Flag: Indonesia
Registered: July 28, 2022
Last post: March 18, 2023 at 11:16 AM
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VLR staff give

posted about a year ago

pacific's ascension gonna be on LAN, there's no way the americas one won't be on LAN

posted about a year ago

that would be dope

posted about a year ago

is it gonna be on LAN? if it is where's the LAN going to be?

posted about a year ago

yes you do, but at that point your team is 100% gonna be bought by one of the franchised orgs

posted about a year ago

is there any context? bro what happened to ardiis 😭

posted about a year ago

wait what happened with ardiis any context?

posted about a year ago

I'm still awake for you 🙂

posted about a year ago

bro it's midnight for APAC 💀

posted about a year ago

smh rip my dreams I guess

posted about a year ago

I just need for RRQ to win one game and all the stars aligned for them right? I'm sure RRQ can fluke out a win against like DFM or something

posted about a year ago

so you're saying that there's a chance? RRQ to tokyo LETSGOO

posted about a year ago

so RRQ can qualify to tokyo obviously

posted about a year ago

isn't it technically possible for a team with only having one win on the regular season to be in the top 6 and therefore qualify to playoffs?

let's say team A go undefeated and went 9-0, and team B also went undefeated barring their loss to team A. and from team C to team J they only gonna have one win and loss all of their matches, so like team C wins against team D, team D wins against team C, team J wins against team C, and so on.

the final standings would look something like this:

  1. Team A: 9-0
  2. Team B: 8-1
  3. Team C: 1-8
  4. Team D: 1-8
  5. Team E: 1-8
  6. Team F: 1-8
  7. Team G: 1-8
  8. Team H: 1-8
  9. Team I: 1-8
  10. Team J: 1-8

with this, the head-to-head tiebreaker for teams ranked 3-10 would be useless cause they all win against one another, with the only thing separating them is how the map/round differential.

I know that this is the most unlikeliest of outcomes, but is this technically possible or am I missing something? (I've spent all my copium on this one)

posted about a year ago

bro got jealous of a no-lifer 💀

just farm downvotes bro, negativity will have a lasting impression, if you've become a 0 star user you're on track to become the face of vlr

posted about a year ago

you need to win at least 4 games to be in the top 6, and winning 5 games to guarantee a spot in the top 6 (you can still be knocked out of the top 6 even if you win 4 games)

posted about a year ago

I can't play music while studying it's too distracting for me, even lofi distracts me sometimes, I rather study silently without any music tbh

posted about a year ago

bro like sparkling piss 💀

posted about a year ago

EMEA and Americas already got one, where's one for the pacific?

posted about a year ago

who tf is udil surmew

posted about a year ago

wait whaaaat? I've never heard of this
at what major?

posted about a year ago

but what makes ZETA was once a good team, is that they have cracked players hitting their peak at the same time, it's never about their strats or teamwork.

posted about a year ago

because you can't put emoji on a URL bruhhh

posted about a year ago

congrats bro

posted about a year ago

Dep is not a great duelist, Laz can't output as much as when he's on chamber, basically got carried by the chamber meta, and sugarzero is not on his peak anymore, it's been apparent for the last 3 tournaments their in. if I base this on a scoreline I would give more props to zeta bruh they had a close map. and I guarantee you they definitely didn't look "very noticeably better than last time". I thought everyone already knew that zeta reykjavik run was just a fluke. because now they're like 5th-8th on Pacific.

I hope you're baiting bro cuz if you're serious on every of your argument on this post idk what to say 💀

posted about a year ago

he's basically the best player from india, had alot of delusional fans hyping them up, although I think ppl already bullied those fans so much that I don't see any of those indian fans anymore. the dude is very humble and likeable, although no one would put him top 5 on pacific for his role, he's a decent player.

posted about a year ago

trust me bro pacific is doomed 💀
our only hope is DRX, and outside of that there's probably GENG, TLN, and TS fighting for the top 3 pacific, but even for them I highly doubt they can stand a chance against top 3 teams from EMEA/Americas.
also ZETA is definitely didn't look good at all. PRX realize that they can't outaim anyone like what they did on APAC for the past 2 years, GE and RRQ still experimenting shit, and DFM and T1 is garbo.

posted about a year ago

nah it's not that great IMO, it's only worth it if your 1% fps is like at least 300fps I would say

posted about a year ago

hell nah APAC imo meet their expectations, yeah we have some disappointments like PRX but TS and TLN were overperforming than their expectation, so it's not that bad for APAC tbh

posted about a year ago

DAMNNNN, will VLR do like top 20 now just like HLTV?
also leo really deserves this one IMO, it was a tossup between chronicle and him
W nonetheless

posted about a year ago

bro tryna bait when it's like 1AM to 5AM on APAC 😂

posted about a year ago

smh ppl be lying on my discord I guess

posted about a year ago

he meant stats means nothing if you can't replicate it without chamber bruh

posted about a year ago

isn't the game already free for like a couple of years now?

posted about a year ago

csgo source 2/ cs2 is confirmed to be happening like weeks from now apparently, there's shit like 128 tick server and an anticheat like faceit, so it's similar to vanguard in a way, and a new matchmaking system, kinda excited for it tbh

posted about a year ago

more competition is good, I hope CS can get their shit together

posted about a year ago

I can already imagine the nepotism in the franchising leagues in like 5 years from now, this shit would be league of legends 2.0
but I hope the ascension stuff can fix that

posted about a year ago

do you think the half shield fnatic strat that they've been using where they would just buy half shield constantly even if they had the money to buy a full one is a good thing? I get that yeah if the enemy is using vandal half and full shield doesn't really matter, you would still die from 4 shots on the body, but with the harbor + viper meta where people would just spam the wall using phantoms wouldn't that make half shield strat not viable? surely it's easy for you to get 4 bullets on the body through the smoke with the firerate of a phantom no?

posted about a year ago

me 🙂

posted about a year ago

the last 2 slots is for china

posted about a year ago

I think LOUD NRG are guaranteed for teh americas
and for EMEA, NAVI and FNC is guaranteed to be there
and for Pacific, probably only DRX are the one's who guaranteed to be there

posted about a year ago

swap LEV and furia and this would be a good list

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

FPX vs PRX copenhagen?

posted about a year ago

IEM Dallas on csgo literally had C9, who had full russian players and they indeed attend and even won the event, so I don't think the visa thing is gonna be that big of a deal

posted about a year ago

on a verge of getting reverse swept too? godddayum riot scriptwriter is insane

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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