Flag: Colombia
Registered: April 19, 2022
Last post: December 7, 2022 at 7:58 PM
Posts: 174
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exactly, literally a top3 sentinel player itw

posted about a year ago

always the same thing, when are people going to start expecting results from these teams, they lost to a team with a sub, they should've won that

posted about a year ago

people still have this delusional inherent believe that emea and na teams are the only good ones and the asian teams are the underdogs, then they treat them like 5 year olds whenever they do something good as if they're not professional players who get paid to play well

posted about a year ago

2/8 nt (not teague)

posted about a year ago

I can't keep defending you if you spew out shit like this

posted about a year ago

everytime an upset happens, people start bringing up platchat predictions / tier lists. Yeah no shit they got it wrong, it's an upset for a reason. People saying that they should've predicted that both finalists of last masters would've lost today as if 98% of pickems aren't fucked already. If you made your favorite analyst / IGL made a list, don't you think they would've got it wrong too?

posted about a year ago

"ive said for so long"

has never said that before ever

posted about a year ago

yes, bound to happen when you base your gameplan on him getting picks

posted about a year ago

not even the best initiator in this game

posted about a year ago

VLR fix


posted about a year ago

people talking about platchat but if they had made their own prediction 99/100 would've said LOUD won, the only 1 left being trembolona

posted about a year ago

100t fans really tried to tell me will was better lmao

posted about a year ago

I swear some people here can't think for themselves and just wait for sliggy/tmv to say something

posted about a year ago

my favorite player is now monsteerr who took his job

posted about a year ago

kiles is literally the eu zombs

posted about a year ago

goddamn that light blue envy shirt was awful

posted about a year ago

shroud and zombs

good in multiple fps games
sentinels' smokes player
dark hair, white skin and glasses
meh stats

never seen them in the same room together btw

posted about a year ago

"finally an unbiased and good list unlike bronzechat"🤓

posted about a year ago

is he also a "hard entry" when playing chamber ?

posted about a year ago

I was called insane...

posted about a year ago

so the other posts weren't bait??😭 😭 😭

posted about a year ago

Ha "I want Fnatic fans to keep a stable image in the valorant community" Sanity

posted about a year ago

lmao that's like saying I support real madrid and barcelona at the same time. I don't understand how you are talking about bandwagoners when you support fnatic in masters2, liquid when nivera joined and fnatic now that they're good

posted about a year ago

yes since jett is a controller hybrid already according to my ranked teammates

posted about a year ago

shahzam to sub in as IGL (source: bigjimmy1234)

posted about a year ago

remember that bigjimmy1234 broke these news to talk about stewie, and leorge tweeted about it to talk about drama.

-bigjimmy1234, the real reporter of valorant

posted about a year ago

doesn't it let you zoom in?

posted about a year ago

leaked conversation between wardell and stewie about valorant, looks like he's leaning to not switching

posted about a year ago

you know a baiter is truly awful when they have to specify they're baiting because they dont' want to be downvoted🤣

posted about a year ago

at your service my IGL

posted about a year ago

eu time perception 😹 😹

posted about a year ago

masters 1 and 2 winner, challengers stage 2 and 3 first seed as sentinels best player. It's about 2021 as a whole not only the last few months

posted about a year ago

2023: mocking

posted about a year ago

I'm sick of this stupid argument so I basically wrote this essay to clear things up.

Chamber is not a duelist - he is a sentinel, he simply does his job in a way that is contrary to other sentinels.

All 4 sentinels, (Chamber, KJ, Cypher and Sage) are incredibly strong defensive picks, that can stop pushes solo, and are incredibly powerful when guarding their territory, they struggle; however, when adventuring outside of their territory (Cypher/Killjoy leaving setup, Chamber when leaving TP radius and Sage when having to play offensively (all of her utility struggles when attempting to take space). This is consistent across all sentinels, and is unique to them (and Viper, who is a Controller/Sentinel hybrid as stated by riot themselves).

Where people often get confused with Chamber is his proficiency in getting kills, especially first bloods. While this was historically not a sentinel thing to do (prior to his release), it is not reason to see Chamber as a duelist. Duelists, as stated by riot, "seek out engagements first". Chamber (by himself) has no utility to seek out engagements. No flashes, drones, information gathering, or mobility. His only "mobility" tool is his roundezvous, which can only allow him to retreat. (no possibility of entrying, unlike a Jett, Neon, Raze, Yoru, Reyna or Phoenix, who all have some sort of tool to engage a fight and break through into space. His other abilities, while kill oriented, are designed that way because to do his job (lock down space), he needs to get kills. Unlike Cypher, KJ and Sage, who can shut down an entire push without getting a single kill, Chamber's kit is designed that he must be taking engagements and getting kills to achieve the same site holding potential. His rondezvous, headhunter, and tour de force are all designed to allow him to 1. take an early fight to get info/pick, like a camera or turret. 2. slow down attackers, like a slorb, swarm grenade or cyber cage and 3. incentivize chamber to play within his territory, like a barrier orb, KJ passive, or trapwire.

to clear up even more confusion, and to hopefully stop any future arguments about agent roles; there is a simple way you can tell what an agent's role is by the way they interact with SPACE

Controllers define the space (split up the map, what parts of the map do you want to claim? what parts do you want the opponent to stay in?)
Initiators weaken the space (study and observe the space you want to weaken, without entering it. weaken the defenders of the space with utility to create openings for attack)
Duelists invade the space (enter the space as fast as possible and during the window of highest threat. quickly claim space for your team to allow them to follow you in)
Sentinels defend the space (hold down and weaken attackers when they attempt to claim your space, retain information on space your team already owns)

As you can see, there are lots of different ways to, define, weaken, invade and defend space, but at the end of the day, the agents in those roles will be best suited for doing that job, even if it may be in a much more unique style than other agents of that class.

TLDR; Chamber whole kit about defending his territory, no initiation tools (unlike duelists), kills/FB =/= duelist.

posted about a year ago

ironic coming from BR valorant fan

posted about a year ago

you started off by saying that saying chamber is a duelist is a stupid argument, and how he doesn't have any initiation tools unlike duelists. Now you're saying he's a sentinel/duelist hybrid. Glad to see you're slowly understanding

posted about a year ago

replace chamber with reyna

posted about a year ago

ok but change ign please I can't be seen defending someone who goes by "mocking"

posted about a year ago

remember when I owned you
I can use my powers for you for the right price

posted about a year ago

I'm in debt now man wtf!

posted about 2 years ago

I refuse to elaborate on how the roles would work by the way

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

counter . + you fell off + Lenny Time made you and you betrayed them

posted about 2 years ago

lmao get baited you suck

posted about 2 years ago

because being your fan is no longer considered delusional and is now based

posted about 2 years ago

most humble 100t fan

posted about 2 years ago

he's not as overhyped for a reason + he wouldn't have made it to a single lan anyways

posted about 2 years ago
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