, along with fucking up all your keybinds. “GUYS IT WORKS IN MY DIAMOND LOBBIES!!!”

posted about a year ago

lmfao ikr? this guy would go 3-20 against Girl Kissers, bait his team, win a 1v3 clutch with lineups, and post it on twitter. We would never hear the end of it.

posted about a year ago

I thought it was just me. His voice is so grating and annoying, plus he whines about EVERYthing as if he’s actually good. In reality he’s bad, even for a CC, and he lineup crutches (just like a lot of Brim/Viper CCs). Not to mention he thinks he’s some sexy god because he used to sing on a cruise ship and complained that his Twitter thirst trap got reported.

But good for him, building his brand and being successful with a few thousand viewers. You can’t be universally liked after all.

PS: Same with Lothar, his voice is mad annoying and he thinks he’s a genius (OMG GUYS i’ve been trying to tell you the stinger is broken for DECADES, all you have to do is CHANGE UP ALL YOUR KEYBINDS to abuse an ADS bug!!!!)

posted about a year ago

one of the best Bo3 performances i’ve seen

posted about a year ago

i’m not a fan AT ALL of that team.
i don’t wanna watch sinatra in the server so i hope the nation doesn’t have to play them. but if they do, nation will run them over. so yeh hope ur right!

posted about a year ago

i would bet “this team” (you mean the nation i assume) doesn’t even exist any more. don’t expect to see them in LCQ.

posted about a year ago

at the time it would’ve been zombs brax stewie exalt and one more

posted about a year ago

Maybe he has an out-of-this-world offer that requires him to move immediately and not touch Val for a week, in which case I understand. Unlikely tho.

posted about a year ago

Play LCQ with your team before quitting. That gives them time to practice with someone else before Challengers, if they make it. Don’t fuck them over by forcing them to find a replacement in THREE DAYS. Brax came to live with you, for fucks sake, trusting that you would take him seriously. What a toxic fucking move, I’m disappointed.

I was all over twitter commenting that TN wouldn’t even sign up for LCQ because, after the loss vs DR, they didn’t sound committed enough to competing. I guess I was right in some capacity. It’s just so fucking disappointing, because I like all TN players well enough and want to see them compete. Maybe they get offers from other teams, idk…

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I’ll not apologize for my standom! Accept it, get over it, move on.

posted about a year ago

he plays just fine vs good teams. and has his whole career. check any of his matches. 100t during knights, v1 qualifier, etc. are u referring to the challenger league open qualifier teams as “good teams?”

posted about a year ago

it’s gonna be impossible to make another deep run unlucky and ggs.
i bet they’re not even gonna play in it 🤷‍♂️

posted about a year ago

mr opac didn’t get his hands on an awp the entire map of fracture, so yeh, he wasn’t hitting anything with it…

posted about a year ago

wardell is one of the smartest and steadiest awpers so idk where u got brain dead from..

posted about a year ago

of all the bans and picks possible, somehow you force your star awper to play sage-raze-raze. fucking ridiculous. whoever picked those maps should be fired

posted about a year ago

u see him willingly playing raze/sage, rifling, and entrying. And NOW u say he’s the problem

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

first time in like THREE years after such an intense rivalry is insane

posted about a year ago

omg same! just like me fr
i remember getting off work for the very next tournament they played, and fuckin boggs was like “we’re getting word that wardell won’t be in the sever” and i turned that shit off immediately.

posted about a year ago
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