Flag: United States
Registered: February 14, 2022
Last post: June 6, 2023 at 3:08 AM
Posts: 1199
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Big if true

posted about a year ago

Ok buddy

posted about a year ago

Having a slightly above average sized penis

posted about a year ago

Me, remember?

posted about a year ago

He literally is a lefty

posted about a year ago

Are you racist?

posted about a year ago

How is he even racist??

posted about a year ago

L plus ratio plus I'm banging your dad as we speak

posted about a year ago

British 🤢🤢

posted about a year ago

Notice how my name isn't said? It's because I'm the smartest

posted about a year ago

Shownu, we've already decided

posted about a year ago

So true! 🏳️‍🌈 girls are the best!

posted about a year ago

Me. Its me. I am. You can't find any NA Challengers prediction or post where I was wrong. I am always right. I am the smartest.

HM: anyone who agreed with me
And cresp and pocket and obelisk and gamr and kuuga

Dishonorable mentions: BRUTALITY

posted about a year ago

Wrong, I did

posted about a year ago

They are God's chosen people

posted about a year ago

No one will post negative comments, they're too afraid of having shit stains

posted about a year ago

Let me have my fun

posted about a year ago

Check your pants

posted about a year ago

Glad to be a part of such a wholesome community!

Btw anyone who bashes this thread has treadmaeks on their underwear

posted about a year ago

Nahhhhh bro mwzera is way more valuable

posted about a year ago

I'm literally the smartest vlr user

posted about a year ago

I hope so too brother, I shall go to sleep now though. 2 girls messaged me so I think I'll be happy, but I will deal with whatever happens tomorrow. I have a workout, 2 hours of Korean practice, and my last vacation day to look foward to and then I'll respond to the messages and continue on from there. Vlr has been very supportive of me in the past so I hope to repay all that I've been given by those in the community. I hope your day is a beautiful as your treatment towards me

posted about a year ago

Not too bad, mxm look super solid too

posted about a year ago

I understand the sentiment friend, but it can get better and that's the hardest part. While there is nothing wrong with the life you presented, I believe it is only doing oneself justice to never stop attempting to do something new or different, even if the change is small like eating breakfast every day or going for a run once a week

posted about a year ago

I made sure I put my mental health first and foremost. I was severely bullied in hs for a large portion of it (I got into fist fights and shit on top of the verbal stuff) so I made sure I found ways to keep myself sane. Something that worked for me was to go running which helped a lot before I was hospitalized. My grades even improved slightly cuz I was in a better state of mind

posted about a year ago

I hope one day you find peace with yoirself

posted about a year ago

I feel you brother, but believe in yourself, invest in your hobbies, and always put your best foot foward no matter what

posted about a year ago

Many thanks friend! Hope your weekend is as wonderful as you are

posted about a year ago

Muchas Gracias cresp!

posted about a year ago

So true, the best advice I was ever given is that whenever you feel nervous about whether someone wants to talk to you or text, that they're usually feeling the same way. If if they secretly hate you like you fear, who cares. They can go fuck themselves

posted about a year ago

You must learn from the mistakes of others. You will never live long Enough to make them all yourself - elaborate roosevelt

posted about a year ago

WOOOOOOOOOOO it's vacation brother, my older brother graduated college and we traveled to celebrate. Life is so tough at times but so beautiful and wonderful

posted about a year ago

I feel sorry that your life is so meaningless you waste time tearing others down for trying to help people

posted about a year ago

Bruh I can't afford that. I just go where I don't get carded lmaooooo. But the weed beer is where it's at, I highly recommend

posted about a year ago

Bro I'm 11 white claws deep, cut some slack onformatting

posted about a year ago

Bros, real talk from a drunk college student who was semi pro in hs. You guys gotta touch grass. Vlr is fun and shit, but make sure you do something productive. Doesn't have to be work or some shit, but life feels better when you can look back and see how you've improved. Pick up a language or instrument. Work part time. Exercise. Start small build your way up. And despite what you or other may think finding love doesn't count towards this. I've dated some incredible women and a couple men in my life and let me tell you. I may not regret it, I definitely could've done better with my life. I dated an actual model and felt so happy and overjoyed at the time, but 20 years from now I won't remember that all too well. What I'll remember from this time is how I performed at a concert, or played val competitively for my hs and won tourneys. Get the life achievements you desire. Because that's what's make you happy when you look back on your time. Not the YouTube videos. Not the shoes you bought. Not the dates you had. If you guys have any additional statements, say them below. Let's help the younger users avoid the pitfalls we fell into

Edit: if for whatever reason you feel alone a like life has no meaning, I feel you. Reach out to me on here or insta (amboreal) and I'll listen to whatever you have going on. Nobody deserves to feel isolated

posted about a year ago

Tears over beers by modern baseball

This song is like super relatable to me personally and helped me move past some shit so I hope some of you guys enjoy it as it is a song that inspired me during my awkward teen years

What are some of your goated songs?

posted about a year ago

They just aren't as dedicated as I am

posted about a year ago

Cuz of all the fucking essays of analysis I've wrote on it in total prolly

posted about a year ago

Ttr still better honestly

posted about a year ago

Oxg and m80 aren't similar caliber teams? In both those games ttr performed near their ceiling and oxg and m80 had some question plays such as throwing situation they should've played safer in cuz they were over confident. Macro wise they were still ahead of ttr

posted about a year ago

No, Gordo win!

posted about a year ago

Broski, I've been complimenting them since day one, chill tf out. What I'm saying is that they're similar caliber teams, and that won't colum it to win the tourney

posted about a year ago

Downfrag all you want, im literally right in every way, watch the games or even just look at stats if you're lazy

posted about a year ago

Trent an eeiu are also just straight up better

posted about a year ago

I'll go in order of least relevant to most relevant.

G2. Fell off so hard just like I said since split one, these guys are just too easy to antistrat. Oxy is overrated and anyone who says he isn't doesn't watch the games.

Faze. Roster fell apart since day 1. GG just rebuild around Supa and poised honestly

SR. They beat m80 during split 2 and showed signs of life, but a team that struggled a bit against TTR don't really stand a chance. I believe this is the beginning of the end for vanity

TSM. The only team in the losers bracket who could realistically punch up. Solid players but that's it. They lack the superstars that all the teams above them have.

Oxg. I love this teams narrative with Ruston and reduxx. Plus always nice to see mitch do well. If they were playing in any other vrl I would have them as favorites, but sadly the 3 teams better than them have top 5 players for every position. These guys are the biggest underdogs who could actually win. Great coaching, great leadership, reduxx could always surprise everyone.

M80. I'm gonna get a lot of hate for putting them 3rd, but they've been super shaky since split 2. The gap they had initially isn't there anymore. They still look great, it's just that all the teams around them have improved so much. They do however have the easiest way to winners finals due to being seed 1. And it goes without mentioning they have on paper probably the best roster individual wise.

MxM. I said it since the start, these guys will surprise everyone.once they got backing from an org they've just been pounding. Every player is so incredibly clutch on this roster, it's incredible to see. The biggest issue they have is that other teams in the top 3 have more team cohesion, to the fractions of a second longer it takes them to do shit could bite them in the ass at times.

GORD. Best team by a sliver. They had a hiccup towards the middle of the season where their macro and micro were very sloppy. Best player in the tournament with trent and the roster has been together forever. These guys are definitely the favorites going into these games and bar any concussions, no team should beat them on paper

posted about a year ago

Look man I love the guard but he's still behind koala and sym, but there is a huge gap after him

posted about a year ago

Please don't delete the Jenna Ortega pics, they're funny af, but delete all the others please

posted about a year ago

Stop by to post your appreciation to the best show ever made!!!!!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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