Flag: Czech Republic
Registered: December 29, 2021
Last post: June 7, 2023 at 8:56 AM
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my favourite team was TNL esports. They were, to the regular KR viewer, the 2nd or 3rd best KR team pre-franchising. During Masters 3 Berlin qualification, they were the best KR team not named Vision Strikers.

The qualification tournament was single-elim, and they happened to be given the misfortune of playing VS in the semifinals, which they lost ofc. Due to the nature of the tournament, they did not even get a single point to qualify for LCQ. Thus they basically could not do anything for the rest of 2021. They failed to keep themselves financially afloat, and thus disbanded. Some of their players went to ONS. Some went to Japan. They are all insane players. Not many were aware or believed me when I said that VS was not made of the best players in Korea, and that Korea is more than one team.

In 2022, only one player on TNL made it to an international event: Meteor.

And finally, in 2023, 3 of the 5 TNL members were reunited on GEN.G, the team that went 4-0 in the Pacific League, but choked and barely made it into playoffs, where they lost to T1.

You realise that qualification is different in CS than Valorant, right? You realise that KR had a free slot to international events, right? You realise that the 2nd best team in Korea failed to qualify for a single international because of a shitty tournament circuit and the members left to find success on different teams. Meanwhile, the team that did qualify, consistently choked themselves before reaching Semis, got knocked out in groups, and thus affected the view on the region as whole.

Sure, I'm not in the worst spot; at least I have a national team to cheer for. I'm fortunate to not be a fan of a team like BLEED or TODAK or Disguised or MAD Lions, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed to want vindication for the "one team region", "kr sucks outside of drx", "east asia sucks, apac teams would roll east asian teams", "why is kr so bad, rito biased towards kr" slander I've heard over the past 2 years.

this is the last reply ill send u. i find it hilarious that you're basically flaming me because you cant cope with your team in another game not doing well. cry about it to someone else instead of insulting me

posted about a year ago

bro why are u taking ur personal problems out on me lol

you know we only had 1 rep qual to main events, so everyone was talking shit about the region being a one team region and our 1 rep didnt even win anything like LOUD did. for 2 years it was like that.

posted about a year ago

munchkin said it years ago iirc, cba to find link

im sure he changed his mind tho ofc, people can change their opinions. ive done that.

posted about a year ago

idk why ur calling me greedy when we share the same mindset as fans then. you never had to deal with the slander kr got over the past 2 years too lol

posted about a year ago

yes. i also called geng frauds but they got less fury from me because they signed kr tier 2 talent instead of 2 kr NA imports, 1 import from a new game, 1 guy who said he never wanted to play in kr again, and 1 actually good kr player who was moved to NA

i mean yeah theyre still a kr team and yeah ill cancel what i originally said about them being frauds, but at the time i think i was pretty justified in disliking the org. especially after joe marsh said that t1 weren't coming back to korea.

posted about a year ago

i was actually considering adding "more than enough" but i could not have cared to edit a meaningless post on an obscure internet forum

as for greedy, well, i just want to see my region win. don't you?

posted about a year ago

fucking hell

posted about a year ago

true coulda had 3 kr teams at tokyo and champs, would have been awesome to see as a kr fan but honestly all 3 in top 4 is enough

posted about a year ago

fucking hell the number of known orgs in CN valorant is already higher than KR valorant

we got t1 geng drx nongshim and dplus, they have
rare atom

posted about a year ago

they were leaving korea 💀 traitors but they restroed honour to the region by making top 4.

could you imagine how strong korea could have been the past 2 years if they never left to get shit on in NA tier 2

posted about a year ago

i called them frauds originally because they abandoned korea but they been proving me wrong

posted about a year ago

creative ideas and good midrounding too

posted about a year ago

kinda crazy to see him beat the fraud allegations

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

hence u screaming in the mountains and not on vlr

posted about a year ago

stardew valley is goated

tbf i dont think drx is washed i think they can make a run, i just dont think they have the presence of a winner.

posted about a year ago

this is something i feel that yessirskii would scream in the mountains

posted about a year ago

Not as far as I can tell, but tbf Stax didn't really have IGLing experience either. I was wondering that mostly because Stax is a better fragger than Rb, so it may have been worth letting Rb call since he is the weakest in terms of fragging ability.

Serious cracksmoking thought but one I was entertaining.

posted about a year ago

Zest is a cold mf. This guy was calmly fistbumping during the FPX OT Ascent game lmao

posted about a year ago

I've actually thought that they wouldn't win a trophy for a while tbh, the post I made isn't directly correlated to Ascent. I didn't even watch the full map.

posted about a year ago

I was wondering if they should have made Rb the IGL instead of Stax.

posted about a year ago

Only Sayaplayer comes close. But BuZz actually diffed cNed when they matched up. I think Derke and Aspas are on a different level to any other Jett we've ever seen. Don't put TenZ and cNed with those guys.

posted about a year ago

I think it's not just their midrounding but like that serious clutch gene. We know DRX don't mentally choke like they did, where they implode after one loss - but we do know that they definitely feel pressure and are slow to really pull up when it matters. I feel like aside from MaKo and maybe Stax, no one on DRX is consistently a big game player.

posted about a year ago

It's great that T1 actually go so far vs DRX, huge improvement. I kind of don't want to see DRX win this though.

posted about a year ago

They'll always be good for semis I think.

posted about a year ago

I think even GEN.G might surpass DRX with some roster changes. Good for the region but sucks for DRX.

posted about a year ago

There's always something that's holding them back. Like some kind of wall. I came to this sobering conclusion during the shower after my gym session and ngl, they're just missing something. And I think it's a deep running problem.

I love my boys but ngl, I think PRX are better. And T1 have higher potential too.

posted about a year ago

holy shit i came back from jim and this stage is fucking NUTS

posted about a year ago

Reading this back it makes no sense.

yes they pushed loud to their breaking point but that doesn't mean they're a good team

worst take ive ever seen lol

LOUD literally have never not made the grand finals of a tournament before except during Copenhagen.

posted about a year ago

Ive taken whole year international performance for 2022

Then Marved or MaKo deserve to be there over pAncada as both of them have been better and more consistent smokers across the year. pAncada peaked at Champs and was decent the rest of the year except Copenhagen. Marved peaked at M1 and was good over the rest of the year, and MaKo had the highest consistent performance over all three tournaments.

And kiNggg is amazing but let's be honest he is not good enough to be part of a dream team. That surely has to go to either Boaster or Saadhak.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

that is crazy. i only remember him saying he was plat or sth in his original post

posted about a year ago

I don't think he's ever hit immo bro

posted about a year ago

Ullyr already speaks Chinese

posted about a year ago

Didn't my man say he was gonna go pro in Val

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

so much for that

posted about a year ago

I'm at the top, top, top, top, top

posted about a year ago

He's good too, just haven't heard enough of him tho

posted about a year ago

Blade Runner 2049
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Children of Men
Planet of the Apes
Ghost in the Shell
The Sky Crawlers
Cloud Atlas
Upside Down
The Road
District 9
Made in Abyss
Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade

posted about a year ago


but also CaptainFlowers, Machine, Kobe, Medic, Launders, and SpunJ clear

posted about a year ago

goated game ngl

posted about a year ago

If you told me in 2021 the OpTic core would be underrated going into C9 + Zellsussy, a disgusting whelp, and a collegiate farmer I would have slapped you silly.

posted about a year ago

i just listened to it and it is really something damn

posted about a year ago

cheers man, really helpful stuff !

posted about a year ago

hope so man

posted about a year ago

thank u sir o7

posted about a year ago
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