Flag: United States
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: May 8, 2024 at 10:32 PM
Posts: 96
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posted about a year ago

I think if Will does poorly they will pick up Cryo because other teams Will be getting better and there will be an incentive to be as good as you can be heading into franchising

posted about a year ago

most likely, I think cryo gets sold to 100T and the core gets sold to a rebuilding franchised team, but y'know maybe XSET decides the prospect of ascension is too juicy

posted about a year ago

XSET top 4*

posted about a year ago

Maybe, but DRX > KRU and Xerxia

posted about a year ago

I think 100T are better than XSET but 100T have to beat DRX and XSET have to beat KRU/xerxia

posted about a year ago

I think XSET is underrated

posted about a year ago

'FPX or Fnatic are only teams that can win champs'
Average EMEA fan
We all know who wins
It's W gaming time

posted about a year ago

Ehhh loud getting grouped is a little to hot for me, at least not by Zeta. Remember Zeta has a sub and is the 15th best team there

posted about a year ago

You can't talk until your region makes it out of groups, also not a hot take just a dumb one, 'downvote me pussies' isn't a defense

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Dumb/Hot take: BCJ talks so make shit he turns into shit and opponents ff because of smell XSET makes it out of groups

posted about a year ago

Sizzling Take: FPX 5-8th place

posted about a year ago
  1. GE

  2. ORD (understandably

  3. SEN

  4. BBL

  5. EDG

posted about a year ago

EDG is overrated. wont make it out of groups

posted about a year ago

I think it was a fluke run. FPX didn't look like champions domesticly. Ange1 seems clueless. Also winners curse + you have to understand when you make predictions you need to add a level of intuition to your predictions, here my intuition is saying FPX is a fluke and 100T will do pretty good

posted about a year ago

ATM this move obv makes no sense, but if faze for some reason don't make franching/ sell dicey it makes some to acquire dicey

posted about a year ago

DRX is better, but their mental is so shit, LEV is not better from what I have seen

posted about a year ago

I think if that group happens at champs - optic + 100T - guild + TL 100T go 2-1

posted about a year ago

Same tier as TL and optic, loud went 0-2, DRX best performance is 5-6th Leviatan is 1-2 international, and XSET is shit trust me that one will speak for itself

posted about a year ago

Average Sen fan
Also I'm not even a 100T fan

posted about a year ago

LEV: had a decent international showing, decent team, fairly unproven IMO low upset potential
Zeta: only team to skip LCQ and Copenhagen had honeymoon run, may surprise, odds are will get grouped missing TENN I believe
XSET: 0-1 in internationals probably going to find a way to lose to optic and then 100T and be out I just don't see this team doing anything
Xerxia: I have no reason to believe in this team
Boom: showed a nice LCQ, I may be being a little harsh here very unproven tho
Furia: this team doesn't deserve to be here should have lost to KRU and not qualified why does SA have 4 spots give it to m3c

posted about a year ago

Reasoning for all picks
PRX: second at Copenhagen don't really need to explain
FNC: looked great domesticly, feel like if Derke and alfa can start hitting will be S tier, think they have more to show+ boaster twerk bonus
FPX: Haven't lost on LAN, won Copenhagen, just have a feeling it was a fluke + winners curse
Optic: won iceland, got third at Copenhagen, 2nd at Berlin, FNS is insane just very consistent.
TL: this guy named ScreaM
100T: won last ten maps dominantly and against double map ban
Loud: top of B, second at Iceland, weren't like super impressive at Iceland, but also didn't do that bad at Copenhagen with what they had, massively talented
DRX: PRX's kryptonite, overall very solid, weak mental
KRU: all around decent, doesn't need too much explanation
EDG: might win, might get grouped, idk man

posted about a year ago

I think FPX lose to loud, good mental DRX, maybe EDG, and stand a higher chance of being upset overall. Also I think FPX will lose to FNC and TL so they gain advantage there

posted about a year ago

Because they won their last ten maps in a row with closest being 13-10 and most being like 13-6 lmao

posted about a year ago

I think in a matchup FPX would win, but optic will beat any team not from EMEA or PRX and I don't think that's true for FPX

posted about a year ago

In my defense, 100T we're in immaculate form to end LCQ, they were looking better than optic. And I just think FPX's run was a bit of a fluke

posted about a year ago

(based on how I think teams will do not really past performance)
A: FPX, 100T, TL, optic
C:LEV, Zeta
F: Furia, Xerxia, Boom
(Edit:I'm moving optic to A tier since they just aren't on the same level as PRX or FNC)

posted about a year ago

Win prob: 30% 100T, 20% NRG, 20% FaZe, 10% EG, 10% chance Sen, 5% chance c9, 5% chance SR, 0% chance Guard

posted about a year ago

I got ninth in NA at Copenhagen so I'm feelin confident , although I do bad when my favorite teams are involved

posted about a year ago

NA= 100T if they decide to play chamber

posted about a year ago

they didn't destroy, they broke EG

posted about a year ago

Def gonna be 2-1 if tsm wins, I give tsm 55 chance to win

posted about 2 years ago
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