Flag: Ireland
Registered: March 9, 2021
Last post: November 2, 2023 at 10:10 PM
Posts: 403
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NaVi was a joke, always 2nd before form CIS “super team” in CSGO.
What was Astralis if not a Danish Super Team?
Vitality used to be the French speaking Super Team too.
Fnatic and NiP were literally Swedish Super Teams lol. isn’t remembered as the guys baited for JAME, they are actually in people’s memories as the legendary polish Super Team.

Super Teams are the rule, not exception.

posted about 2 years ago

Rio and São Paulo have the same problem that NY, London, Paris and any other giant city has with violence. But what boosts the violence standards in Brazil are North and Northeast, many homicides there happen for stupid reasons while it isn’t so common down here.

Lack of State presence = People will solve their problems by their own way.

posted about 2 years ago

Better than be like a robot who act like nothing happened either when you win or lose.

Without passion there’s no sport.

posted about 2 years ago

more than 99% of people living in any brazilian favela are just common workers, not bandits or murderers.

posted about 2 years ago

May G'd forgive him, we'll arrange this meeting if he comes to Brazil.

posted about 2 years ago

dapr is really good, sentinels should give him a contract for life because he is an amazing player, he has better mechanics and much more brain than bot players like aspas, sacy, forsaken, jingg, yay ... why would anyone let him go? I'm 100% sure if sentinels didn't tried to save strats they would be in Iceland right now with dapr scoring 300+ ACS every map.

posted about 2 years ago

I don’t know about other Brazilians but I have lived in Europe for almost 4 years because I got my B.Sc there. Inside the university it was one country, outside it was the opposite. Of course there are many nice people but they seem to be almost the same number of the assholes. Tons of xenophobia, racism and anti-semitism are just a few things I’ve seen and I wasn’t prepared for this shit, not gonna say it doesn’t happen in Brazil but here we have a lot of cultural pressure against those shit and most of people reject these stuff.
Also, most of the times it’s not explicit, so if you don’t know them well you’ll probably gonna miss.

posted about 2 years ago

According to FerahgoTheGreat sacy indeed is the best player in the world.

posted about 2 years ago

Já foi 500k pra GL pelo mwzera, se tu não tá satisfeito vai lá e da mais grana pros cara gastar pô. Cada uma que a gente tem que ler mano, time tem ORÇAMENTO PORRA, isso não é que nem lá na Rússia onde VP, Gambit e outras lá mamam dinheiro de algum oligarca.

posted about 2 years ago

Even more excuses
That’s all I can see.

Just take the big loss you had and get back to work. Don’t you think the others have problems too? Life ain’t a walk in park but you can get stronger after going through big troubles.

EU has been overtaken by other regions, just accept it.

posted about 2 years ago

Stop rage, you are looking like a child crying because things didn’t went your way.

posted about 2 years ago

I don’t have a clue, but maybe they have good players and developed their own style and meta? How could they do this? Well, just like you did. Go play, do a lot of scrims, watch VODs, hire analysts and study the game.

posted about 2 years ago

They keep forcing this “FPX” shit but in fact everyone knows you are as good as the teams you scrim with because you can’t be good just training against farmers.

I really doubt if FPX would do so much better than other EU teams did.

posted about 2 years ago

Literally 99% of your posts is something like:

“NA kekw”
“Bronzil shit”
“LATAM bots”
“JP doesn’t even deserve a slot”
“APAC farmers”
“EU tier 3 teams would beat all other regions”

Now your excuse is FPX isn’t there? If I’m not mistaken, FPX scrims with teams like Liquid, G2, fnatic, right? If they are shit, why should anyone expect FPX to be different?

posted about 2 years ago

Olofbot strikes again.

Last year dominance doesn’t guarantee you will do it all over again. Everyone is improving and if you don’t, just see what’s going on in Iceland right now. Shut up and get back to work.

posted about 2 years ago

Wardell immediately sends any team to Tier 3.

posted about 2 years ago

If you think sinatraa did nothing wrong after those records, you are the worst kind of person.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I don't think Riot will ever make any event in Japan due they are a pain in the ass to get visas.

posted about 2 years ago

LOUD owns EU in Valorant.

Perfectly balanced as it should be :)

posted about 2 years ago

They aren’t the best team in the world just because they won VCT Europe.

To prove that, you MUST go the Iceland and beat all of them. FPX didn’t this, so, you stop acting like children. Plus, no one is afraid from a team with ardiis lmao.

posted about 2 years ago

You need less typing and play better.

Hurrr durrr FPX.

They’re not even in Iceland, so no one cares about them.


Stop crying like a baby.

posted about 2 years ago

"ohh optic sucks, wait to see the guard, they're gonna destroy everyone"
they literally looked like even CRAZY RACOON could beat them.

"hurr durr FPX"
nobody cares if they couldn't go because political reasons, they can't prove themselves so the best european team is G2 by now.

posted about 2 years ago

eurocucks are always shit talking about brazil, why we are not allowed to do the same? stop crying like a pssy.

posted about 2 years ago

most overhyped team in history.

trent better than sacy? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkjj

posted about 2 years ago

it makes my eyes bleed everytime I watch Lulquid, Complexity and EG.

BR is saving American CSGO scene.

posted about 2 years ago

what can you expect from a country which has ALEX and smooya as top players in CSGO.

british are shit in fps.

posted about 2 years ago

I love APAC game style. It is how the game should be played, but reality can’t be ignored. In many ways it’s similar to Brazilian style, but they put more faith in strats and we put more faith in aim and mechanics. Both styles are very easy to punish.

posted about 2 years ago

New guys about to be turned into baits for babybaiter.

posted about 2 years ago

NA scene in CSGO is dead. We all need CS Source 2 ASAP.

posted about 2 years ago

a brazilian pro player once said "his team was getting it's asskicked EVEN BY WOMEN".

i don't really need to tell you he was fired and never got a contract again.

you underestimate the power of PR, for both players and orgs.

posted about 2 years ago

it looks like the TR are a bunch of milkers and farmers pretending they are pro.

stop your aim in a map you can get caught by two or more sides isn't exactly the best example of a good strat.

posted about 2 years ago

because loud is better, that's it.

posted about 2 years ago

Ohhh really? Without tech pauses Astralis also would not be that legendary team. Stop complaining, astralis did this with mibr and Navi when the momentum were with these teams.

posted about 2 years ago

Brazil deserves a single spot for a LCQ with LATAM North, Middle East and North Africa. Also, the winner of this group should be sent to the toughest group possible. Sad but true, we are simply going to be just like LoL 2.0 in this game, better keep investing in CSGO and R6.

posted about 2 years ago

e não é que eles não saibam os fundamentos, eles sabem, se não soubessem o Brasil seria péssimo que nem no lol. O problema é que muitas vezes vemos eles ignorarem isso e ficarem tomando punição gratuita. Hoje foi um show de 1xVários como eu falei, mas por exemplo, aquele atropelo que eles fizeram no CT da fnatic adaptando o pistol foi PERFEITO. Ou o que falar do round bonus que venceram da fnatic? Cara foi uma play absolutamente divina. Eles sabem fazer, mas times brasileiros frequentemente tem apagões em relação a fundamentos.

posted about 2 years ago

Primeiro torneio internacional, tudo muito novo pra todos, vários metas sendo postos a prova ... enfim uma bagunça total e quem fez o básico de forma mais bem feita levou. Hoje eles levam tático diff, comp diff, meta diff, até map pool diff porque eles treinam mal pra cacete e não se adaptaram em absolutamente nada, mas isso é problema DA SENTINELS. Não estou falando da Sentinels, falo do problema dos times brasileiros mesmo.

O tático dos times brasileiros está bom sim, está bem feito e não tá devendo em nada pras outras regiões, isso é nítido. Eles pecam na execução porque os fundamentos estão em falta. A Ascent da NIP por exemplo foi quase perfeita, mas em compensação nada daquilo que vimos contra a Fnatic aconteceu contra a DRX. Já tem dois exemplos ali em cima de erros FUNDAMENTAIS, não táticos da NIP.

Cara, se o teu time não consegue defender um after plant num 3x3 de forma correta, tu acha que tático mirabolante algum vai te salvar ou vai aumentar minimamente a tua chance de ganhar o round? Se teu time vai pro retake 1 por vez, tu acha que tem tático que vai fazer você defusar a spike várias vezes? Se teu time sequer sabe quando guardar, qual tático teu que vai compensar isso? Qual a chance de durante uma execução do time adversário você popar por uma parede da viper, abrir solo e matar alguém antes de morrer? Amigo, isso aí são alguns fundamentos básicos.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Não existe gap tático, bota isso na sua cabeça. Se fizer o feijão com arroz MUITO BEM FEITO até você vai chegar no IMT 3/Radiante, imagina o que um maluco absurdo que nem os top players brasileiros irão fazer? Mecanicamente e de mira inclusive eu acho os brasileiros MUITO, MAS MUITO DIFERENCIADOS em relação aos europeus e americanos. O problema é que mecânica e mira valem de NADA se você for pego de lado ou ter que tirar vários duelos, mesmo que individuais, na TOTAL DESVANTAGEM, seja de posição ou de números.

posted about 2 years ago

Pode criar o malabarismo tático que você quiser, mas se não respeitar o básico, não vai conseguir ganhar. Pode perder por mira, por tomar baile tático, por não conseguir fazer as leituras corretas, por simplesmente ser anulado, mas os fundamentos você respeita.

posted about 2 years ago

Fundamentos de fps tático servem pra qualquer fps tático. 3x3 com spike plantada aberta pro janelão na breeze e os cara joga 3 maluco separados dentro do bomb, sabendo que tinha 1 costas, 1 meio e 1 CT. Sair os 3 pra juntar no costas? Nao, fazer o que fizeram o jogo inteiro: tirar 1x1 ou 1xVarios o tempo todo.

posted about 2 years ago

H1ber seems to be the worst jett this tournament tbh. Not even close to tier 1 international level. He was a bad choice and fnatic because of him couldn’t bring fire power.

posted about 2 years ago

Nao existe gap no tático amigo. Fundamentos e tomada de decisão que afundam a maioria dos times BR em comparação com os outros.

posted about 2 years ago

Matches are played on servers, using off server shit to path a victory is for losers. I will never forget all those “Tachnical” pauses that Astralis used against SK/MIBR many times, always when we had the momentum.

posted about 2 years ago

But VK indeed proved they were a better team than Acend by far. Imagine almost losing a game that was already 7-0 for you kkkkkkkkkkk

posted about 2 years ago

Not as much as NA. Your best players already moved to valorant, yet you’re gonna live from that Masters 1 won by sentinels for years.

posted about 2 years ago

Same type of person who says device shouldn’t be compared to simple, fallen, kennyS because most of his shots are easy. Well, if you have a better position you don’t really need to be a god aim to gain duels because it’s easier to click than flick.

posted about 2 years ago

Ggwp, DRX did what is expected to do, take advantage from bad decisions made by NIP. They even didn’t played everything they could because it was not necessary.

posted about 2 years ago

I don’t know, but if they used to play together he probably baited his gf as he always does with teammates

posted about 2 years ago

Hmmm maybe you are right … oh wait, is it an European flag? Ohhh it is … well you can’t be right, sorry.

posted about 2 years ago
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