Flag: Kazakhstan
Registered: December 6, 2021
Last post: October 14, 2023 at 1:11 PM
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to be fair, everyone hates Indians too

posted about a year ago

they gotta win the whole thing to get revenge

posted about a year ago

bro is obsessed with NA. bet he changed his fav team after the LOUD match

posted about a year ago

duh. cned's 111 kill game was against the rank 104 team in EMEA lmao. vlr users disappoint me everyday

posted about a year ago

they're playing the 2nd best NA team. plus its a seeding match and half the team has covid. ik it sounds like coping but the loss wasn't unpredictable

posted about a year ago

cryo's 103 kills in 4 maps are way more impressive. dude dropped +43 on a good team

posted about a year ago

are u talking about the guy who is still playing outdated jett bc he can't play raze or chamber or any other agents? oh and he also is the team's op crutch...

posted about a year ago

damn that is so crazy that these disgusting teams are using their best options to win games. filthy

posted about a year ago

are you sure about that Mr. LOUD fan? ;)

posted about a year ago

and the game was only close bc of cryocells. what is ur point?

posted about a year ago

bro dropped 34 kills in a map holy copium

posted about a year ago

want to counter claim or just accept ur wrong? god I hate the kids on this website

posted about a year ago

half a year everyone cried about zombs. then the last month they made a change and now they cry zombs needs to comeback. when will vlr users learn they are absolutely unintelligent

posted about a year ago

bro said changing a roster of team that hasn't changed in like 2 yrs and getting a coach when theyve never had a coach is a MINOR change lmao. god vlr users are so braindead. no wonder all the pros hate them

posted about a year ago

Loud has no decent competition in their region and it forces the best players onto a single super team. similar to old vision strikers. like imagine if EMEA and NA somehow got their best players on one team instead of spread out

posted about a year ago

typical vlr user braindead thread lol

posted about a year ago

stellar is legit their best player behind maybe asuna (who has been inconsistent lately). vlr users have the memory (and brain) of a goldfish

posted about a year ago

these are the type of people I was referring to^^ perfect example of avg vlr user

posted about a year ago

why would they want someone who hasn't played pro valorant in almost 2 years? also, what is with all the shahz hate? do yall have the memory of a goldfish? shahz top fragged the last 2 LANs that Sen went to and is the center of the team. also, why do yall think they are gonna make roster changes when they're still in the middle of the current roster change lol. they haven't changed their roster in over a year, then once they do bc people were complaining, people complain again since their team didn't instantly become superstars overnight. it takes time to build (btw every pro hates vlr bc of these types of threads)

posted about a year ago

u are not a fan. u are a hater and a delusional one. complaining about needing a big change when they are in the middle of one lmao

posted about a year ago

ur telling me a team that just had a roster change, got a coach, and an emergency sub mid-VCT is not playing at their best? crazy. its almost like it takes time... c9 didn't qualify and they only had 1/3 of these issues

posted about a year ago

why would the most popular valorant team not get franchised? braindead much?

posted about a year ago

don't need to. last Masters already ratio'd it

posted about a year ago

do u watch international events? bc optic won the last one and are the current best team in the world lmao

posted about a year ago

u are comparing a team with little experience to teams with a ton of experience. Sen dominated early valorant and nothing will change that

posted about a year ago

bring back sinatraa! I know he hasn't played pro valorant in like 2 years but he's obviously the best player!

posted about a year ago

his valorant track record is the best? won an international LAN and has the most fans in all of valorant

posted about a year ago

a big change like getting a coach, a new roster when they haven't changed in over a year, and emergency-subbing one of their best players? oh wait that's what happened... braindead people acting like they need a big change when they are literally in the middle of one lmao. like chill, it takes time to build a team

posted about a year ago

if it isn't obvious, team changes mid VCT do not work out lol. they just need practice and time. same idea for when Sen got Rawkus and people were bewildered they didn't win the next game :/

posted about a year ago

bro said sinatraa and zombs are world class hahah im dead. ur a troll account right?

posted about 2 years ago

people think a coach's impact is mid-match. a coach's impact is prep for matches which takes time. just like actual sport coaches

posted about 2 years ago

bro literally just got hired. dumbass

posted about 2 years ago

how is addressing each thing you said random LMAOOOO?? its quite literally the most unrandom thing to do

posted about 2 years ago

lmao you seriously think playing video games is a talent thing? NA may have a smaller population, but there's plenty of people equal in talent. The difference maker is if people actually care about turning it into a career and actually try

posted about 2 years ago

its my first account lmao. you're pathetic. "hated on Brazil for 2 days" lmao that''s hilarious if you actually think that. Lastly, where are the Brazil teams?

posted about 2 years ago

I guarantee most people in NA don't give a shit about esports. They don't see it as a real career and most have no clue that esports is an actual thing

posted about 2 years ago

what an actual loser. no one gives a shit about you or any of these threads. plus its just trash talk btw regions. only idiots would call it xenophobia. however, it is true everyone in valorant hates brazil at the moment, but death threats is a very good reason to hate that group (ofc its a small group of brazilians that do that, but based off vlr and twitter im not so sure)

posted about 2 years ago

tf is ESEA advanced? no one gives a shit about that

posted about 2 years ago

if you think Shahz is bad, then literally everyone at this tournament is dogshit by comparison. considering this is the top tournament in the world, you are very clearly braindead

posted about 2 years ago

tf does flag check mean? what a creep... explains the braindead reply when a Brazilian is whining over one of the top fraggers of Champions simply bc he is on Sen. Hella biased and shit take

posted about 2 years ago

are you gonna cry? maybe give out death threats? maybe give another reason for the entire world to continue hating brazil?

posted about 2 years ago

making? they already looked bad long before. there's a reason everyone in the world hates them rn

posted about 2 years ago

you realize Shahzam top fragged almost every game he played at Champions? youre literally on a site that has the stats to these games and do not bother to check? how stupid can you be

posted about 2 years ago

if he's washed then every single player at Champions is washed. Go check the box scores

posted about 2 years ago

its embarrassing and shows how retarded people are by thinking shahzam is the issue. go check all the games Sen has played in Champions and tell me who MVPs every single game. it is very obvious he is one of the best players in valorant rn

posted about 2 years ago
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