Flag: International
Registered: February 21, 2023
Last post: January 23, 2024 at 6:12 PM
Posts: 948
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more relevant than chamber meta results in the current day

posted about a year ago

yep there are a lot of girls playing valo but most of them are older teens and adults, not kids.

posted about a year ago

probably partially biological but only partially and the effect is much smaller than in traditional sports. the real reason is you cant become truly good at video games without playing since early childhood and little girls literally just dont play fps games. every val pro has played csgo or other fps game since like 9 years old lmfao how many 10 year old girls who play cs/val/any fps are there? way fewer than boys. and the reason they dont do that is def societal, kids are even more cliqueish than adults, girls aren't gonna do something that mostly boys do. edit: and regardless of the reason it's only more reasons to have female/gender inclusive leagues, just like traditional sports have women's leagues.

posted about a year ago

ascent is a bad map and people only like it because its supposedly 'simple'.

posted about a year ago

haven is the same except in some leagues fade is played more than sova. and before fade was released what do you think it was? same is gonna happen with icebox and harbor and maybe gekko.

posted about a year ago

icebox b site needs to be reworked but a settled agent meta does not mean a map is bad. and "most played agent comp" by region means nothing.

posted about a year ago

the issue is with the emea format which is the fault of riot, too many leagues combined with restrictive import rules means no one is watching

posted about a year ago

i ain't disagreeing with cs being very complex or whatever but please dont project ur experience with t5 comp valorant 'strats' onto actual pro play

posted about a year ago

but a replacement on such a short notice is going to do even less for them.

posted about a year ago

no time to get a visa

posted about a year ago

he had some kind of health problems (back i think) which affected his performance.

posted about a year ago

riot should think about relaxing the region restrictions at least for players from countries not represented in vlrs because the cis league aint coming back.

posted about a year ago

the players only count as regional if they have permanent residency in the country that is a member of a regional league... check the rules again

posted about a year ago
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