Flag: Brazil
Registered: May 25, 2021
Last post: June 10, 2024 at 10:54 PM
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the reasons for that high number is mostly because we are a big ass country and Rio de janeiro

posted about a year ago

dude basically the translators were at fault, i thought it was fishy when i heard it, because the way it was worded it sounded like an ego thing. i didnt believe Buzz was an asshole cuz i heard the Loud translations and i could tell the BR translators were fucking incompetent.
Basically the way the Translator worded things were "We didnt win because we didnt play at all and LOUD wasnt hard so we are upset" which is high levels of bullshit since even though LOUD claimed they new what DRX was doing at the start of the Breeze match they still got fucked.

Riot needs better translators cuz the shit ive witness is almost atrocious, these guys could make Benkai hateable with how they translate shit.

posted about a year ago

FNS is more of a meme now, the joke is "he hates brazilians and gets buffed when playing against us" we know he doesnt hate us, but its funny his best play are almost always against us kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

possiveis soluções pra esse dilema.

1 - Ban de Treino, NA teams não poderam treinar com times franqueados sem um "aval" basicamente limitando a vantagem deles sobre BR e LATAM, esse "Aval" pode custar um certo valor que poderia então ser usado para financear bootcamps para as outras regiões (Lat-S, Lat-N & BR)

2 - A sede ser em Los angeles mas os LANs serem todos no BR e LATAM para equilibrar os custos de viagem.

3 - Times promissores a ganharem a Ascensions (Não sei como determinar quais seriam) recebem a oportunidade de fazer bootcamps no exterior.

a ultima solução seria mais técnica:
Riot desenvolveria Servers mais potentes com conexões mais diretas possíveis entre suas sedes, SERVERS para Scrim objetivamente, o foco desses servers seriam para treinos com ping igualado e estavel entre times de regiões diferentes. Server no méxico por exemplo para igualar entre os EUA e Brasil

posted about a year ago

ever get those out of nowhere HS but you are sure the mf wasnt hacking because you saw him miss you while you where afk? yeah, that

posted about a year ago

ever get those out of nowhere HS but you are sure the mf wasnt hacking because you saw him miss you while you where afk? yeah, that

posted about a year ago

maybe its a hint to the new agents design

posted about a year ago

Wait there’s nothing there

posted about a year ago

hey that’s my line Kkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

Fpx already won a masters. They dont need to prove anything

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Every time, bug causes replay kkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

If riot fucking fixed the game this shit wouldn’t happen.
Whatever the outcome Riot should pay the teams a bonus fee for fucking up the match

posted about a year ago

Nice game dude, yall deserve it

posted about a year ago

they want Yinsu to pop one for the nation

posted about a year ago

wait what xset cheated??

posted about a year ago

can you explain to me what is it that you disagree?

posted about a year ago

he is kind of that colleague that always says the most dumb shit and you just want him to shut up cuz youre tired of it

posted about a year ago

alr you guys win

posted about a year ago

but thats another thing, brazillian isnt a race. it was an asshole move to villify the country and provide no evidence of it, but it wasnt racist, maybe xenophobic? definetly prejudiced.

posted about a year ago

the mf that put Loud on tier D isnt a racist, he is just your standard first world ignorant citizen that believes theircountry is the best. he is kind of a trembolona but less toxic.
basically, its not a big deal, it always happens, some "big" country creates a game and thinks they are the best at it, then another region comes in and dominates it. it was like that with R6, CSGO, LoL and others. hell the only e-sports scenes that come to mind that didnt get "overtaken" where specifically because the main company didnt want to truly globalize (overwatch for example that only has NA teams and a few asian ones)

posted about a year ago

LOUD will win Grand Finals 3-2, 2 OT's but Loud takes it on a thrilling decider map

posted about a year ago

Atleast then it will be more of a secure duel, rn it’s a tournament tho

posted about a year ago

Loud vs Optic fucking AGAIN????
Please i want to see other games dude.
WHY MAN, Xset vs Loud would’ve been much more intriguing

posted about a year ago

Kkkkkkkk te amo

posted about a year ago

This mf really said Heat and MW????? LMAOO

posted about a year ago

gg mate, good luck on lowers

posted about a year ago

i wasnt going to be toxic anyway cuz i like drx

posted about a year ago

Dude, this is the second time LOUD has won a comeback on Champions alone. im incredibly proud dude

posted about a year ago

Last Dinosaurs
John Newman

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Overtime on all 3 maps but Loud takes the dub on the smallest of micro openings

Pancada Sacy and Aspas Will be Louds mvps on the last map
Saadhak and Less will be the mvps on the first map

posted about a year ago

Give viper two walls but to activate the second one, the first one “combusts” basically just fizzles out and doesn’t work anymore, or you could halve the wall and give two walls that work simultaneously

posted about a year ago

Just remembered some other ones



posted about a year ago

For the Phoenix Ult you could make it 7 or 8 Ult orbs. If the timer is absolutely needed I would give it a much longer time of usage since it doesn’t grant him any level of invincibility. Right now the small time it really limits his playmaking potential since unlike yoru one HS cuts his Ult immediately

posted about a year ago

What are some buffs that may seem controversial to players but you believe could save weak agents?
Mine are

  • Cyphers trip are fully invisible and only destroyable when activated

  • Give cyphers ult a few more ticks, maybe 5 or 4

  • Phoenix Ult has no timer and can be cancelled

  • Give Sova a 3rd bounce option

  • No nearsightedness on Skyes dog

  • Make Kayo nearsighted when down in ult but able to crawl

posted about a year ago

Yes but as mentioned he was really good AS Jett. Yay is a good player that I will not deny. The point I will try to rephrase is that he isn’t technically the best Sentinel. If an entry is only good playing with one agent specifically that doesn’t make him the best duelist, as duelist is a class. Yay is an awesome chamber, but he is not the bestsentinel

posted about a year ago

i would put an asterisk there. *While Chamber is undoubtely meta. Cuz as far as i have seen, Yay has found this level of force because of chamber.

posted about a year ago

Im so happy they got Benkai as a guest man, i really like him as a person

posted about a year ago

Brazilian + Indian Pride in Loud

posted about a year ago

emea fans are toxic

posted about a year ago

Cause KRU is our "Carrasco" which is basically a team that almost never wins against other regions but always wins against ours. its kind of a curse thing

posted about a year ago

are you talking about champs or franchising?

posted about a year ago

LOUD got the worst possible seed lmao. if theyloose to lev they will have to face either KRU or FPX, if they win THEY STILL HAVE A CHANCE TO FACE EITHER OF THEM +LEVIATHAN AGAIN.


posted about a year ago

yeah, i agree, didnt want to be the reason they lost champs.

posted about a year ago

GG's bros. good game, hope you guys get franchised, sorry it happenned this way. good luck!

posted about a year ago

2-1 to Loud, decider map will be OT, 20-18 to Loud

posted about a year ago

I believe in LOUD but you are right, Leviathan are showing an amazing gameplay

posted about a year ago
1 •• 62 63 64 65 66 67