Flag: South Korea
Registered: July 15, 2022
Last post: September 13, 2022 at 11:58 AM
Posts: 235
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dear, american,eu.chinese,japanese,south american teams

sadly drx will own all of u.

한 번에 한 게임씩.

posted about a year ago

drx own u lil bro

posted about a year ago

drx owning the brazillian dogs.

posted about a year ago

keep supporting a org u cant even speak the language of, hope duolingo helps u out ^_^

posted about a year ago

i think supporting teams from regions u dont even speak the language of is a bit strange (edg fans) , and supporting the org of ur country gives u something to be proud of when they perform, but supporting the team u like is understandble team hopping is not.

posted about a year ago

support ur local org.

switching teams every month to feel a little glory is very very sad.

posted about a year ago

u were a fnatic fan a month ago lil bro, guy switches teams every month kekw

posted about a year ago

chilean edg fan XD

posted about a year ago

liquid is such a fraud team, qualifying through fpx not being able to obtain visas, now making a fluke run watching them crash in groups will be great.

posted about a year ago

trash? just like liquids fluke run then all that to fall in groups.

posted about a year ago

edg will smoke that fraudulant team.

posted about a year ago

drx and 100t, will send these brazilian frauds home early.

posted about a year ago

does it not get boring supporting every team that starts doing good? stick to 1

posted about a year ago

edg will forever be in drx shadow

posted about a year ago

🤓- Monkey_D_Luffy after supporting what ever team starts dong good.

posted about a year ago

next joke.

posted about a year ago

thanks for the clear up i hope this is the case, they will spice things up for sure.

posted about a year ago

looking like a fpx all over again dominate then cant go

posted about a year ago

doubtful edg will be able to go to champions.

rng (chinese org) had to play msi (lol tourny) from home due to travel restrictions, wonder if theyll get disqualified if they win and cant go.

posted about a year ago

If u think the biggest game ever in china "lol" doesn’t have ties with the goverment ur just wrong. we will see it"ll come out soon., not to mention im not sure where ur finding this "2017" stat but a quick google check says otherwise.

posted about a year ago

why is everyone jumping to this conclusion, 1. riot game is owned by a chinese company, 2. "lol" riots other game was instantly released in china, 3. china has problems with western game companies valorant will be released in china

posted about a year ago

they just wont tho, if KR only having 2 slots is true drx and damwon will go through.

posted about a year ago

edg are winning the whole thing.

posted about a year ago

the tourny where, eu had TL stand in for fpx & fnc missing there best player?, good job on the fraud trophy.

posted about a year ago

congrats! on the we beat eu medal, sadly gambit won the tourny and 100t fell out on 3rd place.

posted about a year ago

yep. cryo is the valorant jame

posted about a year ago

remind me, where are 100t in this tourny, na forever in eu's shadow.

posted about a year ago

cryo such a fraud saving op every round, the new jame.

posted about a year ago
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