Flag: Scotland
Registered: March 14, 2021
Last post: April 17, 2024 at 8:23 PM
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nvm ... happens ๐Ÿ™ƒ

posted 8 months ago

You could place them all in the "Slavs" category, because Starxo/Zeek are west-Slavs, as is Kiles. Even if nAts/sheydos are not Slavs, you still have at least two Slavs on each winning team๐Ÿ˜‰

posted 8 months ago

Inb4 ... Oh, you got me talking ... But be aware, braincells will be challenged.

there's a reason vlr/spike rating is used to judge players.

Yes, and thank you for bringing that up but I am well aware of that already.

However, there are a couple of considerations to keep in mind.

  1. Neither of the RATING models can be regarded as a comprehensive representation of the player it portrays - a definitive statement here, no BS.
  2. There's no other significant aspect to worry about concerning this matter except for a genuine appreciation of the individuals responsible for developing those MODELS - VLR/THESPIKE/RIB have done a great job!... Because these models serve as somewhat of a good indicator (indices) we can look at.

However, the above should not imply that such models will always paint the exact representations of all the scenarios that there're in the gameplay. At times, the game presents players with specific events that these models are kind of not accounting for - yet, rating scores still do a great job in painting enough of the overall picture, I'd say.

The thing is, though... and it's important to acknowledge that each platform, whether it's VLR, THESPIKE, or RIB, has its own interpretation of said RATING model. And no, they are not the same! I encourage you to pay attention to this aspect, as there are numerous occasions where we might require just the estimator as a coefficient for a more comprehensive solutions, whether it pertains to our strategic planning or any form of optimization we aim to achieve - it is simply more handy to have one such value in form of a rating score than to re-do all of the estimations from the start every time we wish to apply certain scenario to look at (the data could be damn huge, and is often as such).

Yet, with all certainty, I do believe ACS is the most important indicator (a compound one) in the game VALORANT, and it exists for the obvious reasons --> AVERAGE COMBAT SCORE. The scale used to assess all of the remaining indicators (also important ones) and their RELEVANCE in connection to ACS, on the other hand, is not particularly broad. I'll even argue that we could use floating measures to compare how a certain play is played out in relation to what score one receives from it - there's simply too much intricacy and ways to do it โ†’ weโ€™re so digging too deep into the forest here.

Another --> However, in general terms, we may just state that ACS is just marginally more relevant than the next down when it comes to reaching certain conclusions... and I mean conclusion because ACS is your typical score for the playerโ€™s impact that theyโ€™d provided in the game - not less or more, ffs, LET ALONE THAT ACS IS ACTUALLY THE MAIN ESTIMATOR OF ALL OTHER IMPORTANT INDICATORS IN THE GAME - if that was not clear enough already. ADR is not less significant, but it is somewhat covered in ACS - not precisely as you may imagine, though. Yet, on some occasions, you'd be better off by looking at ADR (for example, in the case of support agents) in isolation or in conjunction with ACS, or simply straight both ADR/ACS together to draw conclusions +ofc our very loved and additional other factors to analyse shit further - ain't that easy here in the multi-dimensional realm, I'd say.

Finally, the important bit: All of them are INTERCONNECTED and are considered at various stages, often in combination with one another. There isn't a definitive right or wrong way to approach this, but rather through a comprehensive and inclusive way โ† donโ€™t lock your MENTAL CAPACITY, else braindead condition will get you.

In reality, comparing his numbers on Jett to other top duellists by acs, he still falls short (and the top ones also have higher ratings)

You're blending different things together. If my intention was to compare Ardiis to other Jett players, I would have created a balanced chart encompassing all Jetts, irrespective of my personal feelings toward the players I'm comparing with Ardiis. We can eliminate that possibility because I'm making an effort to avoid presenting a weak argument from my end - I am not an unfounded Ulrich, and I'm also ensuring objectivity.

"his kj looked good by the end of the year but the only duelist he can really play is jett and he isn't a top duelist on her. I would say he was the third or fourth best NRG player this year, with crashies being the fifth since his only truly good performance was in americas playoffs."

Once more, I hold a different viewpoint, and I've provided you with the comprehensive table displaying Ardiis' performance across all stages. Such discussions demand a more thorough analysis, which I haven't observed from your end yet (though I might be offering some encouragement here, perhaps?). Additionally, there's a rationale behind evaluating all four stages of the year as a whole rather than just selecting a few specific ones โ€“ this approach offers a yearly perspective on Ardiis' performance, and that was my primary intention here.

Moving forward, I've omitted a substantial portion of text where I elaborated on the impact of APR on individual players and teams as a whole, along with the reasons for frequently evaluating APR to reach conclusions... but F-it, I won't include that in here as we're getting way ahead with all of this.

Regarding yourself, I would hope that next time you'd refrain from immediately resorting to insults - either before or after a discussion. The simple reason behind this is that if we were to consistently insult each other, then such conversations would become a cycle of insults without any constructive engagement โ€“ which defeats the purpose of meaningful interaction. I tend to believe that when someone engages in a dialogue, it's likely because they're curious to learn about some information or knowledge they might have missed, right? Now imagine I am saying all of this considering the fact that you haven't presented anything substantial to counter the point of mine; instead, you appear to lack a substantial depth - but who am I kidding here... as you would never read to this point, so whatever BS I wrote... -> LMAO

Oh, and nearly overlooked the following --> it's worth mentioning that I haven't claimed to be complete correct in my observations either, but kudos to you for raising some interesting points? Gday ๐Ÿ˜˜

posted 8 months ago

Sorry for the WALL of text ahead... I just had to put it with some respect for the discussed players etc.

I must disagree with you on your point... But I don't see it to be too much out of reality. It's just simply I've been following those players since CIS-FIRST-STRIKE, if not before, and have slightly different view. Back in the days, I just preferred CIS/NAin general, since they were quicker to reveal a lot of their available talent - simply excess of talent in both regions IMHO... back in the day.

Those players, whether it Stimx, Anq, or Winteryrook, or others who are not discussed, have been simply left behind owing to the region's excessive talent pool. They are for sure aren't any weaker than Derke, Cl0ud, Shao, or anybody else for that matter, and have shown it on numerous occassions. Frankly through some ways of assessing, I'd tell that they have a strong chance of winning tier-S trophies, and becoming recognised S TIER player - if only they had been chosen to play for one of the top orgs before. It's just some had been giving opportunity, while others were left behind. And, as we all know, getting to that TOP team is the only thing that matters.

So, here we are, ultimately, since, with the collapse of CIS, I am not sure how many organizations are even looking into those players - CIS. And, for the time being, their only option is to compete in invitationals or specific leagues at whatever level they can find in order to stay relevant and in shape, in case some top-tier organization invites them to the trials, right? Whilst others were accepted, and some are presently playing for some organizations such as GEEKAY/NASR or one of Chinese teams (Tian), but others have yet to find a team to help them progress. Such is the reality, unfortunately -- but the HOPE is still there.

And to add... IMHO, It will never be too clear who fits in TOP tier teams and who doesn't, unless we see how they perform in trials or whatever scrims, and it's a very complicated topic to say the least, as say scouts too must to explain one's capacity and dig deep enough so that they could justify answering to set objectives by the org -- the topic is so vast that truly comprehending it will take pages and pages to even begin justifying of bringing someone from lower tiers - though overall expenses on S TIER players could be a good reason (and they are) to start searching fresh talents out there, and regardless of where, but not at the expense of the potential of them to perform equally as explained by the scout. <-- also a good share of trust goes with this.

At the end of the day, those listed and many more players from different regions do have the talent,and are on alert for the opportunity - imho should be given then... However, I am not in charge of making such calls. Yet, I can only raise awareness since I believe we've reached a weird point in EMEA/NA Valorant that is causing more than already evident stagnation... some bizarre time of indecisions with terrible calls from orgs and so on... But one simply need to look no further than how brilliantly Chinese region and Evil Geniuses have grown up, in the recent year or so, to see that the perfect opportunity/possibility of making things happen for any seeking advantage org still do exist --> btw, I don't recall anyone counting any of China/EG players, except for maybe Ethan, as S TIER material, back in the days, and that is, if we were to assess their teams by the VLR/HLTV standards - yet, both China/EG have proved everyone wrong ... The community is wrong not for the first time, and it will remain so <-- I mean, you already know this.

I will add the below just for those who are interested in studying those listed player. The process takes more stages but it could be a good start to begin here.

vs. Suygetsu/FORZE (Later... Forze won the CIS First Strike)
vs. Trexx
Early unlucko for Stimx vs. First Srtike CIS Finalists who later - kicked out Gambit to get to the Finals (after... Forze won First Strike CIS)
vs. solid OBG later winning the small tourney)

vs. B1sk (performance tab)
vs. Finalists GMT - b01
vs. Finals Winner Dsyre - b01
Rinascimento: Relegation Final

b01 vs. sibeastw0w
vs. Derke/Cl0ud from back in the days
again vs. Derke/Cl0ud from back in the days
vs. Trexx - the match was CRACKED asf

EMG Series

I haven't included any SimonD4rk/Anoxai matches, but anybody who is interested can look them up in the same way as above.

And some STATS in spoiler, of course:

TEAM    PLAYER          Agent   RND  KDA  ACS  ADR   FK% FD%
MCAST   Stimx            Jett   993  1.62 259  165   23   17
MCAST   Stimx            Raze   559  1.63 261  171   19   17
OTPLD   Anq              Jett   234  1.3  279  184   24   15 <-- Rinascimento: Relegation
OTPLD   Anq              Jett  2058  1.4  244  156   20   16
OTPLD   Anq              Raze   163  1.7  268  176   15   12
GEEKAY  Winteryrook      Raze  1655  1.57 267  171   21   17
GEEKAY  Winteryrook      Sage  1995  1.56 230  151   12   11
GEEKAY  Winteryrook      KAYO  1986  1.92 229  149   10    8
NASR    sibeastw0w       Jett  2089  1.47 248  159   21   15
NASR    sibeastw0w       Raze  1033  1.70 284  186   21   15
TBD     SimonD4rk        Jett  2598  1.42 247  158   22   16
TBD     SimonD4rk        Raze  1378  1.60 265  173   21   14
LAND    watasink         Jett   887  1.35 246  153   18   15
LAND    watasink         Raze   711  1.43 256  171   18   16
THZ     Anoxai           Jett  2757  1.4  243  158   22   16   
THZ     Anoxai           Raze   880  1.5  251  173   19   16   
St. Petersburg Governor's Cup Valorant - Superfinal 2023
---------------------------------------------- -------------                                  
MIX     Anq         Jett         76  .... 275  166   21   26
THZ     Anoxai      Jett/Raze   254  .... 272  175   29   14
5SMOKES SimonD4rk   Jett/Raze    65  .... 267  189   18   15
MCAST   watasink    Jett/Raze    70  .... 253  175   13    7
MCAST   stimx       Jett/Raze    70  .... 240  170   24   13

Ediit: Fixed Anoxai's stats, in the spoiler, of ACS/ADR - they were mistakenly swapped

posted 8 months ago

Well, maybe they're just preparing some warm gbye article but don't quote me on that.

posted 8 months ago

Ask ur mum ๐Ÿ˜˜

posted 8 months ago

Oh, pardon me, babeZ... for hammering that yappery yip FAร‡ADE of yours --> remind me to hit it EXTRA hard next time ๐Ÿ˜˜

posted 8 months ago


  1. C9 Ever since TenZ, they've been unable to come up with a SINGLE working plan to become competitive - WHAT A f-ing JOKE, ffs!
  2. SEN... whatever, don't even get me started on the avalanche of stupid decisions made by both the players and the administration.
  3. NRG is yet another weak ass ORG(y) that has been unable to come up with, at least, ONE solid solution to form a STRONG team, LIKE fukin, once and for all GOD DAMMIT, since the days of mummAy/kaboose, etc. Please, NRG, take notes from EG - similarly applied to C9.
  4. The Guard sweethearts started so and so WELL but didn't last, sadly... well, who is to blame here? F-knows, but the org should have stopped all the stupid cap long ago. One day it is "yes" ... another - "NO." Da F--ck?
  5. 100T ... Last but not least... I don't even know what to say about them ... There isn't much to mention because all they've done so far is STRUT and CHOKE the thief type of plays. It's a shame, since they could have pulled it off eventually.
  6. And now, the LEAST one --> FAZE CLAN.
posted 8 months ago

Smart move, ngl

posted 8 months ago

D3ffo isn't too bad of an option ... but I'd look into some other prospects such as Stimx, sibeastw0w, SimonD4rk, Winteryrook, Anq, Tian, and/or similarly talented players, if they are planning to bring any....

All of those listed are absolute BEASTS of players.

posted 8 months ago

Before the topic fades away completely, I had to mention ะฐ couple of things about some player and their NRG escapades.

First and foremost, Ardiis was not NRG's second, third, fourth, or fifth worst player... aye, I f-ing mean it.

NRG  ardiis   1437  222  1.08  146  0.75  0.24  0.18  0.14    0.05    1072  990  339  259  194
NRG  Victor   1437  213  1.0   137  0.73  0.29  0.12  0.11    0.01    1057  989  413  178  162
NRG  s0m      1437  202  1.1   130  0.75  0.39  0.08  0.07    0.01    1076  928  554  111  102
NRG  crashies 1437  196  1.1   128  0.70  0.40  0.06  0.06    0.00     996  925  569   86   93
NRG  FiNESSE  1437  177  0.8   120  0.57  0.33  0.08  0.08    0.00     816  997  477  109  118

In fact, Ardiis was NRG's BEST player on average - not by a HUGE margin, but still a fact... yet, much to the astonishment of many BRAIN-F-DEAD members on here, he also wasn't even close to a MID player. Aye... Holyyy f-ing cow! ๐Ÿ„๐ŸฎWe're actually digging deep here, aight?....

And with the above table ... some of the important AVERAGE stats from the same stages Ardiis and NRG has competed in ... that's to help us to distinguish the MIDness that actually lies exactly below the DASHED line in the above table ๐Ÿ˜˜:

ACS  194   (+/-28)
ADR  127   (+/-18)
FKPR 0.1 (+/-0.05)
FDPR 0.1 (+/-0.05)
APR  0.3 (+/-0.12)

And of course, the achievements board for such a "GREAT TEAM":

LOCK//IN         5th-8th
TOKYO_MASTERS        4th 
AMERICAS             2nd
Champions_2023  9th-12th

VERDICT: NRG was nothing more but a pathetic squad of ASSisters and not even the CHAD ones like Ethan who would clear in a blink of an eye and more. And of course, it is important to mention that with help from such great talent such as VICTOR - perhaps the only TRUE PLAYER who had remained from the old ENVY-OPTIC team, and who is also so unjustly underrated by many on here... the BUNCH got a bit TOO CONFIDENT, forgetting the fact that they'd abandoned two of their BEST players before transitioning to NRG - YAY and MarveD, who by the way, earned them the trophy.

So, to prevent any further goat scaping in Ardiss' regard, as some BRAINDEADS are good at...

Those players in the corresponding table who are placed below the DASHED line ("- - - - - -") are a highly ORDINARY to BAD bunch of players... and considering the depth of NA's pool, should not even BE in teams that ought to be regarded decent in the first place, let alone in those teams who win trophies. PERIOD.

posted 8 months ago

Wow... ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ช

posted 8 months ago

Absolutely nothing RARE here... you can expect from any brands who use a simply modified but generic firmware for their products ... There is a reason why a lot of $$$ spent in R&D at Logitech, Razer, ... etc.

To be honest, any pro should know to stick to products that are more or less stable and have proven to be stable ... Chronicle, for example, used a very fine Vaxee XE wireless mouse and, before that, a Razer Deathadder V3 pro... he also used the perfect mouse - log superlight, if I am not mistaken (maybe wrong here).

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Your hunny bun James is merely a soft hunny bun, when compared to such greatness like Michael HIS AIRNESS Jordan. Like seriously, it takes a pretty stupid person to even consider comparing Mike to some kid from the block LMAO. Kid James would not even last a single playoff game against the likes of the New York Knicks at Madison Square Garden during Jordan's heyday, let alone win one LMAO... and I'm not even bringing in the Utah Jazz, and Detroit Pistons in their primes --- Jordan played them all to WIN.

But hey, you make it look like you know a thing or two about the ball game... Well no, you don't, and of course, let me show you what you've missed so far <--- YOU JUST CAN'T BE OBJECTIVE AND RESPECTFUL enough TO BELIEVE that were much and much BETTER BALL PLAYERS IN OTHER TIMES.

Player              Jordan James
Games                 1072  1421  
Seasons               13    20    <--- Mike'd played nearly twice as less seasons
PTS                   30.1  27.2
TRB                    6.2   7.5
AST                    5.3   7.3
FG%                   49.7  50.5
FT%                   83.5  73.5 
Champion               6     4  <--- Jordan's 46% chance of winning the ring >>> James a mere 20% - GTFO of here!
Finals MVP             6     4  <--- Say what? Again, Jordan's 46% chance of claiming Finals MVP >>> 20% of James.
MVP (season)          10     4  <--- Not even... Actually, Ffs, 77% Jordan >>> pathetic 20% of James chance of MVP.
Scoring Champion      10     1  <--- Just LMAO! Jordan's 77% vs. 5% of James.  GTFO of here! Like really GTFO.
NBA Slam Dunk W        2     0  <--- Oh, I guess somebody can also dunk better, right? inb4: Carter >>>>>>> James
NCAA Champion          1     0  <--- Bronny did not attend college to begin with (no probs - not judging)                   
Net Worth (Billions)  $2    $1  <--- Say what? MJ owns 2x Lebron "The Brick" James... Holyyy - OWNED!

More like LeChoke James <--- seriously, you should know what I am talking about.

And the verdict:

Jordan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> James <-- and not even close to Mike!

Seriously, and jokes aside, if LeBron ever wants to surpass Mike's excellence, he needs to work harder. Maybe he could still do that - in his next life, of course.

P.S. Basically, GTFO!

EDIT: Fixed - mistakenly swapped the "NET WORTH" values.

posted 9 months ago

You don't need Ardiis when you have such a great player as s0m whose lightweight could allow him to easily stand on that desk... if only NRG-Chet-Pujan had enough CAPACITY to realise that they could have kept (and don't ask me how) MarveD and put s0m on Jett, and really, quit pursuing that never ending golden "s0m" goose in smoker form LMAO... then perhaps we could reasonably state that, s0m had been the one to be applauded and PRAISED greatly... but no, it never happened. Similarly, like NOTHING EVER happened to C9 in Valorant but a failure.

NVM, NA orgs are striking once more - a never ending story.

posted 9 months ago

Holyyy ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Ethan earned it, and I'm pleased he finally got it.

It was difficult to root for any side because both PRX and EG deserved to win the championship IMHO... GG

posted 9 months ago

No, unfortunately, c0m is not looking better than shao. c0m is good in his own right, but the numbers you provided do not appear to be full.

Player  1v1  1v2 1v3 1v4 1v5 || Tot-Attempts  RND
Shao    50%  19%  3%         ||    750        2018
C0m     50%  18%  2%         ||    681        4478
cl0ud   50%  15%  4%  2%  2% ||    393        3735
Boaster 50%  13%  5%         ||    482        3590
Ethan   50%  12%  1%  1%  1% ||    711        2365

Tot-Attempts - all of the attempts (1v1-1v5)
RND - total rounds played (sample)

posted 9 months ago

No worries... ๐Ÿป

posted 9 months ago

You can get current data directly off Tracker, right?

1. PACIFIC:  4,052,477 - 38%
2. EU:       3,467,304 - 33%
3. AMERICAS: 3,129,297 - 29%

Oh, and a quick glimpse at the Champ's participants:

USA          24
South Korea  17 
China        17
Turkey        9
Russia        9 
Japan         8
Sweden        8 
Brazil        6 
UK            4
Canada        4
... <-- sorry, didn't get all of the participants' numbers but sure there are more from Americas.

The difference seems to be insignificant as Americas < EU < PACIFIC ---> the DIFFs are around 0 < +5% < +9%

posted 9 months ago

Oh, you could just say that the incapable EG team in terms of competitiveness has turned into a hell of a monster of a team that is more than capable of shaking up anyone today (pun not intended)

While not everyone doubted Potter, a significant portion of the community did, for one reason or another. However, she proved her critics wrong, as her vision turned out to be nicely aligned with reaching set objective for the org.... I mean, even using the term โ€œprovedโ€ฆโ€ here might be a stretch, as the only ones she really owes any proof to are those who believed/invested in her vision from the very beginning and throughout time - great job EG.

While trust/hope dies last, there is still objective to reach - the trophy. In a perfect scenario, won trophies will only add towards completing that "GOAT" status journey IMHO - looks like EG is already not far from that. Having mentioned the perfect scenario, however, I still believe we could already put Potter amongst the best of the professionals of Valorant scene today - without the doubt.

Aside from the GOAT status chase, it is crucial to note that EG's invitational/VCT performances thus far show that the team's important aspects (C0M...etc) have grown well, and there looks to be more opportunity for growth, which also nicely speaks volumes about EG's competent management - committed and hard working members... Matched with Potter's already established vision, and a combined effort of the players, it's quite possible EG will continue to grow and improve, or simply put, it should be their objective after the tournament, as teams will be catching up - very curious to see how thing will go from then for them IMHO.

posted 9 months ago

Alright... LET'S GO! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

posted 9 months ago

ALL-TIME TOP for SERIES (89+ kills) ... Only S-TIER b05 (Grand/Lower) FINALS

  | EG      Demon1   W   vs. LOUD     101    +20  26  105  ||  Lotus        297      |            
  | EG      Demon1   W   vs. PRX       99    +29  28  109  ||  Ascent       353      |            
  | LOUD    Less     L   vs. FNC       98    +20  24  110  ||  Icebox       292      |            
  | LOUD    aspas    L   vs. EG        95    +14  30  105  ||  Split        378      |            
  | PRX     jinGGG   L   vs. FPX-Navi  95    +11  25   98  ||  Haven        343      |            
  | GAMBIT  nAts     L   vs. ACEND     93    +31  29  107  ||  Fracture     394      |            
  | LOUD    aspas    W   vs. DRX       93    +26  27  100  ||  Pearl        366      |            
  | OPTIC   Yay      W   vs. DRX       91    +31  23  102  ||  Haven        282      |            
  | LOUD    Less     L   vs. EG        91    +14  26  105  ||  Pearl        326      |            
  | FNC     Derke    W   vs. LOUD      91     +3  27  110  ||  Icebox       336      |            
  | FNC     Leo      W   vs. LOUD      89    +21  23  110  ||  Ascent       329      |
                                        moatz -------> ยฏโ \โ _โ (โ ใƒ„โ )โ _โ /โ ยฏ

*The player's BEST-MAP during that same series of b05, in terms of scored ACS, is shown on the right side of the table. 

**KMAX on the left side of the table was not always achieved during player's BEST-MAP. 

Also, several TOP KMAX (max kills per map) scores ever achieved in S-TIERS:

  Player/s                      KMAX
  xffero                         38
  Buzz                           36
  F1tinho/MarveD/boostio/bang    35
  Derke/nAts/F1tinho/shao        34

That should be all of the S-TIERS; however, if there are any errors or missing data, please let me know ๐Ÿป

Edit: Typos/some additional information.

posted 9 months ago

Unfortunately, the option to bolden/increase the font size has been tuned down; otherwise, I'd make my question, "Can you READ, kid?" EXTRA eye-catching, just in case.

So in the post we read, "a simple combination of three different rating systems" - combined VLR/RIB/SPIKE.

But I will disagree with you, as I think keznit is not trash - in my world, unless you have a detailed way of defining what is trash. F knows, maybe a word "trash" means GOAT or similar in your world.

posted 9 months ago

(Naรฏve) TOP 16 so far...


  1. The chart - Champions 2023 (group + playoffs) ... based on VLR/RIB/SPIKE combined point score.
  2. We're interested in "#" column, which shows how high a player is on the chart - top 16 only, whereas "Total" - sum of points, and is not that relevant.
  3. The dashed line defines regions of more/less equal rating, say, Alfajer would be quite near to Less etc... and yes, AAAAY/keznit have only played up to 90 rounds.
  4. The chart is not to be confused with players' actual skill/rating and so on, meaning no skill/goatness scores or whatever
    but a simple combination of three different rating systems.
  5. "/" - treated as "and" --> the symbol separates two or more players to indicate equal sum of points - sharing place.
  6. Oh, and Naรฏve is - "simple way ..." not to be confused with a "stupid way ..." ... similar to 1/N and likes etc.
  7. Also, this "simple way..." is quite fun in deriving some type of meta-ratings from users of this thread, or any other, but preferable if, say, the task would include already supplied list of players to be rated, where each user would base their answer on the exact list etc - not the voluntary. I mention this since the similar posts don't lead to anything conclusive, really, etc... and there have been many of them in the past.
 #  PLAYER/s       TOTAL     #  PLAYER/s       TOTAL 
 -----------------------    ------------------------
 1  Demon1           42      9  Ethan            15
 2  AAAAY/keznit     41     10  SUYGETSU         13
 3  Cloud            36     11  Victor           12
 4  Leo/aspas        33     12  something        10
 -----------------------    ------------------------
 5  Alfajer          25     13  MrFaliN           9
 6  whzy/Less        21     14  s0m               5
 7  cauanzin         19     15  Jinggg/Sayaplayer 4
 8  d4v41            17     16  cNed/jawgemo      3 
Preceding step:

Demon1    16   16    10   42    ||  Ethan       10   5   0   15
AAAAY     15   10    16   41    ||  SUYGETSU     0   4   9   13
keznit    14   15    12   41    ||  Victor       5   6   1   12
Cloud     12    9    15   36    ||  something    0   2   8   10
aspas      9   11    13   33    ||  MrFaliN      2   7   0    9
Leo        8   14    11   33    ||  s0m          0   0   5    5
Alfajer    6   13     6   25    ||  Jinggg       4   0   0    4
Less       7   12     2   21    ||  Sayaplayer   0   0   4    4
whzy      13    1     7   21    ||  cNed         0   0   3    3
cauanzin  11    8     0   19    ||  jawgemo      3   0   0    3
d4v41      0    3    14   17    ||      
posted 9 months ago

Cheers ๐Ÿป

Something to say ... My lengthy ass walls of text (not without of a good dose of cringe, ofc) have been noted as being extremely difficult to read - and I truly feel for those kids who can't read. However, I must admit that my "long ass text" approach helps me avoid my natural inclination for being highly toxic and prejudiced - and I am an extremely toxic/prejudiced person myself. As a result of writing all of those big ass paragraphs, I tend to persuade myself of a different point of view on the topic, and look for the actual rationale - it's never ending struggle here, in my office, ngl. Hopefully, one day, all (not just some) of the kids on VLR will become eager readers and join me in my quest for objective reality.

Also, there are many great and reasonable members on this site who have not been acknowledged... but they are fully aware of who they are. However, just a wee correction --> Qwertyy (who is also one of the few truly devoted C9 supporters) - spelt with double, "y"... also to highlight Danny's contribution who is also a very informative member himself, occasionally providing us with some of his takes on the matter. And more...

P.S. babysassuke is not always easy to decipher but is very well aware of things.

Edit: Holyyy... had to fix and add another "t" to Qwertyy, but then realised that there are two user Qwertyy/Qwerttyy ... ehh?

moatz - the MoatzART of VLR.

posted 9 months ago

Updated... There was also a slight problem reading the TABLE horizontally, thus the --> || sign was added to divide the tables, although the data reads for the same player... else, the table would not have fit correctly.

posted 9 months ago

Who do you mean?

Those are only the top scorers per weapon category.

Edit: The chart is for the current Champions 2023 as of 20/08/2023 - not the all time data <3

posted 9 months ago

PRX Something tops the chart with 12 shorty kills, the most shorty kills ever earned during an S-TIER event.... At this point, HE IS already regarded the BEST player TO EVER touch a shorty weapon on the S-TIER stage!

The chart below shows all of the leaders in their respective weapon categories in the ongoing tournament:

Team  Player      Weapon    Kills   ||  WTK     %/WTK
LOUD  Less        Vandal    156     ||  234     67%
EDG   Haodong     Phantom   112     ||  182     62%
EDG   ZmjjKK      Operator  66      ||  204     32%
LOUD  Less        Ghost     30      ||  234     13%
LOUD  Less        Sheriff   27      ||  234     12%
LOUD  cauanzin    Odin      22      ||  207     11%
LOUD  cauanzin    Bulldog   20      ||  207     10%
EG    C0M         Bulldog   20      ||  128     16%
BLG   Knight      Frenzy    18      ||  156     12%
EDG   ZmjjKK      Classic   15      ||  204      7%
PRX   d4v41       Spectre   14      ||  138     10%
BLG   rin         Spectre   14      ||  118     12%
PRX   something   Shorty    12      ||  148      8%
FNC   Alfajer     Guardian  12      ||  150      8%
BLG   whzy        Stinger   10      ||  187      5%
BLG   whzy        Judge     16      ||  187      9%
EDG   ZmjjKK      Marshal   6       ||  204      3%
T1    Sayaplayer  Marshal   6       ||   94      6%
LOUD  cauanzin    Bucky     2       ||  207      1%

' - WTK - weapons total kills
'' - Percentage out of weapons total kills

ALL-TIME PERSONAL RECORDS - Shorty Kills (S-TIER - 4+ Kills)

Team    Player      RND   SHO-KILLS   %
PRX    Something    197     12       6.09
CR     Zepher        87      5       5.75
ASE    monk         101      4       3.96
VIT    Twisten      104      4       3.85
NRG    s0m          351      7       1.99
ZETA   Laz          431      7       1.62
ZETA   SugarZ3ro    431      7       1.62
T1     Carpe        302      4       1.32
EG     C0M          401      5       1.25
EDG    ZmjjKK       341      4       1.17
EG     jawgemo      683      8       1.17
KC     Nivera       346      4       1.16
TL     Jamppi       453      5       1.10
PRX    mindfreak    371      4       1.08
DRX    Buzz        1718     17       0.99
PRX    d4v41        913      9       0.99
FNC    Alfajer      517      5       0.97
EDG    Smoggy       633      6       0.95
FNC    Derke        673      6       0.89
PRX    f0rsakeN     887      7       0.79
PRX    Jinggg       739      5       0.68

ALL-TIME TEAM RECORDS - Shorty Kills (S-TIER - 6+ Kills)

PRX     3614    42      1.16
DRX     3782    24      0.63
EG      2168    18      0.83
FNC     2818    18      0.64
ZETA     954    15      1.57
NRG      804    11      1.37
EDG      974    10      1.03
TL      1061    10      0.94
T1       885     9      1.02
LOUD    1980     8      0.40
FPX      321     6      1.87

Edit: Added PERSONAL/TEAM ALL-TIME RECORDS for Shorty Weapon Kills.

posted 9 months ago


I-JUST-can't anymore ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

posted 9 months ago

No worries... <3 ๐Ÿป

Another thing to note is that being big and strong, whether getting huge arms or in general, does not happen overnight - sure you understand this. You'd have to go and train for a long period of time. But, don't QUIT when you don't feel like exercising - these phases will arise along the way without any doubt. Instead, simply lower the intensity and perform lighter session/s. Do them even if it takes months to break out. I'm saying this because those big dudes you've seen in the gym or on the streets have most likely been lifting for a very long time - keep that in mind.

Also, like I indicated regarding your eating habits, consume natural foods with a decent mix of nutrients in your meals, and get into the habit of constant eating - don't worry too much if you skip, but try not to interrupt. And forget about any protein powder or 5 meal a day nonsense --> this has been taken out of context from professionals a long time ago ... Yes, there are times when you need uninterrupted flow of protein in your body, putting you into 5 meals regimen but it only applies to a way above - advance level athletes who are pros in bodybuilding or say, serious powerlifters who go through prep schedule <--- those kids are juicing๐Ÿ˜‰

Now, I could have explained the exact concept underlying pro athletes overall nutrition intake's necessity +... , but that would have taken us well beyond the scope of our conversation. Seriously, just eat normal food and train hard. And don't forget that Natty physique also have limitation - those dudes on YouTube claiming to be NATTY are a bunch of pathetic FRAUDS making $$$ <-- trust me and don't chase the impossible๐Ÿ˜‰

posted 9 months ago

Good one ๐Ÿ‘

"Ange1 from Navi was playing really well against us on Pearl, and I knew that if I aimed at him quickly, he would kill me. So, I waited for 3 seconds to aim and kill him, because he wouldn't expect that..." - this really rings the bell on his "waiting for 3 seconds to aim and kill" approach.

posted 9 months ago

Come on bro, not that strict...

posted 9 months ago

Less looks like very cool dude <-- roll us a giant ... I'm in ๐Ÿป

posted 9 months ago

Aye, I wanted to add him too but just threw in as "all players from China" line ... ๐Ÿป

posted 9 months ago
  • MrFallin <-- still lots of support from Turkish fans, but not as many from outside.
  • Cloud <-- only thanks to too many haters, as it seems... lots of hate and neglect with Cloud, and for no obvious reasons, but he DESERVES more praise!
  • Victor <-- IMHO a very good player and quite consistent one... also not mentioned as often when his team is being discussed.
  • AAAAY <-- that's a very clear one, and goes about all player from China - because everyone is talking about ZmjjKK.
  • whzy <-- same reason as above (ZmjjKK)
  • jawgemo <-- maybe not that underrated but for some reason every time EG is discussed, it is all about Demon1. Jawgemo is doing a lot of dirty work (pun not intended) for the team IN the GAME.
  • Ethan <--- maybe one of the most underrated at the moment - I could be slightly off here but he is the reason EG performing WELL ... also being underrated for the same reason as above with jawgemo --> Demon1

EDIT: Typos/foggy brain <--- reasons:

  • jobs --> work; punt --> -t --> pun
posted 9 months ago

No, it's not a wrong place to ask about lifting.

You do choose one thing at a time and then rotate. I mean, you'd alternate between cutting (losing weight) and bulking (gaining weight) phases. When you bulk, you gain weight/muscles, and when you cut, you lose FAT but also some muscles - it's like taking two steps forward (bulking) and one step back (cutting) then --> REPEAT.

In this way, your abs will be clear during cutting phases, and you will gain muscle without worrying about abs during bulking phases. - There should be no visible abs during classic bulking periods as calories excess is present... By classic, I mean close to dirty bulking but with a moderate fat level intake. --> If you're wondering what dirty bulking is, it's eating anything, including pizzas, burgers, and anything with an excess of saturated fat.

Swimming is a good activity - I am a trained swimmer myself, btw. It wouldn't make you BIG, but it is still a good activity for overall health and during cutting - also playing football is not too bad for cutting but be careful with injuries.

BIG arms require a particular environment, such as what weight training" facilities provide, because after you go over a certain point, you'll need some HEAVY stuff to activate your growth. So, a membership will be an excellent start - I'm amazed you're even asking about this because it's one of the most important aspects of having BIG arms. Though it's a good thing you've started thinking about your options๐Ÿ‘

Regarding your food, simply consume three normal meals every day and try not to skip the timetables, since your body watches your intakes as well. However, three GOOD meals, particularly RICH BREAKFAST - any first meal upon waking from long sleep, will enough. You could also add some more carbs. And forget about counting protein and rest of the BS - just get used to eating and keep normally eating, because it sounds to mee, you haven't begun eating properly. Also ABS will be out of the question <-- seriously quit SIMPING those abs, I mean it.

Some misconceptions:

  • "ive read that its built in kitchen etc" - That is manly said about muscle gain since you must first cook/eat and then rest.
  • "will those sports especially swimming help me make any of my muscles big?" - If you're talking about football and swimming, then no, they won't make your muscles bigger but fitter <-- they will improve your general health, which isn't a terrible thing in and of itself, in my opinion.
  • "people on gaming forums could never give you proper advice on lifting.... and pulling chicks" -- a bit off topic here-------> HOWEVER, these are both WRONG conceptions ๐Ÿ˜‰

inb4: My weight: 220lbs during cutting/up to 245lbs during bulking phase... Bodyfat: 11-14% range during cutting/up to 17% during bulking... Arms: last time measured around 18.5"

penor = humongous... I am mentioning this ONLY because my CANADIANS pugboy and his bf tomato211222 have asked on multiple occassions.

posted 9 months ago

KID, there is no need for him to have a defensive team! It's not a F-ing court here and I questioned him about something I wanted him to talk about. PERIOD.

Holyyy... what do you want from me? I didn't even read what you had to say because you weren't present throughout my talk with pugboy, neither you were a part of my conversation with him here: ... I was strictly talking to pugboy - not YOU, ffs! LMAO ... I just can't....GOOD morning CANADO!

Here's a cookie for you -๐Ÿช... NOW, buzz OFF!

posted 9 months ago

I can hear you whispering here, my LOVELY couple ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿฟ

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

bud... yeah, bud

posted 9 months ago

HERE I will repost, especially for you my, LOVELY and BULKY tomato .... but try but in detail and support your claims this time ...
Don't lie, you weasel... If anything, we both know what I'm talking about; it's just that one of us doesn't want to confess it. Instead of regularly backing your ridiculous claims, you behave like a pitiful weasel... and this is not even for the first time.

I'll say it again, especially for you, ENGAGE in the TOPIC or GTFO! I don't care what you have to say on anything but the F-ING topic. SHOW me your knowledge, please, as I have doubts

Here, I'll help you to engage:

  • You: "I mean bro was consistently dropping like 5 kills even FNS is better mechanically" - GTFO! Reread my post #35 and elaborate on those claim you made.

  • You: "plus FNS is a way better caller - There is no proof to that, so I will let you out on this one.

  • You: "ya this guys onto nothing only reason that roster wasn't good because they didn't have a micromanaging igl thats it Again, define micromanaging, so hopefully I and others could understand what do you mean and how to approach it from your point of you and how it affect team playstyle which essentially should lead to some success, I guess, right?

  • You: "I did read and dephh isn't a good micromanaging IGL so im not surprised thats the case why do you think they played so shit in lcq use your brain" Well, use your own brain and time - SHOW your workings --> as claims are too BIG, I'd say.

  • You: no game plan when they played especially against Leviatan you don't just get out aimed especially when you have like a top 3 mechanically roster in the world - You contradict to yourself here --> Yes, you get STOMPED landing deep in negative, if OUTPLAYED - again, you're with your BS here... HolyyyF

  • You: "and yet one player is still in Valorant and the other is coaching a cs2 team get over it you did nothing here" - How can you draw such parallel to conclude on the matter... ARE YOU BRAINDEAD? Are you saying that all those players who don't play S-TIER Valorant tourneys DESERVE it because they are bad? I don't see any rational behind your argument --> ELABORATE!

I can go forever like that... All you need is to explain yourself, which is frankly should not be a big of a deal. But for unknown reasons, it seems that it is a big deal for you. I mean, don't you have some data or simply some rational behind your takes?

I called you out on your BS, "I mean bro was consistently dropping like 5 kills. Even FNS outperforms Dephh mechanically" by linking to my old post, - where Dephh was questioned about his capacity to perform, especially FNS vs. Dephh, and where you could clearly see that such accusations were always wrong and void of any appropriate evidence... from the below table ...

        Name            RD   Rating  ACS    K/D   ADR     KPR    APR    DPR     HS
Rory "Dephh" Jackson  5683   1       197.9  1.02  129.8   0.7    0.27   0.68   24.60%
Pujan "FNS"  Mehta    7190   0.86    179    0.9   117.5   0.62   0.26   0.68   20.60%

As well as this: - where I already asked you to do the same damn thing as I'm asking you right now - A F-ING year+ later. Like WTF, kid? How many more times I should point out to your BS? Seriously, are you that incapable or what?

YET, your faรงade pathรฉtique has the audacity of calling me a 50 year old or something? ... Are you that desperate in having a father like figure in your life? Fine, you can call me DADDY --> now, back to your homework, son

P.S. What a CRINE af son - you are.

Edit: Added --> "What a CRINE af son - you are"

posted 9 months ago

srly? tomato211222 you threw at me... why u do dis?

posted 9 months ago

Right pugboy, we know that he is mad from pure facts?

posted 9 months ago

Friendly fire then... what u doin ???

Stop throwing at me your toxic TOMATO ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Seriously LMAO!

posted 9 months ago

I am CANADIAN too, you BISHHH ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿชต๐Ÿชš

Let's have some ORGY, right here ... get down already LMAO .... HolyF, what a CRINGE show ๐Ÿ™ƒ

posted 9 months ago

Kid, just BUZZ OFF already!

Holyyyy... and take your boyfriend - rotten tomato211222 away from me! ... LMAO

posted 9 months ago

WTF, bro?

Are you pugboy?

Please, just let things get back where they should be.

posted 9 months ago

"The Team with dephh according to me was never built for success" - and that's OK as it's your opinion - however, there were many who still think that it was good enough. Let's not discuss that as it has nothing to do with the matter.

That was one thing.... another thing - pugboy knows very well what I am asking from him, but he's playing dumb... and I was basing my conversation strictly on his BS - not what said or anything regarding your takes, which make me wonder: "why do you bother?"

Oh, just in case, I am also CANADIAN,... please, don't let my SCOTTISH flag to mislead you --> I am not originally from the place/s I reside or will reside in the future.

posted 9 months ago
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