Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: September 19, 2021
Last post: March 4, 2023 at 6:45 PM
Posts: 167
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yeah idk his gameplay is beyond comprehension

posted about a year ago

source: trust me bro

posted about a year ago

ange1 is making this a 4v6 for fpx

posted about a year ago

nobody gives a fuck but you're bringing it up for no reason πŸ‘

posted about a year ago

they win 51% of the rounds where he dies first, its so he can igl the team better

posted about a year ago

it will be a swift 13-6 13-10 for liquid

posted about a year ago

liquid vs fpx for the coach walkout so many people will be confused

posted about a year ago

it wont go to ot trust

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

liquid win this with their eyes closed yawn emoji

posted about a year ago

will be interesting to see who they root for today when scream drops 30 each map and sends them home

posted about a year ago

technically its his second as there was a crowd in cooenhagen for the last game they played against fpx, they did still lose but at least he wasnt outfraggedd by boaster

posted about a year ago

big facts liquid about to go on a tear

posted about a year ago

liquid still folds them tomorrow with or without brave 100 emoji

posted about a year ago

I mean even after getting outfragged by boaster today hes still 8th in acs with 2 maps of him playing kj so hes def not an onliner he just got farmed for once

posted about a year ago

its only really the diehard fnatic fans that are saying that its more likley that he had a bad game + cryo became the second coming of yay, idk if he mentioned getting a crowd buff but the complete opposite happened, guy dropped from 3rd in acs to 8th

posted about a year ago

yeah soulcas looks like he has really crispy aim every time he gets spectated but mistic just puts up way better stats currently 20th for acs in the tournament above players like forsaken, zyppan, victor and taco

posted about a year ago

one being fraudnatic

posted about a year ago

liquid clears fnatic with aim alone:

Scream > Alfajer
Jamppi = Derke
Soulcas < Mistic
Nivera > Enzo
Dimasick > Boaster

posted about a year ago

would say it was a fluke against fpx with the circumstances before the match plus map vetos but they absolutely cleared fnatic, i heard people saying that the crowd were putting too much pressure on alfajer but that's not a valid excuse as all of xset was getting booed

posted about a year ago

ig this depends on your opinion at this point, but in mine anyway when another company decides to buy another company it's creating an extension of that one company, and yeah that means that Liverpool is an American-owned football club, ig u can say they are an English club as that was where they were first formed but for example when they buy new players they r technically using money that belongs to someone else, same with riot when they develop new games they are using money that at the ends of the day belongs to tencent

posted about a year ago

thats not how companies work

posted about a year ago

people love saying it because its the truth maybe πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

posted about a year ago

riot games is owned by tencent but nice bait ig

posted about a year ago

why 😭

posted about a year ago

it's crazy the amount of improvement he's made since cs tho, like his igling back then was below average and his aim was mega washed but he seems to have improved loads, ig u could say its because vals easier but I think he just enjoys the game way more and has put in the work

posted about a year ago

or scream on reyna like the good old days astonished emoji

posted about a year ago

waiting for the liquid farm to start yawn emoji

posted about a year ago

liquid will farm trust the process

posted about a year ago

liquid and fnatic only seem to turn their monitors on when it's an elim game

posted about a year ago

wrong site bro

posted about a year ago

no bro s1mple has been the goat for more than 5 years wheras yay has been for maybe 1 its not comparable

posted about a year ago

imo hes aiming way better than he usually does

posted about a year ago

scream has been the igl since they brought em1l in like a month ago

posted about a year ago

losing 3-1 = diffed?, was only memeing yayster second best player after scream ofc

posted about a year ago

prime ardiis farms yay

posted about a year ago

eu does own na tho we have won 60% of the lans

posted about a year ago

after no prep time because ardiis was in hospital πŸ‘

posted about a year ago

going 3 maps against boom will give anyone those stats πŸ₯±

posted about a year ago

who is derje

posted about a year ago

pearl was a fluke since there's no way to prep properly for it making the map pretty much a coin flip for whichever team is feeling it more that day

posted about a year ago

people commonly use words ending in ly to reinforce lies

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

jamppi is one of the best chambers tho sage was better to counter the aggression of the double duelist comp edg ran

posted about a year ago

I see this argument has taken a toll on your mental health

posted about 2 years ago

they go internationally to study because other countries have better universities its as simple as that, out of the top 10 unis in the world, 4 of them are in the UK, and getting paid to study is nothing new, I have my tuition fees paid for by the government and on top of that I get Β£9.6k (€11,412) to live off, so il admit it was a nice try but the UK owns Saudi Arabia in everything apart from average temperatureπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

posted about 2 years ago

it doesn't matter if a desert gets some rain every now and then its still a desert, also its funny how your friends would chose to go study in ireland, like why would they travel across the world to a country away from their friends and family where every pic is like a black and white filter. Couldn't be because Ireland is one of the most globalised countries in the world ranking 12th on the kof index (Saudi Arabia is ranked 72nd πŸ’€)

posted about 2 years ago

I hope you realise that the accounts they give the players are fresh and will gain rr way faster it doesn't suddenly mean that eu radiant = brazil gold

posted about 2 years ago

how can you call the uk a sorry grey land when you live in a desert, you also don't have to "finance" me anything, I've already been to the uae before which is close enough to saudi arabia and I would rather live in the more successful uk fella

posted about 2 years ago
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