Flag: Italy
Registered: August 1, 2023
Last post: June 11, 2024 at 3:16 PM
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hi i don't have vagina and i support Team Liquid , but shouldn't stop you from supporting Team Liquid as well!

posted 6 months ago

Honestly, I agree. But Zekken isn't that far behind him.

posted 6 months ago

Surely Zmjjkk has to be up there? His fragging potential and midround reasoning is insane, and with him improving on his overaggressive tendencies, I can't see how he would fail to make the list of top duelists.

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

Aren't there rumors that EG is getting cut from the Americas League?

posted 6 months ago

Thank you.

posted 6 months ago

I think they could definitely beat kru, and perhaps even challenge some stronger teams should Blue pop off.

posted 6 months ago

That's a bit too generalized innit?

posted 6 months ago

If that's the case, then I do apologize for any misconceptions my false information has created. Sorry.

posted 6 months ago

Slightly might be just slightly understating the magnitude of this nerf. Lizhi's their main duelist, and I highly doubt both Clem's and Blue's ability to replace her fragging prowess. Also, I'm pretty sure Lizhi was also their IGL... So, personally I'd say this is a huge loss.

posted 6 months ago

Honestly, I kind of get you!
I went to visit America once, and the fooditem my friends ordered for dinner was a pizza from Papa John's (yeah I know it isn't the best). I didn't have much of an appetite after eating some undesirable foods during the day, but I enjoyed the taste more than I thought I would.
Unfortunately, my family didn't approve of going out to get more American pizza throughout the rest of my visit, but I will say that the taste was pretty good.
Also, pizza by places around Rome and Naples are very different from the pizza I usually eat, so I can understand how you'd prefer American styled pizza over traditional Italian pizza.

posted 6 months ago

you wouldn't understand :(

posted 6 months ago

Giacomo my local pizza guy clears botssi even amidst baking a calzone.

posted 6 months ago

I believe it could be attributable to the history of success in the region. Our region has won many trophies and houses many superstar players and international winning players. When those players and teams with a history of success; be it in masters, or in champions, start to falter, why wouldn't we complain? Isn't it a bummer when the team you've watched grow and win start losing?

posted 6 months ago

Yeah they were but I feel like EDG was just able to power through the endgame so well that RA couldn't keep up.

posted 6 months ago

Jesus scoreline not even close.

posted 6 months ago

Yeah because silver is different from pro play...

posted 6 months ago

I doubt this will be an easy match for EDG. They looked solid against FPX, and Chichoo really popped off on Sunset. I hope to see much of the same from them and I hope RA can replicate the performance that saw them past EDG a day ago. Regardless, I still think that EDG will get their hands on the trophy eventually. I'm looking forward to an entertaining match.

3-2 EDG win.

posted 6 months ago

Ah yes. Old ASE roster from over 5 months ago. I will admit that ASE isn't the strongest of the challenging teams, but their performance and strength nowadays exceeds their ability in Masters Tokyo. Also, they were China 1st seed in Tokyo too, having defeated EDG in the qualifier finals.

posted 6 months ago

jkuro is criminally underrated but maybe that's just me. Ik he's inconsistent and often pretty bad, but when he's having a good day that guy can game hard.

posted 6 months ago

EDG is definitely confirmed but there are a lot of teams like DRG or even RA that Riot has to figure out where to put.

posted 6 months ago

They're hosting continuous tournaments to determine the ascension teams.

posted 6 months ago

I was merely stating a fact. I'm still schizo :)

posted 6 months ago

Tracker literally means nothing lol. Their rating system is skewed and it's impossible to tell how you are just from stats alone.

posted 6 months ago

Hmmm. Maybe I was being unclear. I understand the point you're raising, but what I wanted to convey was exactly that. Perhaps I should have specified that all I thought was that against RA, EDG looked very tired. I did not intend to portray my views as having "forgot about all of their wins". However, I still think the RA match exposed EDG's mental fatigue; especially on Sunset which EDG usually dominates.
Anyways, I still don't completely agree with you, but it's my fault that I caused confusion and created room for misinterpretations. Cheers!

posted 6 months ago

DId you watch the RA match? You can't be trying to convince me that they looked anything but "out of it".
As for the post loss buff, you literally just proved my point. Masters Tokyo they lose to T1, then they absolutely destroy T1. Champions LA they struggle against Giants on Split, then they smack them silly come the rematch. They demolish TE 3-0 after losing 2-0, and we might see it again against RA. Learning to adapt to a team after a loss is exactly what I mean by post loss buff.

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

Come on. Everyone knows how much worse the Southern parts of Italy is in comparison to the North. I've been to the South probably two times in my entire life and I can say for a fact that some of the places down there are indeed quite nasty. But then again, every country has its good and bad bits, and I'm sure Brazil is the same.

posted 6 months ago

I really like this one folk singer called Galen Crew.
I recommend some of his songs like Valhalla or Sleepyhead.

Valder Fields by Tamas Wells is also one of my favorites.

posted 6 months ago

I don't remember where I saw it but I did read an article just a bit ago that said IG isn't making franchise.

posted 6 months ago

They might, but imo RA's built up quite a fanbase in the Valorant scene, and they're also a partnered LPL team, so I think there's a good chance RA gets in. I think LNG's also a brand recognition type team that's well known in the CN esports scene in general and they might very well take the slot from a team like RA if RIOT deems them not good enough for whatever reason.

posted 6 months ago

I think I get it now. Thank you so much for the knowledge!

posted 6 months ago

I'm sure both are considered in some sense.

posted 6 months ago

My dear Poge is Indonesian now?
W Poge as always.

posted 6 months ago

Bro you're literally Brazilian. I've heard from other vlr Brazilians about the streets in Brazil and it does not sound remotely comparable to Singaporean streets.

posted 6 months ago

I know right?!

posted 6 months ago

If LNG actually gets franchised I can see them buying a bunch of T2 players from teams like TYLOO, NWG, or even TEC

posted 6 months ago

Very true. But I do know that CN Esport market is very big, so maybe...

posted 6 months ago

Plausible but I'd like to see stew stay in China.

posted 6 months ago

Personally I can't find fault in this list. Good job!

posted 6 months ago

I agree, but fingers crossed because I'm for both EDG and TL to qualify for the main stage :l

posted 6 months ago

Yeah, exactly.
I just hope this burnout doesn't affect them in the Afreeca TV tournament...

posted 6 months ago

I agree. They're looking very out of it, and I think either FPX or TE stand a very good chance at finally sending EDG home. However, we have also seen EDG get a post-loss buff, similar to what happened last act of the tournament. This post-loss buff was also seen in Masters tokyo, and arguably even against Giants. Anyways, I think it'll be very interesting and I don't think I'm going to write a prediction for this series. Instead, I'll just watch and observe this time.
So yeah no analysis for me this time :(

3-2 EDG win against FPX
edit: TE to FPX

edit2: 2-1 to 3-2

posted 6 months ago

Not even I saw it coming but now that I think about it, I probably should've seen it a while ago. The EDG players have to be tired. They've played almost six full tournaments consecutively as well as an off season tournament. If burnout wasn't getting to them before, surely it has to be now right?

RA played phenomenally. They played amazing and I think their choice of not playing Spitfires on Sunset was simply brilliant. I feel like even if EDG was at their best, they'd still have some problems facing this RA side today. I'm just kind of bummed out because if RA gets franchised (which they probably will), they'll be forced to drop one of their import players.

posted 6 months ago

Nice prediction! This was good.

posted 6 months ago

Burnout. Played masters tokyo, CN qualifiers, champs, and all three acts of this Chinese tournament, and that one korean off season tournament as well. It isn't surprising that they finally succumb to fatigue as we all do.

posted 6 months ago

They aren't. This is only the second time they've lost in all three acts of the tournament combined.

posted 6 months ago
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