Flag: United States
Registered: September 4, 2022
Last post: April 28, 2024 at 11:48 PM
Posts: 153
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i feel like only c9w and sr consistently compete in those co-ed tournies. most of the other gc teams only compete in gc

posted about a year ago

let's see. i feel like most gc teams need to participate more in co-ed tournies first, because gc experience is not enough to get on a partnered team

that being said she has amazing potential, esp since she's so young

posted about a year ago

how do you guys find so many artists to listen to? i'm trying to expand my playlist but I get so impatient listening to songs I don't like and trying to find songs I like

posted about a year ago

c9w 2-0, but closer than their last games


posted about a year ago

basketball>american football

posted about a year ago

i'm saying this as a fan of a kpop group, kpop mv/fancam views are a joke. yeah there are non-fans who watch them but most views come from the same die-hard fans streaming constantly (literally devoting their sad lives) to get the views up. it's more so popular for the "aesthetics" if you will. some of the popular kpop groups have iffy songs, but it helps that they're attractive and the mv production is cool in kpop.

posted about a year ago

green, water

posted about a year ago

aged well

posted about a year ago

actually the dm was closer to

other: how old are you?
keenc: 19
other: oh I thought you were older why are you only playing now? [context: participation is >16]
keenc: I just switched

so that last message is what people are suspicious about
I do agree with everything you said and I feel bad that those who are actually nb are in weird situations now

posted about a year ago

col looks a lot better but idk man, c9's been at the top since the beginning, they have more experience and can handle the pressure

we'll see how it goes. nonetheless so so happy with col's improvement & the gc scene overall. msf as well!

posted about a year ago

c9w not fun to watch until they go to berlin and play actual good teams

posted about a year ago

one of these is not like the others

posted about a year ago

one weird person shouldn't put actual non-binary people at fault.

posted about a year ago

she's really inconsistent though; i feel like she relies on her aim too much

posted about a year ago

sarah's aim is probably the best in the lobby, but c9w is better at everything else and it shows.

posted about a year ago

i don't really listen to a variety of music, I like ateez

posted about a year ago

they need to find a better system but it's so hard to prove someone's gender identity... this is especially unfortunate for real non-binary folks who're probably in bad positions rn because of a couple weird ppl. sadge

posted about a year ago

col 2-0

eg 2-1 if the keenc situation goes poorly

posted about a year ago

unlucky for immortals twice in a row yikes
c9w 2-0

posted about a year ago

hopefully the keenc situation gets sorted and it doesn't fuck up my pickems

posted about a year ago

col is gonna need to beat c9w to qualify because they don't have enough circuit points accumulated rn :(

posted about a year ago

what they do it based on circuit points? i did not know that woww that's gonna sad for col then they're looking insane rn

posted about a year ago

Watching GC (NA) right now makes me really excited. Obviously C9W's a lock for berlin, and for a while I thought SR had the best shot at the second spot. But recently + this quali so far, there's been so many teams who've been improving: EG, COL, XSET, MSF. and of course a lot of other teams + unsigned as well. I still think SR has the best chance of qualifying, but the chance of an upset for that second spot seems to be getting more likely. SR lost a bo3 to EG recently and COL's even beating SR convincingly rn map 1.

Also just overall I'm really happy to see the GC scene improving and having more depth with the amount of good teams

Who are you guys rooting for to get that second spot? Or teams that have improved a lot that you think deserve some more praise?

posted about a year ago

idk what you accomplished by saying this, that was unnecessary and pointless

posted about a year ago

he isn't killing them because of his aim, not because he's not in good positions to kill them which is what you seem to be arguing, but correct me if i'm wrong

posted about a year ago

it does! :)

posted about a year ago

i mean, optic is the most consistent team so idk why you're surprised they're in the top 3. loud bombed out last playoffs and this is the furthest drx has gone.

posted about a year ago

?? i know who you're talking about as he's pretty popular on here, but nah. abcdefgh is just my val name

posted about a year ago

huge W in a sea of L's in this forum.

posted about a year ago

their comment about optic tech pauses was out of line, but they tweeted about it and apologized to the players. admitted their mistake. i mean, chet had a similar instance when he was being passive aggressive to paper rex after their loss, he apologized as well. you say stuff in the heat of the moment. these aren't the only instances and it's really not a big deal. apologized and moved on.

tbh i think 90% of teams would've accepted the replay. you're being told to do something by a higher up and literally the company organizing the tournament. they have a second chance at the biggest event of the year. most would've accepted and even if not, i don't think xset is completely out of line here. like yea, fnatic doesn't but these are opposite sides of the spectrum, only 2 teams in the world. many other teams would take xsets actions when given the chance

maybe those are your opinions which you are entitled to, but i think your last comment was out of line. of course this was a big mistake by riot, but it is not even nearly a big enough mistake for xset to be receiving hate, and i bet they're getting death threats sent their way right now which is completely unacceptable.

posted about a year ago

I think xset has the normal reaction and decision that teams would make in that situation. i mean, riot, a higher up and literally the company organizing everything is telling you to do something, not to mention you get a second chance in the biggest event of the year. anyone would take that. xset never asked first, they only accepted after being presented the choice by riot. i think the bug is stupid and that it happens all the time (which it shouldn't) but that's just how it is. if you replay this round you uncover like 50 instances in international events where other bugs happened that all of a sudden qualify for replay. so I don't think it should've been replayed, but it is SO unfortunate that it happened at 11-12 for them.

also fpx didn't know that xset didn't ask for the replay and that riot initiated it. so maybe their tweets are not as respectful, but it is literally past midnight there, they're exhausted, finally done playing after hours and were relaxed/celebrating. their hard work pays off for this win and want to prepare for next do-or-die match. then suddenly being told that they still have a chance of being eliminated and they have to play right then. especially over a dumb bug that shouldn't have happened, I would be so upset and anxious too.

both are not good positions to be in. we don't even know what would've happened if the turret didn't bug. fpx still had a chance of winning. or xset could've won in ot. but this is an international tournament, there are no "what ifs" random and stupid shit happens all the time and you just accept the outcome and move on. it is neither of the team's faults, especially xset as people are heavily blaming them right now. i think this is a very big mistake from riot (first the bug, then the decision to remake).

posted about a year ago

i think there's a small chance of 2 upsets (loud/xset). but I really hope drx wins. i just want some exciting games pls

posted about a year ago

all this na vs emea talk just for drx to win grand finals

(okay but PLEASE drx, PLEASE)

posted about a year ago

Hopefully will be a great day for the one and only diablo!

posted about a year ago

i didn't really have any advice to give him so I went for the bad joke route which was probably unnecessary, so mb

posted about a year ago

stop working out. valorant is more important

posted about a year ago
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