Flag: Canada
Registered: March 19, 2022
Last post: July 14, 2022 at 1:11 PM
Posts: 298
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Shopify rebellion
The Guard

all of these teams would win against sen 2-0

Dicey alone would shit on shroud.

content team all the way now eh?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

this year, the teams that were the lowest seeds in the group stage during challengers started in the lower bracket during playoffs, meant if they lose once they are out. if the same pattern follows for lcq.

SEN is fucked and even analysts and bootcamps can't save them.

posted about a year ago

raid shadow legends

posted about a year ago

i mean why would he make a post about zander and only have sinatraa's pic in the post. but it's leorge leddes so you never know

posted about a year ago

is this fake or did he delete it?

posted about a year ago

you just aren't eating enough, that is the truth.

posted about a year ago

you aren't kyedae dude, you could get cancelled for saying those words.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

that's the worst set of flaws and strengths a player could have in a tier 1 dream team

posted about a year ago

no, then he would actually know where you from

posted about a year ago

for free?

posted about a year ago

sure but we also shouldn't be acting like they are unstoppable, their type of playstyle has always been easy to counterstrat relatively than let''s say optic and fnatic

posted about a year ago

sova, viper, raze, astra and cypher are probably the easiest agents rn, go ahead and give them a try

posted about a year ago

all good

posted about a year ago

okay elon musk alt account

posted about a year ago

5 engh (gmb)
4 sean gares(100t)
3 chet(optic)/sliggy
2 alecks(Prx)
1 mini(fnatic)

honorable mention - mce (theguard), carcass(g2 gozen)

posted about a year ago

can you direct me to a video like that?

posted about a year ago

to be able to watch pro optic games from only yay's perspective, absorbing all that knowledge. is there any way to do that? if not, it'd be a great addition to the esports scene. a video library of top player's best performances only from their perspective.

posted about a year ago

sadly he would probably fuck you up or me in a fight, but I feel you.

posted about a year ago

it's hard to tell what even happened with him, did he just forgot how to aim sometimes during champions. cause he used to be great.

posted about a year ago

knowing m3c, they have a plan for that no?

posted about a year ago

because he is the most hard to overrate and unedrrate, he has value but he is also not dependable.

posted about a year ago

he said somewhere that before the liquid match, he had only played skye 2 times as prac for the match. pretty good considering that. and the only way to go is up

posted about a year ago

honestly, he's not someone the other players can depend on but he has been a pretty good setter for the other players, especially since he didn't really play any of these agents before. If he could get back into his berlin or even champions form, he could be a pretty solid flex. chronicle on duelist is a joy to watch so i don't think a switch back would be a good option.

posted about a year ago

chamber(for b site)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

just how aggresive is this whole team man? crazy fun too watch them play

posted about a year ago

yeah but what rank is your statistic professor, probably a bronze noob.

posted about a year ago

yeah i thought the same way, the teirlist is still pretty good because stats do show a good amount f reality of the games. viper I think is a tier, but because she is such a great playmaker, I wouldn't disagree if somebody considered her s tier. Sova I think is s tier, but he put it in a tier(because stats)

posted about a year ago

we read and write it the same way, but we just have a greater english influence or a blend of sort in our french when it is spoken. it is the same language tho. and honestly it is not that bad, you are exaggerating a bit much.

posted about a year ago

no publicity is bad publicity for him rn, he wants to grow in the val community. doesn't make me dislike him any less tho

posted about a year ago

Wealth, fame, power.

Gold Roger the king of the pirates obtained this and everything else the

World had to offer. And his dying words drove countless souls to the seas.

“You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered

Together in one place. Now you just have to find it! ”

These words lured men to the grand line, pursuing dreams greater than they

Ever dared to imagine. This is the time known as the great pirate era.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

v1 2-0

posted about a year ago

yeah but everybody is talking about optic and fnatic and guild and prx, not enough people are talking about loud

posted about a year ago

they will at least get deep into playoffs, if not win. LOUD as a team is a sleeper. nobody except brazilians talk about them when talking about Copenhagen possibilities.

posted about a year ago

yeah, but the points still stays. redgar is only needed to fulfill his role and have a reasonable acs, he could igl. because nats and chronicle are the main fraggers.

but if redgar was needed to frag out, which he sometimes does, igl shouldn't be worrying about kills.

nobody is saying that duelists need to be fragger, they most often are because their kits amplify their ability to get kills, especially when put together with good ability usage by the other roles.

but m3c is a good example for not needing a hard carry duelist. so it is the perfect analogy.

posted about a year ago

dudes trying to be the jake lucky of val fr

posted about a year ago

if you want your duelist to also be the main fragger, then no.

if the duelist just needs to entry and create space, then sure.

for example. deffo fulfilled his role well. he couldn't frag. but at that time they had chronicle and nats.
now deffo is underperforming way too much and they are lagging behind in firepower so they need a fragger duelist, so they switch chronicle to duelist.

posted about a year ago

yes that is what im saying, plus they are private dms. its a convo with no filter. a lot of other pros probably say worse things about other teams or even regions. no need to "ban" him.

-lieutenant major of The Supernova Army

posted about a year ago

we can't let this die, so bump

posted about a year ago

honestly they should bench marved, he won't ever be able to perform well in the tier 1 scene

posted about a year ago

i like the chaos, i enjoy it even.

posted about a year ago

nah in canada, you get two guys where one is speaking in hindi and the other is speaking in Punjabi and they understand each other pretty well. one seems like a dialect, idk which one is the original language. i could be wrong idk, that is what comes to mind tho.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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